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20 февраля 2025, четверг 15:08

№ 19786289

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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17 Фев
Kostenlose medizinische Versorgung für das Militär: Was ist im Haushaltsplan 2025 vorgesehen? (E-News)
Die Regierung der Ukraine hat das Verfahren zur Finanzierung medizinischer Leistungen für Militärangehörige genehmigt, die die Unabhängigkeit und territoriale Integrität des Landes verteidigen. Der Staatshaushalt für 2025 sieht hierfür fast eine Milliarde Griwna vor. Damit sollen die Kosten für zahnärztliche Behandlungen und die Lagerung ...
17 Фев
The Ministry of Digital Transformation has received powers to regulate gambling: a new stage of reform (E-News)
On February 14, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to transfer the functions of regulating gambling and lotteries from the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAL) to the Ministry of Digital Transformation. This became an important stage in the reform of state regulation in the sphere of gambling, aimed at increasing transparency and efficiency of control. The ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Ukraine expects $2.7 billion from IMF in 2025: government plans for next year (E-News)
Ukraine plans to receive $2.7 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2025, which will become an important component of its financial policy. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Shmyhal. He noted that in the coming days an IMF mission will begin, which will carry out the seventh review of the joint EFF (Extended Financing Facility) program. During this process, ...
Wie ukrainische Unternehmen Kapital aus dem Ausland zurückführen: NBU nannte die wichtigsten Länder (E-News)
Die Nationalbank der Ukraine hat Einzelheiten zur Rückführung von Kapital durch ukrainische Unternehmen bekannt gegeben, das zuvor aus dem Land abgezogen wurde. Nach Angaben der Regulierungsbehörde handelt es sich bei einem erheblichen Teil der sogenannten ausländischen Investitionen in Wirklichkeit um Gelder ukrainischer Unternehmen, die über spezielle Finanzmechanismen ...
100 most popular drugs to be reduced by 30% in Ukraine (E-News)
From March 1, 2025, the prices of the 100 most popular drugs in Ukraine will be reduced by 30%. This was made possible thanks to an agreement between the Ministry of Health and leading domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers, who signed a corresponding declaration. According to the Ministry of Health, the list includes drugs from Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies that are actively used to treat ...
19 Фев
Ukraine allocates over UAH 1.5 billion to restore Chernobyl NPP shelter after drone attack (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to allocate over UAH 1.5 billion to ensure the safety of the Chernobyl NPP shelter after it was hit by a Russian drone on February 14 of this year. These funds are intended to support and restore the facility in proper condition to prevent any potential threats to the environment and ensure stability of the situation at the plant. This was stated ...
19 Фев
Ukrainian military personnel will advance in their careers according to NATO standards (E-News)
Ukraine plans to reform the career advancement system for military personnel, bringing it closer to NATO standards. The Ministry of Defense has developed a draft decree that provides for the introduction of new rules for military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service. The relevant document has already been approved by the government and submitted to the ...
18 Фев
Ukrainians paid almost 65 million hryvnias in voluntary insurance contributions to the Pension Fund (E-News)
During 2023-2024, Ukrainians paid voluntary insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Ukraine for a total of 64.8 million hryvnias. This was made possible thanks to the implemented program that allows every citizen to make voluntary contributions to their pension. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The Ministry notes that Ukrainians can pay ...
18 Фев
eHousing Program: Loans for UAH 253 million issued in a week (E-News)
Last week, the state support program for affordable mortgages "eHousing" continued to actively help Ukrainian families. According to information published on the Government Portal, a total of 132 loans were issued for the amount of UAH 253 million. It is noted that since the launch of the program, 15,588 families have been able to take advantage of loans for the amount of over UAH 25.4 billion ...
17 Фев
Boryspil and Wizz Air plan to resume air traffic: 30 new routes for Ukraine (E-News)
From February 11 to 13, 2025, the delegation of Boryspil International Airport held important negotiations with representatives of the European budget airline Wizz Air at the company's headquarters in Budapest. The main topic of the meeting was the resumption of passenger air traffic between Ukraine and other countries after the opening of Ukrainian airspace. These negotiations were an important ...
14 Фев
Die Zahl der zugelassenen Wirtschaftsbeteiligten in der Ukraine ist auf 80 gestiegen (E-News)
In der Ukraine haben bereits 80 Unternehmen den Status eines zugelassenen Wirtschaftsbeteiligten (AEO) erhalten, der den Unternehmen erhebliche Zollvereinfachungen bietet und ihre Zuverlässigkeit bei außenwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten bestätigt. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, Zollverfahren zu vereinfachen und die Entwicklung des internationalen Handels zu fördern. Wie der ...
