Новости - Украина | | |
17:00 10 Янв | In der Ukraine werden neue Regeln für die militärische Grundausbildung eingeführt: Was ändert sich? (E-News) Die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat den Gesetzentwurf Nr. 12076 angenommen, der die Frage der militärischen Grundausbildung regelt und die Verfahren zur Militärregistrierung verbessert. Ziel dieses Schritts ist es, den Ansatz zur Bildung einer Mobilisierungsreserve zu modernisieren und moderne digitale Instrumente in die militärischen Ausbildungsprozesse einzuführen.
298 ... |
15:00 08 Янв | The Verkhovna Rada has registered a bill banning the transit of Russian oil and gas (E-News) A new bill has been registered in Ukraine, which provides for a ban on the transit of Russian oil and gas through the territory of Ukraine during martial law. This was reported on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada, where the card of the bill No. 12380 is posted.
At the moment, the text of the bill has not yet been published, and it has not been submitted for consideration to the ... |
15:00 | Business lending in Ukraine in 2024: Results and trends (E-News) In 2024, the growth rate of business lending in Ukraine was significantly lower than that of retail lending. According to the National Bank of Ukraine, the growth of business lending was three times slower than that of individuals. The largest reduction in lending was observed in the corporate sector, in particular in hryvnia lending, which decreased by 2.4% (UAH 14.2 billion).
Growth in hryvnia ... |
11:00 | Ukrainisches IT-Unternehmen N-iX eröffnet Entwicklungszentrum in Indien (E-News) Das ukrainische IT-Unternehmen N-iX, einer der führenden Anbieter in der Softwareentwicklung und im IT-Outsourcing, gab die Eröffnung eines neuen Büros in der indischen Stadt Bengaluru bekannt. Die Stadt gilt als eines der größten Technologiezentren der Welt und beschäftigt über 1,5 Millionen IT-Fachkräfte.
Eine neue Entwicklungsstufe
Wie Pavlo ... |
11:00 13 Янв | Kritisch wichtige Unternehmen: Wie das Kabinett die Buchung von Mitarbeitern von Gasverteilnetzbetreibern vereinfachte (E-News) Das Ministerkabinett der Ukraine hat einen Beschluss verabschiedet, der es den Gasverteilungsnetzbetreibern (GSOs) erheblich erleichtert, den Status eines kritischen Unternehmens zu erlangen. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, den unterbrechungsfreien Betrieb der Gasversorgungssysteme in Notfallsituationen sicherzustellen und die Buchungsvorgänge für Mitarbeiter zu vereinfachen.
Neue ... |
10:00 13 Янв | Development of construction in Ukraine: how e-Housing contributed to 23.8% growth in 9 months of 2024 (E-News) The affordable housing program "e-Housing" has become a powerful engine for the development of the construction industry in Ukraine. In 2024, every fifth developer joined this initiative, which ensured an increase in construction volumes by 23.8% in the first nine months of the year.
The key role of "e-Housing" in the economy
According to the Ministry of Economy, the "e-Housing" program is one ... |
10:00 10 Янв | Ukrzaliznytsia has introduced new amenities for Intercity+ passengers: seat selection and increased internet (E-News) Passengers of Intercity+ high-speed trains now have the opportunity to choose how they will travel - in the direction of the train or against it. This innovation is designed to increase travel comfort for Ukrzaliznytsia customers.
As reported by the Chairman of the Board of Ukrzaliznytsia Oleksandr Pertsovsky on his Facebook page, the corresponding marks are already available in the mobile ... |
15:00 09 Янв | Expansion of benefits for utility services for citizens of Ukraine in 2025: new conditions and categories of recipients (E-News) From January 1, 2025, new conditions for providing benefits for payment of housing and communal services came into force in Ukraine, according to which benefits will be provided to citizens taking into account the average monthly income of the family. The government adopted the relevant resolution No. 1553 on December 31, 2024, which expands the list of persons who will be entitled to such ... |
11:00 09 Янв | Beschäftigungswachstum der Ukrainer in Deutschland: Trends und Statistiken für 2024 (E-News) Die Zahl der Ukrainer, die in Deutschland Arbeit finden, wächst rasant. Nach Angaben des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales sind in diesem Land jeden Monat durchschnittlich 7,13 Tausend Ukrainer beschäftigt. Das sind 50 % mehr als im Jahr 2023, als die durchschnittliche monatliche Zahl bei 4,76 Tausend Menschen lag.
