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1 марта 2025, суббота 05:25

№ 19787618

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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27 Фев
Abkommen mit den USA über Mineralien: Zelenskyy versichert, dass die Ukraine keine Schuldverpflichtungen haben wird (E-News)
Präsident Volodymyr Zelenskyy hat bestätigt, dass zwischen der Ukraine und den Vereinigten Staaten ein Rahmenabkommen über die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Mineralien geschlossen wurde. Er betonte, dass das Dokument keine Schuldenverpflichtungen für Kiew vorsieht, und dementierte Gerüchte über mögliche Milliarden-Dollar-Kredite.  Zelenskyy äußerte ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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27 Фев
In der Ukraine hat die Registrierung von Marktteilnehmern für Öl und Erdölprodukte für das neue Meldesystem begonnen (E-News)
Ab dem 26. Februar 2025 begann in der Ukraine der Prozess der Registrierung von Marktteilnehmern für Öl und Erdölprodukte im neuen elektronischen Meldesystem (ERS), das die Verfolgung der Mindestbestände an Öl und Erdölprodukten ermöglicht. Dieses System ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Verbesserung der Markttransparenz und zur Gewährleistung einer ...
27 Фев
Bank deposits of Ukrainians: uneven distribution of savings (E-News)
As of February 1, 2025, the total amount of deposits of individuals, including individual entrepreneurs (IEPs), in the banking system of Ukraine reached UAH 1.38 trillion. However, almost half of these funds are concentrated in less than 1% of depositors. According to the Deposit Guarantee Fund, a significant part of savings is stored in the national currency - UAH 883.6 billion. At the same ...
26 Фев
Ukrainian Charitable Foundations Raised 28% More Donations in 2024 (E-News)
In 2024, the largest charitable foundations of Ukraine raised 24.1 billion hryvnias, which is 28% more than in the previous year. This was made possible thanks to the active support of citizens and international donors during the full-scale war. According to Opendatabot, over the three years of the war, the largest Ukrainian foundations, such as Povernys zhivym, Prytula Foundation, and United24, ...
26 Фев
EU steps up energy support for Ukraine: integration and financing (E-News)
The European Commission has presented a new package of energy support for Ukraine, aimed at strengthening the country’s energy security and its full integration into the European energy market. The document was published in Kyiv on 24 February. According to the plan, by 2027, the Ukrainian electricity market should be fully integrated with the European one, which will allow Ukraine to become ...
26 Фев
Die Ukraine intensiviert den Kampf gegen den illegalen Tabakmarkt: Was sich ändern wird (E-News)
Der Staatliche Steuerdienst der Ukraine (STS) intensiviert gemeinsam mit den Strafverfolgungsbehörden die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Schattenhandels mit Tabakprodukten. Die Behörden arbeiten außerdem an der Einführung elektronischer Steuermarken, die für Markttransparenz sorgen und die Haushaltseinnahmen erhöhen sollen. Dies gab der Leiter des ...
25 Фев
Le secteur des jeux d'argent en Ukraine bat des records : les recettes budgétaires ont été multipliées par 134 (E-News)
La dépénalisation et la fiscalisation du secteur des jeux de hasard en Ukraine démontrent un effet positif stable, transformant ce secteur en un secteur plus transparent et plus contrôlé. La croissance des recettes du budget de l’État constitue une forte confirmation de l’efficacité des changements introduits dans la réglementation du secteur. Comme l'a ...
25 Фев
Business in Ukraine during the war: over half a million closed businesses in three years (E-News)
Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Ukrainian business sector has undergone significant changes. Over the three years of the war, over 873 thousand new individual entrepreneurs and companies were registered in the country, but at the same time more than half a million businesses ceased their activities. According to data from analysts at YouControl, 104 ...
25 Фев
Début des tests de timbres d'accise électroniques en Ukraine : comment fonctionnera le système (E-News)
À partir du 1er mars 2025, les tests du système électronique « eExcise Stamps » commencent en Ukraine, ce qui permettra l'étiquetage numérique des produits soumis à accises. Il s’agit notamment des boissons alcoolisées, des produits du tabac et des liquides pour cigarettes électroniques, ce qui renforcera considérablement le contrôle de leur ...
24 Фев
Die Ukraine wird Gas importieren, um Produktionsverluste nach russischen Angriffen auszugleichen (E-News)
Die Ukraine ist gezwungen, im Februar und März 2025 bis zu 800 Millionen Kubikmeter Gas aus Europa zu importieren, da ihre eigene Produktion infolge einer Reihe russischer Raketenangriffe um 40 Prozent zurückgegangen ist. Dieser Schritt ist notwendig, um die Energiestabilität des Landes während der Heizsaison aufrechtzuerhalten. Dies berichtete Reuters unter Berufung auf eine ...
