Новости - Украина |  | |
10:00 03 Мар | The government provided assistance to the families of deceased servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense: Distribution of funding and expenses (E-News) On Friday, February 28, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to allocate a significant amount to support the families of deceased servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. A total of 1.1 billion hryvnias will be allocated for one-time cash assistance to these families. This was announced by government representative Taras Melnychuk during a meeting of the ... |
16:00 07 Мар | Wachstum des legalen Handels in der Ukraine im Jahr 2024: Rekorde bei Umsatz und Anzahl der Kontrollen (E-News) Im Jahr 2024 verzeichnete die Ukraine ein deutliches Wachstum des legalen Handelsvolumens. Laut Danylo Hetmantsev, Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Finanzen, Steuern und Zollpolitik der Werchowna Rada, ist das Gesamtvolumen der über Abwicklungstransaktionsregister (STRs/PRTRs) abgewickelten Verkäufe im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 35 % gestiegen. Dieser Indikator fügte der ... |
15:00 07 Мар | Ukraine needs $39 billion to restore social protection sector (E-News) Ukraine has faced huge losses in the social protection sector as a result of the war, and $39 billion is needed to restore this sector. These data were published in the results of the fourth rapid assessment of damage and needs for reconstruction of Ukraine (RDNA 4), according to the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.
The losses in the social protection sector are ... |
11:00 07 Мар | Die Tesla-Verkäufe in Australien sind eingebrochen: Was war die Ursache? (E-News) Im Februar 2025 erlitt der australische Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge einen erheblichen Schock: Die Tesla-Verkäufe gingen im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 70 % zurück. Dieser Rückgang war sogar noch steiler als der Rückgang von 33 % im Januar, der bereits das schlechteste Ergebnis des Unternehmens seit zwei Jahren darstellte. Dies wird von Futurism berichtet.
Der ... |
10:00 05 Мар | Ukrainian Robots at NASA: First Step in Cooperation (E-News) The Ukrainian company DroneUA, a resident of Diya.City, announced the successful start of cooperation with NASA, sending the first test batch of its robots to Virginia, USA. These robots will be tested to determine the most effective areas of their application.
According to Mykhailo Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Economy, cooperation with NASA is an important step for the Ukrainian ... |
10:00 04 Мар | Record construction: in 2024, more than 118 thousand apartments were put into operation in Ukraine (E-News) Last year, Ukraine recorded the largest volume of housing put into operation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. According to the State Statistics Service, in 2024, 118.5 thousand apartments were commissioned in the country, which was a record figure during the war.
More than two-thirds of these apartments – 70% or 82,794 units – were in apartment buildings, while 35,658 apartments ... |
15:00 03 Мар | Record 14.4 million applications for the Winter eSupport program (E-News) The Winter eSupport program has proven to be extremely popular among Ukrainians, with almost 14.4 million citizens applying for assistance. This result is a record for state social support programs, which confirms its importance and necessity for people in the current situation in the country.
This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, emphasizing that such a high level ... |
11:00 03 Мар | Rentenindexierung in der Ukraine ab 1. März: Wer erhält eine Erhöhung und um wie viel werden die Zahlungen erhöht (E-News) Ab dem 1. März 2025 wird in der Ukraine eine weitere Rentenindexierung stattfinden, die mehr als 10 Millionen Bürger betreffen wird. Dies ist die vierte Lohnerhöhung seit Beginn des umfassenden Krieges. Die Regierung hat beschlossen, dass die Renten für die meisten Ukrainer um 11,5 Prozent steigen werden, wobei die Mindesterhöhung nicht weniger als 100 Griwna betragen ... |
16:00 05 Мар | Fast eine Million Ukrainer wechselten ihren Mobilfunkanbieter und behielten ihre Nummer (E-News) In der Ukraine wächst die Zahl der Abonnenten, die die Möglichkeit nutzen, ihren Mobilfunkanbieter zu wechseln, ohne ihre eigene Nummer zu verlieren, aktiv. Zum 3. März 2025 erreichte die Zahl der portierten Nummern im Rahmen des MNP-Dienstes (Mobile Number Portability) 950.989.
Dies wurde von der Nationalen Kommission für staatliche Regulierung in den Bereichen elektronische ... |
08:48 04 Мар | Cosmetic Traditions of Great Women of the Past (E-News) For centuries, women have been looking for ways to maintain youth and a well-groomed appearance. Great women of the past not only inspired with their image, but also left a legacy in the form of unique recipes for self-care. Let's consider the beauty secrets used by Cleopatra, Josephine, Catherine II and other famous ladies.