Für 2024 wird mit noch höheren Gesamtzahlen ... |
10:00 09 Янв | Prozorro.Sales: how auctions in 2024 attracted almost 20 billion hryvnias (E-News) Online auctions held through the Prozorro.Sales system in 2024 provided a record 19.7 billion hryvnias in revenue. In total, the organizers held more than 24 thousand successful auctions, demonstrating the effectiveness of transparent procedures in attracting funds to the state budget.
According to the Ministry of Economy, the average value of public assets during auctions increased by more than ... |
16:00 08 Янв | Ukrainer in Polen sind wirtschaftlich aktiver als Polen: neue NBU-Daten zur Anpassung von Migranten (E-News) Mit Stand vom 16. Dezember 2024 wächst die Zahl der ukrainischen Migranten im Ausland weiterhin langsam und erreicht 6,8 Millionen Menschen. Diese Daten wurden im Macroeconomic and Monetary Review der Nationalbank der Ukraine für Januar 2025 unter Bezugnahme auf Informationen der Vereinten Nationen veröffentlicht.
Einer der wichtigsten Trends ist die zunehmende Anpassung ... |
11:00 08 Янв | Die Ukraine hat ein Jubiläumsjahr erreicht: Der hundertste Industriepark wurde registriert (E-News) Im Januar 2025 beschloss das Ministerkabinett der Ukraine die Schaffung eines neuen Industrieparks „Myronivka“ im Bezirk Obukhiv in der Region Kiew. Dieses Projekt wird der hundertste im Land registrierte Industriepark und gleichzeitig der erste im Jahr 2025 sein. Seine Umsetzung wird die Schaffung von 1.500 neuen Arbeitsplätzen und die Anziehung von Investitionen in Höhe von mehr als 1 ... |
15:00 10 Янв | The number of cyberattacks on Ukraine in 2024 increased by 70%: main threats and areas of attack (E-News) In 2024, Ukraine experienced a significant increase in the number of cyberattacks. The government computer emergency response team CERT-UA under the State Service for Special Communications recorded 4,315 cyber incidents, which is 69.8% more than in the previous year, when 2,541 attacks were recorded. This impressive growth indicates a deepening of cyberthreats arising from active military ... |
16:28 11 Янв | Wie Heiratsagenturen Träume in Geschäfte verwandeln (E-News) Ukrainische Mädchen werden oft zur zentralen Figur in den Aktivitäten von Heiratsagenturen, die ihr Einkommen auf ihren Wünschen und Hoffnungen aufbauen. Die Attraktivität und Jugend der Frauen werden zur Ware und ihre aufrichtigen Träume von Liebe und Heirat werden in eine Möglichkeit verwandelt, Profit zu machen.
Viele Mädchen, wie zum Beispiel Veronica, eine ... |
15:28 10 Янв | Hidden dangers of chewing gum (E-News) Chewing gum manufacturers spare no expense on advertising, drawing attention to their products. Some options are presented as ideal helpers after a meal, others - as a way to freshen breath and increase confidence in communication. Trays with chewing gum in stores are always in a visible place, pushing for an impulsive purchase. However, behind the bright packaging lies something that can do more ... |
15:28 09 Янв | Influence of voice timbre on the tendency to infidelity (E-News) Studies by Canadian scientists have revealed a curious relationship between the timbre of the voice and the propensity to infidelity. It turned out that men with deep, low voices are more likely to be seen in infidelity. These voices, having a natural magnetism, attract the attention of women, becoming for them a kind of symbol of attraction. And, according to experts, it is sometimes difficult ... |
15:28 08 Янв | Myths and truth about conception during menstruation (E-News) Sex during menstruation remains a controversial topic for many, raising many questions. One of them is whether conception is really possible during this period? Let's look into this issue, taking into account physiological characteristics and existing risks.
First of all, it is worth noting that many girls avoid intimacy during critical days. The reasons are different: from aesthetic ... |
17:28 | Comment le manque de sommeil affecte la santé des os (E-News) Le manque chronique de sommeil a un effet dévastateur sur le corps et ses conséquences cachées incluent une mauvaise santé osseuse. Des scientifiques américains du Medical College of Wisconsin ont découvert que le manque régulier de sommeil peut contribuer au développement de l'ostéoporose, une maladie dans laquelle les os deviennent fragiles et sujets ... |
16:28 | So integrieren Sie gesunde Gewohnheiten in Ihren Alltag (E-News) Zu einem gesunden Lebensstil gehört nicht nur körperliche Betätigung oder richtige Ernährung, sondern auch die Entwicklung eines Systems nützlicher Gewohnheiten, die Körper und Geist unterstützen. Wie können Sie solche Gewohnheiten umsetzen, sodass sie zu einem natürlichen Teil Ihres Lebens werden?
