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23 июля 2024, вторник 10:24

№ 19569824

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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22 Июл
The Ministry of Energy is assessing the consequences of canceling the change of clocks for the energy industry (E-News)
The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine assures that the cancellation of the change of clocks will not have a significant impact on the country's energy system. This was announced by Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko. According to the department's estimates, the transition to constant time will not cause significant changes in the energy balance of Ukraine. "Our calculations do not show dramatic ...
22 Июл
Demand for the BankID system in Ukraine increased by 38% (E-News)
In the second quarter of 2024, a steady increase in demand for the use of the NBU BankID system for remote identification and verification of citizens was observed in Ukraine. This made it possible to gain access to a wide range of remote services. This was reported by the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine. It is noted that the total number of successful electronic identifications ...
19 Июл
Decriminalization of petty theft (E-News)
The Ukrainian Parliament took a significant step in the direction of reforming the legal system by adopting draft law No. 11068 on administrative liability for property theft. According to the new amendments, which entered into force on July 18, thefts of up to 3,000 hryvnias will no longer be subject to criminal prosecution. On the initiative of People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak, with the ...
17 Июл
BP has finally made a decision to cancel the transfer of clocks from winter to summer time (E-News)
The council finally made a decision to cancel the change of clocks from winter to summer time. Bill No. 4201, which was voted on on Tuesday, July 16, received the support of 261 deputies. This means that the last change of clocks to winter time will take place on October 27, 2024, after which the change will be canceled forever, starting in 2025. The bill was considered by the Verkhovna Rada ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Investment opportunities in Ukraine during the war: an expert review (E-News)
In 2024, Ukrainians will actively invest in domestic government bonds (OVDP), diversifying their savings both in hryvnia and in foreign currency. According to experts, about 48-52% of Ukrainians invest in the national currency, with the rest divided between dollars and euros. This approach contributes to maintaining stability and increasing the profitability of investments. Taras Kozak, ...
22 Июл
In Ukraine, there is a gradual increase in pension payments (E-News)
In Ukraine, there is a gradual increase in pension payments, but a significant number of pensioners still receive small amounts. This is reported by "Opendatabot". The average pension in Ukraine increased by 8% compared to last year and now amounts to 5,816 hryvnias. This growth was due to the indexation conducted in March of this year. However, despite this increase, almost 4.5 million ...
17 Июл
Demand for loans in the eurozone is growing for the first time in two years (E-News)
House prices are falling and borrowing costs are falling, boosting demand for mortgages and consumer loans in the eurozone. According to the Financial Times, households in the eurozone began actively borrowing for the first time in two years. Consumers are responding to lower housing prices, lower borrowing costs and increased confidence in the economy. The European Central Bank (ECB) notes ...
16 Июл
The National Bank of Ukraine sells real estate and land plots through electronic auctions (E-News)
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has announced open auctions through the Prozorro electronic system for the sale of real estate and land plots owned by it. These assets were acquired by the National Bank of Ukraine in an exceptional manner as a result of debt repayment for refinancing loans granted to banks of Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the regulator. As part of this ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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18 Июл
Pilates - a system for the harmony of body and mind (E-News)
Want to learn more about Pilates? In this article we will talk about the principles of this unique training system, its benefits, and how it helps to achieve a beautiful figure. Pilates is not a quick method for weight loss, but it can significantly improve muscle tone and overall well-being. Fundamentals of methodPilates is designed by Joseph Pilates and includes exercises performed on the ...
18 Июл
Aqua aerobics: health and joy (E-News)
Maintaining motivation for fitness and maintaining interest in workouts can be challenging for everyone, regardless of health status. It is especially important to regularly engage in sports for diabetics in order to maintain a high level of motivation. One of the effective and interesting ways to improve physical shape is aqua aerobics. Aerobic exercises: what is it?Aerobic exercises increase ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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22 Июл
Tajemnice małżeństwa: od komedii po dramat (E-News)
Małżeństwo można porównać do sztuki, w której pierwszy akt jest szczegółowy i dobrze ukierunkowany - znajomy i szczęśliwy ślub. Wszystko, co stanie się potem, to tylko improwizacja. Nie wiadomo, jak długo potrwa sztuka „Życie rodzinne”, czy odniesie sukces i jakie będzie zakończenie. Zależy to od talentu ...
