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4 ноября 2024, понедельник 14:08

№ 19636191

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - События


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30 Окт
Cette année, les Ukrainiens ont reçu environ 30 milliards de hryvnias de subventions (E-News)
Depuis le début de 2024, l’État a fourni aux Ukrainiens environ 29,6 milliards de hryvnias sous forme de subventions et d’avantages. Les paiements se poursuivent pendant la saison froide et le montant total des subventions en hiver restera au niveau de l'année dernière. Le Premier ministre Denys Shmyhal en a parlé. Selon le chef du gouvernement, ce n'est qu'en octobre ...
Новости - Украина - Политика


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29 Окт
One thousand hryvnias from Zelenskyi: procedure for receiving payments and sources of funding (E-News)
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, announced a new program of financial support for citizens, under which Ukrainians will receive one thousand hryvnias. These funds will be credited to a special "National Cashback" card, which can be issued through the "Action" application. This was announced by First Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksiy Sobolev on the air of the "We are Ukraine" TV ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Gabinet Ministrów zatwierdził zaktualizowany wykaz towarów, które nie podlegają wymianie ani zwrotowi (E-News)
Na posiedzeniu w dniu 1 listopada Gabinet Ministrów Ukrainy zatwierdził zaktualizowaną listę towarów, których kupujący nie będą mogli zwrócić ani wymienić po zakupie. Od teraz lista takich towarów została znacznie poszerzona, a zmiana ta ma na celu wzmocnienie ochrony praw konsumentów. O decyzji poinformował ...
L'Ukrzaliznytsia a organisé avec succès des enchères pour la location d'espaces dans les gares : résultats et résultats des enchères (E-News)
Le 1er novembre 2024, "Ukrzaliznytsia" a organisé des ventes aux enchères via la plateforme Prozorro.Prodazhi, proposant à la location des espaces commerciaux dans les gares d'Ukraine. Les enchères ont rassemblé un grand nombre de participants et se sont terminées par la conclusion de contrats de location rentables. Comme l'a rapporté le service de presse de ...
The Polish operator SKPL plans to launch a new route Warsaw - Kovel: the first flights are already in December (E-News)
The Polish private railway company SKPL Cargo plans to launch a new passenger service between Warsaw and the Ukrainian city of Kovel in the Volyn region from December of this year. According to the Polish publication *Rynek Kolejowy*, information about the company's plans has been confirmed by the Polish Railway Transport Authority. SKPL Cargo applied to open a commercial route on October 1. The ...
01 Ноя
Hausse des prix en Ukraine : le NBU a révisé ses prévisions d'inflation à la consommation (E-News)
La Banque nationale d'Ukraine (NBU) a abaissé ses prévisions concernant l'indice des prix à la consommation (IPC) pour 2024-2025, en tenant compte des nouvelles réalités économiques. Dans les nouvelles prévisions macroéconomiques publiées par le régulateur, il est indiqué que les attentes concernant la croissance des prix en Ukraine sont ...
01 Ноя
Brave1 helps attract $25 million in foreign investment for Ukrainian defense technologies (E-News)
Since the beginning of 2024, Ukrainian defense technology developers have attracted more than $25 million in foreign investment thanks to the Brave1 initiative, which supports cooperation between investors and Ukrainian companies. Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, announced the results of the platform. Already this year, the amount of investments has increased five ...
31 Окт
Croissance de l'économie américaine au troisième trimestre : faits et prévisions (E-News)
Au troisième trimestre 2024, le produit intérieur brut (PIB) américain a augmenté de 2,8 % en rythme annualisé, en deçà des prévisions des économistes d'une croissance de 3 %. Cette information a été rendue publique par CNBC en référence au ministère américain du Commerce. Les dépenses de consommation, qui ...
31 Окт
Naftogaz achieved record gas production thanks to the latest technologies (E-News)
"Naftogaz" group successfully launched a well, which demonstrates a flow rate of 170,000 cubic meters. m of gas per day, thanks to the implementation of simultaneous-separate operation (SOC) technology. Before the introduction of this technology, the productivity of the well was only 70 thousand cubic meters. m of gas per day, which emphasizes a significant increase in production. As the press ...
31 Окт
Le Fonds des biens de l'État a organisé avec succès des enchères de privatisation de biens immobiliers à Kharkiv et dans la région de Tchernihiv (E-News)
Le 30 octobre, le Fonds immobilier d'État d'Ukraine a organisé deux enchères électroniques via le système "Prozorro.Prodazhi", au cours desquelles des objets immobiliers dans les régions de Kharkiv et de Tchernihiv ont été mis en vente. En raison de la forte demande des investisseurs, les résultats des enchères ont largement dépassé la ...
31 Окт
The salary increase for prosecutors was canceled: the Verkhovna Rada left the living wage at UAH 1,600 (E-News)
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted an amendment that keeps the subsistence minimum for the calculation of prosecutors' salaries at UAH 1,600 in 2025, which, in fact, cancels the planned 37% increase in their salaries. Such a decision caused a significant outcry among deputies and the public, as it directly affects the level of remuneration of representatives of law enforcement ...
30 Окт
Rising prices for renting luxury apartments in Kyiv: which districts of the capital are the most expensive (E-News)
In October 2024, apartment rental prices in Kyiv continue to show steady growth, especially in the segment of luxury housing in central areas. One-room apartments in Pechersk and Shevchenkivskyi districts are becoming more and more expensive, although the largest percentage increase in rent this year was recorded in Dniprovskyi district. At the same time, the demand for rent in the capital ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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01 Ноя