Beginnen Sie mit gutem SchlafGesunder Schlaf ist die ... |
15:28 | How to Turn Sympathy into a Relationship: Practical Tips (E-News) When sympathy turns into expectation, and communication into endless furtive glances, you want to take a step forward. But what to do: take the initiative or wait for his actions? Here are some ideas that will help you move from hints to reciprocity.
Be honest with yourselfThe first step is to understand your feelings and goals. If sympathy is a sincere desire to get closer, it is worth taking ... |
11:28 | Piatti gustosi e ipocalorici per mantenere la linea (E-News) Molte persone vogliono mangiare cibo gustoso, ma non preoccuparsi dei chili di troppo. Mangiare sano non significa solo sbilanciarsi in termini di calorie, ma anche variare la propria dieta con piatti sani e gustosi. Vi proponiamo diverse ricette di piatti ipocalorici e nutrienti che vi aiuteranno a mantenere la vostra figura in condizioni eccellenti.
Salsa di ananas e jalapenoQuesta salsa ... |
09:28 | Die Vorlieben von Männern: Was ihnen an Frauen auffällt (E-News) Untersuchungen von Wissenschaftlern der New York University zeigen überraschende Unterschiede in der Art und Weise, wie Männer und Frauen die Welt wahrnehmen. Die Ergebnisse des Experiments bestätigen wissenschaftlich, dass die Sehphysiologie von Männern und Frauen völlig unterschiedlich aufgebaut ist. Insbesondere neigen Männer dazu, bewegten Objekten und kleinen ... |
08:48 | How to protect your child from the dangers of the Internet (E-News) Modern children actively use the Internet, but this is associated not only with opportunities for learning and entertainment, but also with numerous threats. The Internet, like any other environment, is fraught with risks that can have a serious impact on the child's psyche. The anonymity of the online space and inexhaustible resources create ideal conditions for children to become victims of ... |
15:28 13 Янв | How to avoid varicose veins: recommendations for prevention (E-News) Varicose veins are a disease in which the venous valves become inflamed, causing blood to stagnate in the vessels. This leads to increased pressure on the walls of the veins and their deformation. The disease most often affects middle-aged people, but recently varicose veins have become increasingly common among young people. What contributes to the development of this disease?
One of the main ... |
12:28 13 Янв | Cómo afrontar la presión arterial baja (E-News) Los dolores de cabeza y los mareos son problemas con los que muchas personas están familiarizadas. A menudo, estos síntomas están asociados con problemas de presión arterial. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que la presión arterial es un indicador muy individual y sus normas pueden variar. Cada persona puede tener sus propios "niveles de comodidad" y lo que se ... |
11:28 13 Янв | Come rilassarsi e ricaricarsi (E-News) La vita moderna è caratterizzata da stress continuo, fretta e mancanza di tempo. Tutto ciò provoca stanchezza fisica e psico-emotiva, che si ripercuote sulla salute. È importante imparare a trovare il tempo per rilassarsi, in modo che il corpo possa recuperare e acquisire forza. Anche solo 20-30 minuti al giorno possono essere la chiave per migliorare il tuo benessere e ridurre i ... |
08:48 13 Янв | How to Reduce the Risk of Blood Clots Through Diet (E-News) Blood clots are caused by problems with the blood coagulation system, especially if the blood tends to thicken. This condition requires medical attention, but you can also maintain your health by changing your diet. Certain foods can help reduce the risk of blood clots.
Blood-thinning juicesFreshly squeezed juices are an excellent way to prevent blood clots. Orange, grapefruit, or cranberry ... |
15:00 13 Янв | Why Germany is holding up a new €3 billion aid package for Ukraine (E-News) German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is currently blocking the approval of a new €3 billion military aid package for Ukraine. The initiative, which would have made a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s defenses, has met with resistance from the Chancellor, who fears it would “put the future federal government before a fact.”
What does the new aid package entail?
The aid plan, announced ... |