Cleopatra, known for her love of luxury, paid special attention to skin ... |
08:48 | Secrets of Intimate Gymnastics: The Path to Perfection (E-News) Sexual health is one of those areas of life that few people think about seriously. Many know how important it is to train the muscles of the body to maintain physical fitness, but forget about the muscles that play a key role in intimate relationships. Meanwhile, there is a set of exercises that will help not only improve overall physical fitness, but also improve the quality of your sex ... |
18:28 08 Мар | Trattamento e benefici delle banane per l'organismo (E-News) La banana è uno dei frutti più antichi, che l'uomo ha iniziato a consumare in epoca preistorica. Questo frutto tropicale non solo piace per il suo sapore, ma ha anche numerose proprietà medicinali. Grazie all'elevato contenuto di carboidrati, le banane soddisfano perfettamente la fame: un frutto contiene circa 70 calorie. Tuttavia, a causa del loro contenuto calorico, non ... |
15:28 08 Мар | Simple tips to speed up hair growth (E-News) Do you dream of long and healthy hair, but it seems that it grows too slowly? In fact, the speed of hair growth depends a lot on your hair care and lifestyle. By following some simple tips, you can help your locks look thick and well-groomed.
Use the right grooming accessoriesA quality brush made of natural bristles, such as pig bristles, will be your faithful assistant. When combing your hair, ... |
11:28 07 Мар | Semplici modi per mantenere la pelle pulita (E-News) Ogni donna sogna una pelle pulita e luminosa senza alcuno sforzo extra. Non è necessario spendere cifre esorbitanti in trattamenti o cosmetici costosi se si possono utilizzare prodotti naturali a prezzi accessibili. A volte le ricette più semplici, tramandate di generazione in generazione, possono fare veri miracoli, migliorando non solo l'aspetto, ma anche la salute della ... |
08:48 07 Мар | Tangerines in caramel glaze (E-News) Tangerines in caramel are a bright and original dessert that will surprise guests and will be a great end to any dinner. The combination of citrus freshness and sweet caramel glaze creates a real feast of taste.
ingredientsTo prepare the dessert, you will need:
tangerines - 10 pcs.sugar - 350 gtangerine juice or water - 250 mlpreparing the tangerinesStart by preparing the tangerines. Peel them, ... |
15:28 06 Мар | How to develop sensuality and enjoy the moment (E-News) One of the key aspects of female sexuality is the ability to be in touch with your own sensations. To do this, it is important to develop the senses to learn to perceive more subtle and vivid emotions that appear in the process of intimacy with a partner. This approach not only improves intimate life, but also helps to build deeper relationships. It is best to do such training with a partner, ... |
08:48 06 Мар | Five reasons to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet (E-News) We all know the importance of fruits and vegetables for maintaining health. But how much should you eat every day to feel all the benefits? Experts advise including at least five servings of different fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. This will help provide the body with the necessary nutrients and reduce the risk of many diseases.
According to the World Health Organization, it is ... |
15:28 05 Мар | Phthalates in Cosmetics: A Possible Health Hazard (E-News) Phthalates, chemicals widely used in cosmetics, are worrying scientists because of their potential health effects. These substances are found in scented lotions, body creams, and most perfumes. American researchers have concluded that phthalates may increase the risk of diabetes, especially in women.
Phthalates are now present in most people's lives, and women tend to have higher levels of them ... |
09:28 05 Мар | Vorteile und mögliche Schäden von frisch gepressten Säften (E-News) Frische Säfte sind in den letzten Jahren sehr beliebt geworden. Sie gelten als gute Alternative zu Getränken mit Zusatzstoffen und Konservierungsmitteln. Frisch gepresste Säfte haben viele gesundheitliche Vorteile, denn sie enthalten alle Vitamine und Nährstoffe, die in frischem Obst und Gemüse enthalten sind. Trotz ihrer positiven Eigenschaften sind jedoch nicht alle ... |
08:48 05 Мар | Emergency situations at the dacha with children: how to provide first aid (E-News) Dacha is a place where children can have fun in the fresh air, but also risk encountering various injuries. Breaking a knee or getting a bruise, it is important to know how to give the right first aid to prevent complications and ensure fast healing. Here are some tips for treating the most common injuries in children at the cottage.
Abrasions and scratches
First, treat the abrasion with cool ... |
14:00 06 Мар | Верховний суд США заблокував спробу Трампа заморозити $2 мільярди іноземної допомоги (E-News) Верховний суд США відмовив Дональду Трампу у спробі заморозити 2 мільярди доларів іноземної допомоги, що було частиною його ініціативи щодо скорочення державних витрат. Це рішення стало ще одним ударом по спробах експрезидента змінити порядок розподілу бюджетних коштів.
Про це повідомляє The New York Times.
Рішення Верховного суду Судді відхилили надзвичайний запит Трампа, який міг ... |
18:00 04 Мар | Canada tightens sanctions against Russia: new restrictions and support for Ukraine (E-News) Canada continues to expand economic pressure on Russia in response to its aggression against Ukraine. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the introduction of new sanctions during the "Securing Our Future" summit held in London. These sanctions are part of Canada's strategic efforts to support Ukraine and deter Russia.
According to an official message on the website of the Prime Minister of ... |