Kiedy 5G pojawi się na Ukrainie: plany i wyzwania operatorów (E-News)
Ukraińscy operatorzy komórkowi „Kyivstar” i Vodafone aktywnie testują możliwości wdrożenia sieci piątej generacji od maja 2024 roku, ale na drodze do uruchomienia pełnoprawnego 5G stoi wiele wyzwań. Inwestycje Vodafone w rozwój sieci sięgnęły już 11,36 mld UAH, a „Kyivstar” od początku inwazji na Federację ...
01 Ноя
How to deal with pain during intercourse: main causes and solutions (E-News)
Pain during intercourse can significantly reduce the quality of life and negatively affect relationships. The reasons that cause discomfort during intimacy can be varied. Understanding these causes and finding appropriate solutions can help you regain the joy of sexual activity and improve your overall health. The first cause of pain during intercourse is fear and tension, especially in women ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Alimenti dannosi che dovrebbero essere eliminati dalla dieta (E-News)
La salute è direttamente correlata all'alimentazione e i cambiamenti nella dieta possono avere un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. È importante pensare a quali alimenti sono presenti nel vostro frigorifero e quali è meglio evitare. Le malattie cardiovascolari come l'ictus e l'infarto dipendono in larga misura dall'alimentazione. L'ictus, che è ...
How to support a teenager during the crisis of 13 years (E-News)
The crisis of 13 years is an important stage in the life of every teenager, when significant physical and psychological changes begin. During this period, the child strives for independence, experiences many internal conflicts and emotional storms. It is important for parents to realize that this is a natural process of growing up, which requires their patience and support. 1. the onset of ...
03 Ноя
Un enfoque proactivo del embarazo (E-News)
Con la alegría de conocer el embarazo, muchas mujeres se vuelven recelosas de su nueva condición. A menudo existe en la sociedad el estereotipo de que el embarazo es una enfermedad que requiere cuidados especiales y restricciones de actividad. Pero a pesar de estas actitudes, es importante recordar que una actividad física razonable durante el embarazo puede ser no sólo ...
03 Ноя
Come lodare correttamente un bambino (E-News)
Lodare un bambino è un aspetto importante della genitorialità che gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel suo sviluppo e nella formazione della sua personalità. Imparando a esprimere correttamente le lodi, i genitori, i nonni, gli assistenti e gli insegnanti possono influenzare in modo significativo la fiducia del bambino in se stesso e il suo desiderio di raggiungere nuovi traguardi. ...
03 Ноя
Healing properties of rose oil (E-News)
Rose essential oil is one of the most valuable and rare oils in the world. It is obtained by distillation from rose petals, and it takes several tons of flowers to produce one kilogram of oil. This process makes rose oil not only expensive, but also very effective for health and skin care. Due to its antiseptic and healing properties, rose oil is used in cosmetology to care for dry, mature and ...
03 Ноя
Utrzymanie zdrowego ciśnienia krwi: wskazówki i działania (E-News)
Ciśnienie krwi jest ważnym wskaźnikiem zdrowia układu sercowo-naczyniowego, a jego regularne monitorowanie może pomóc uniknąć wielu problemów. Optymalne ciśnienie krwi wynosi 120/80, ale nierzadko występują odchylenia w jednym lub drugim kierunku, co może prowadzić do nadciśnienia lub niedociśnienia. Chociaż te ...
03 Ноя
Lunares: cómo mantener tu piel sana y evitar riesgos (E-News)
Los lunares son una parte integral de nuestro cuerpo; pueden agregar encanto a nuestra apariencia o causar molestias. Mucha gente los considera un "sabor" mientras que otros se preocupan por los posibles riesgos asociados a su presencia. Es importante comprender que los lunares no son sólo manchas de pigmento, sino áreas de la piel que deben controlarse. Muy a menudo, los lunares ...
03 Ноя
Malattie articolari: reumatismi, artriti e artrosi (E-News)
Le malattie articolari non sono rare nel mondo moderno. Vivere una vita in costante movimento mette a dura prova le nostre articolazioni. Con l'età, così come alcuni fattori di rischio come infortuni o una maggiore attività fisica, può comparire dolore che limita la mobilità e riduce la qualità della vita. Per comprendere le cause del dolore e il loro corretto ...
03 Ноя
Health and Appearance Benefits of High Heels (E-News)
High heels are an essential part of a woman’s wardrobe, able to emphasize femininity and elegance. However, you can often hear about the harm they can cause to health. Nevertheless, researchers claim that high heels can also bring certain benefits. One of the surprising aspects of wearing high heels is the effect on the pelvic floor muscles. Italian scientists have found that regularly wearing ...
02 Ноя
Dieta bez soli: droga do zdrowej wagi (E-News)
Wraz z nadejściem wiosny wiele z nas zaczyna zastanawiać się, jak pozbyć się zbędnych kilogramów zgromadzonych przez zimę. Pytanie, jak schudnąć bez szkody dla zdrowia, jest szczególnie dotkliwe, a jedną z najskuteczniejszych diet jest dieta bez soli, która pomaga nie tylko schudnąć, ale także poprawić ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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01 Ноя
Closure of the highest mountain pass in Ukraine: car traffic will be suspended for five months (E-News)
From November 1, 2024 to April 1, 2025, a temporary closure of automobile traffic through the Shurdyn mountain pass is planned. This decision was made in order to ensure road safety during the winter period, when weather conditions can be particularly difficult. According to the information provided by the Service for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure in the Chernivtsi Region, ...
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