24 Фев
Ukraine significantly increases drone production: government invests 8 billion to develop technology (E-News)
In January 2025, Ukraine made significant progress in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, increasing production volumes 10 times compared to January 2024. This success was made possible thanks to active investments and government support, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said. He noted that over the past two years, Ukraine has significantly expanded production capacities in the defense ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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28 Фев
Dolci sani per corpo e figura (E-News)
Per molte ragazze che cercano di perdere peso, i dolci diventano un tabù. In realtà, però, alcuni dolci possono rivelarsi molto benefici anche se utilizzati per scopi diversi da quelli per cui sono stati concepiti. Ad esempio, la crema spalmabile al miele e al cioccolato può fare veri miracoli, ma non sul panino, bensì sulla pelle! Il miele non è solo un dolce ...
28 Фев
How to Create a Creative Atmosphere in the Office (E-News)
Creating a creative and comfortable office is an important task for any employer. After all, an office is not just a workspace, but a place where the most important processes of the company take place. In order for employees to feel comfortable and enjoy their work, the environment must be thoughtful and inspiring. How can you create an atmosphere that will promote creativity and effective ...
28 Фев
Herbs for beauty: how they help solve skin problems (E-News)
Summer is not only a time for relaxation, but also a period when you can take care of your health and beauty with the help of natural herbs. For centuries, herbs have been used in folk medicine to treat various diseases and care for the skin. Today, herbs are still in demand in cosmetology, despite the development of pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. They remain an important component in ...
27 Фев
Cosa fare se tuo marito non mostra desiderio (E-News)
Quando tuo marito non mostra alcun interesse per l'intimità, può essere una vera sfida. Molte donne cominciano a chiedersi: "Cosa gli sta succedendo?" In questi casi, spesso si teme che il motivo sia un tradimento o che lui non sia più interessato alla relazione. Tuttavia la realtà può essere molto più complessa e sfaccettata. Inizialmente, uno dei pensieri più ...
27 Фев
How to keep a man close to you (E-News)
In the search for harmony and happiness in a relationship, women often find themselves faced with the task of tying a man to themselves. This requires not only love, but also a strategic approach. Women often lose their individuality in the pursuit of attention of a partner, sacrificing hobbies and social circle for the sake of being liked. However, over time it becomes clear that constant ...
27 Фев
Gefahr durch Mückenstiche: ein Helminth, der unter die Haut gehen kann (E-News)
Mückenstiche mögen auf den ersten Blick völlig harmlos erscheinen, aber sie können ernsthafte gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen. Eine solche gefährliche Folge ist die Infektion mit einem subkutanen Helminthen, der Tumore hervorrufen kann, die durch den Körper wandern. In den letzten Jahren sind in der Ukraine vermehrt Fälle von Dirofilariose aufgetreten, ...
26 Фев
What foods will help stop hair loss (E-News)
The problem of hair loss is becoming relevant for many people, regardless of their age and gender. However, there is no reason to panic - there are several effective ways to combat this phenomenon, including through proper nutrition. Products rich in useful vitamins and microelements can significantly slow down hair loss and improve the condition of the hair. What substances are needed for this? ...
26 Фев
Dried tomatoes with aromatic herbs (E-News)
Dried tomatoes are a great way to preserve the summer harvest for a long time and enjoy a rich taste at any time of the year. They retain all their beneficial properties and become a great addition to various dishes, such as pasta, pizza or salads. Making dried tomatoes at home is not a difficult process, but it does take time and patience. To prepare dried tomatoes, you will need 1.5 kg of ripe ...
25 Фев
How to deal with snoring: effective methods and recommendations (E-News)
Snoring is not only an unpleasant phenomenon for those who hear it at night, but also a serious problem that can affect the quality of sleep and health. Although snoring most often bothers men, women can also face this problem. It is important to understand that snoring is not always harmless, it can be a signal of more serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, when breathing can temporarily ...
22 Фев
What kind of pies are safest to buy on the beach (E-News)
On hot summer days, many of us like to treat ourselves to something tasty on the beach. However, it is worth remembering that not all baked goods are suitable for consumption in such conditions. The safest option for a snack in such cases will be buns, preferably baked. Not only will they not harm the body, but they will also be much easier to digest than heavier baked goods, especially if you ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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25 Фев
Finnland stellt der Ukraine zusätzliche Hilfe in Höhe von 4,5 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung (E-News)
Finnland hat beschlossen, der Ukraine zusätzliche Finanzhilfe in Höhe von 4,5 Millionen Euro zukommen zu lassen. Die Mittel sollen über einen Partnerschaftsfonds bereitgestellt werden, der die Ukraine in schwierigen Zeiten unterstützt. Diese Entscheidung bekräftigt die anhaltende Unterstützung, die Finnland der Ukraine während des Krieges gewährt hat. Wie ...
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