14 Фев
NBU prepares to cancel UAH 150,000 limit on card transfers (E-News)
The National Bank of Ukraine plans to cancel the UAH 150,000 limit on card-to-card transfers on weekends in the near future. The lifting of this limit may take place within one or two months, but provided that banks demonstrate effectiveness in identifying risky clients and preventing financial schemes. This was stated by NBU Chairman Andriy Pyshny in an interview with *Forbes*. He noted that ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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The benefits and use of corn in nutrition (E-News)
Corn is not only one of the most popular cereals, but also an important product with many useful properties. It is widely used in the food industry and for medicinal purposes, and is also actively used in cooking. The golden grains of this plant are full of nutrients and are suitable for a wide variety of dishes. nutritional value of cornCorn grains are a source of many vitamins and minerals, ...
19 Фев
How to help a child survive their parents' divorce (E-News)
Parents' divorce is always a serious test for a child. Regardless of age, children are acutely aware of changes in the family structure, which can cause a whole range of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anger and sadness. To minimize stress and support the child during this difficult period, it is important to take into account their age and perception characteristics. Infants up to 18 ...
19 Фев
Useful cheap foods that are worth including in your diet (E-News)
Many of us are convinced that health directly depends on the quality of products, and this is usually associated with their high price. However, it is not always expensive products that guarantee usefulness. There are many available and inexpensive products that can have a positive impact on our health. Let's take a look at which of them can be a good basis for a balanced diet. Chicken meat is ...
18 Фев
Why does the belly grow? (E-News)
Many women face the problem of increasing belly fat at different periods of their lives. For some, this happens with age, for others - after pregnancy or as a result of poor nutrition. In any case, excess belly fat is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a sign that the body needs changes. As a rule, before fighting extra centimeters, it is worth understanding the reasons for their appearance. ...
17 Фев
Refreshing watermelon drink with citrus notes (E-News)
Summer day, hot, and you want something refreshing and tasty? Try this watermelon lemonade with citrus accents. It will not only quench your thirst, but also give incredible pleasure thanks to the combination of watermelon, oranges and lemon. This drink is perfect for a picnic, a party or just for relaxing in the fresh air. Ingredients for watermelon lemonadeWatermelon - 1 pc.Orange juice - 2 ...
16 Фев
Why a man may refuse intimacy: main reasons (E-News)
Sex is an integral part of most people's lives, and men are no exception. However, despite the widespread belief that men are always ready for intimacy, there are times when they refuse sex. The reasons for this behavior can be varied, and it is important to understand that most of them can be eliminated by establishing communication and trust in the relationship. One of the common reasons for ...
15 Фев
How to Use Cakes to Fight Excess Weight (E-News)
Many people who watch their weight often face the difficulty of giving up sweet treats. Despite numerous diets, delicious desserts often remain the moment when efforts are wasted. But a new trend in nutrition recently developed in the UK can change the situation. Now, in order to lose weight, you can enjoy cakes that simultaneously help in the fight against extra pounds. Unlike regular sweet ...
14 Фев
How Fatty Foods Can Increase Hunger (E-News)
A recent study by scientists at the University of Cincinnati has shown that eating fatty foods can increase hunger by activating the hormone ghrelin. This discovery changes the idea of ​​how fats in food affect our bodies and increase appetite. Previously, it was believed that ghrelin was activated exclusively in the body during fasting, but new work has shown that fats from food play ...
14 Фев
Rice salad with vegetables (E-News)
This recipe is a great option for those who are looking for something new and unusual among simple and easy salads. It is prepared quickly, and the ingredients are available at any time of the year. Ingredients:0.5 cup of rice500 g sweet pepper1 can of green peas1 small tomato3 tbsp. vegetable oil1 tbsp. apple cider vinegarblack pepper and saltMethod of preparation:Rice preparationRinse the rice ...
13 Фев
All the pros and cons of online dating (E-News)
The Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life. We use it to communicate, search for information, work, study, shop and... build relationships. Over time, the number of people who start their romances in the virtual space has increased significantly. And although many couples successfully find each other online, there are also many disappointments associated with online ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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19 Фев
IWF-Mission nimmt bald ihre Arbeit in der Ukraine auf (E-News)
Eine Mission des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) wird bald ihre Arbeit in der Ukraine aufnehmen. Dies geschieht im Rahmen der Vorbereitung der siebten Überprüfung der Extended Fund Facility (EFF). Dies wurde vom ukrainischen Finanzministerium und der Pressedienst des IWF berichtet. Der ukrainische Finanzminister Serhiy Marchenko und die geschäftsführende Direktorin ...
18 Фев
Tusk: Polen wird die Ukraine weiterhin unterstützen, jedoch ohne Truppen zu entsenden (E-News)
Polen plant nicht, eigene Soldaten in die Ukraine zu schicken, ist aber bereit, andere Länder zu unterstützen, die eine solche Entscheidung treffen. Dies erklärte der polnische Premierminister Donald Tusk, bevor er zu einem dringenden Gipfeltreffen der europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs nach Paris flog, berichtet RMF24. Der polnische Regierungschef betonte, Warschau sei ...
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