22 Июл
How to make hair shiny: tips for business lady (E-News)
Every successful businesswoman knows that well-groomed hair is not just part of the image, but an important aspect of professional style. The shine and health of the hair give confidence and emphasize the overall image. However, the daily attention to hair is often missed due to busy work schedules. Here are some simple but effective tips that will help make your hair healthy and radiant even if ...
22 Июл
What is permanent hair straightening (E-News)
Permanent hair straightening is the ability to change the structure of hair for a long time, making them perfectly straight and smooth. For many, this becomes an ideal solution, freeing from daily efforts with ironing and providing a long-term effect. How chemical hair straightening acts The process of permanent hair straightening begins with the application of an alkaline solution that breaks ...
21 Июл
Masks for skin care around the eyes (E-News)
Numerous stresses, insomnia and natural aging processes leave marks on the skin around the eyes. In search of a solution to the problem, many turn to miracle creams and expensive products, but homemade masks can be no less effective and affordable, without requiring significant financial outlay and study of cosmetics compositions. homemade recipes for eye masks: fighting puffiness and dark ...
21 Июл
Four ways to quickly refresh your face (E-News)
In search of a quick way to tidy up, let's turn to the advice of makeup artist Marina Kruglova. Makeup should be applied... cold (keep care products and makeup base in the refrigerator). This quickly awakens and refreshes the skin, especially useful for those who have capillary network on the face or a tendency to swelling. Mastering the “blonzy look” makeup style The “blonzy look” makeup is a ...
20 Июл
Effectiveness of cosmetic massage for face and body (E-News)
Like any other type of massage, cosmetic massage relieves tension, relaxes and restores energy by stimulating blood circulation. It helps to normalize blood circulation, the disruption of which can lead to unpleasant skin problems: due to insufficient blood flow, the skin may look unhealthy, pale, swollen. Regular cosmetic massage also helps to tighten facial muscles, making the face look younger ...
20 Июл
Hair Strengthening: Health & Beauty Care (E-News)
Modern life is saturated with various challenges that can negatively affect the condition of our hair. Factors such as unfavourable ecology, stress, inadequate nutrition and other aspects of life in the metropolis contribute to hair weakening and loss. Hair follicles that affect hair health are sensitive to external influences such as changes in blood supply or nervous innervation, which can lead ...
19 Июл
Hiromassage: the art of healing the body (E-News)
Hiromassage is one of the most effective methods of therapeutic action on the human body. This type of massage has ancient roots and has been actively used for more than a century. Historical sources indicate its use in various cultures, including China, Greece, India, and, of course, Spain, from where its name «Spanish massage» comes. Hiromassage is characterized by the active use of various ...
19 Июл
Olej rycynowy: sekret piękna i zdrowia włosów (E-News)
Olej rycynowy to olej roślinny uzyskiwany z nasion kleszcza (Ricinus communis). Jest to bezbarwna lub jasnożółta ciecz o neutralnym lub słabym zapachu. Gęstość oleju rycynowego wynosi 961 kg / m3 i wrze w temperaturze 313 ° C. Głównym składnikiem oleju jest kwas rycynolowy, który stanowi około 90% jego struktury i zawiera kwasy ...
19 Июл
How to enlarge lips with hyaluronic acid (E-News)
Lip augmentation has been attracting the attention of women for centuries. Some African tribes still use lip augmentation materials. In today's world, full lips are considered a sign of femininity and sexiness. One of the most popular methods of lip augmentation today is the use of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acidAs we age, the body produces less of the substances needed to keep our skin healthy ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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18 Июл
Die EU hat zuvor die Zuweisung von Finanzhilfen in Höhe von 4,22 Milliarden Euro für die Ukraine genehmigt (E-News)
Die Europäische Kommission bewertete die erste reguläre Zahlung von rund 4,2 Milliarden Euro im Rahmen des Ukraine-Fazilitätsprogramms positiv, das darauf abzielt, die makrofinanzielle Stabilität und das Funktionieren der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Ukraine zu unterstützen. Dies berichtet „European Truth“ unter Berufung auf den Pressedienst der Europäischen ...
18 Июл
Switzerland is investigating dozens of sanctions violations against Russia (E-News)
In Switzerland, 56 proceedings regarding possible violations of sanctions against the Russian Federation have been initiated, of which fines have already been imposed in 15 cases. This is reported by Reuters. Switzerland is actively investigating more than 50 cases of alleged violations of the sanctions regime against Russia. Of these proceedings, violations were detected in 15 cases that ...
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