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6 июня 2024, четверг 23:21

№ 19506465

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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VR setzte elektronische Tickets mit Papiertickets im öffentlichen Nahverkehr gleich (E-News)
Die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat einen Gesetzesentwurf verabschiedet, der elektronische Fahrkarten für Fahrten im öffentlichen Verkehr mit Papierfahrkarten gleichsetzt. Das Gesetz „Über Änderungen bestimmter Gesetzgebungsakte der Ukraine hinsichtlich der Einführung elektronischer Tickets im Straßen- und Stadtverkehr“ wurde in der zweiten Lesung von 256 ...
Ukraine and Greece reached an important agreement on irregular transportation (E-News)
Ukraine and Greece have reached an important agreement, which provides for the issuance of 100 permits for irregular transportation between the countries. This decision will allow Ukrainian carriers to plan routes directly to the final destination in Greece, bypassing transfers to foreign buses. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and ...
04 Июн
Changes in the Unified State Register: what Ukrainian businessmen are changing (E-News)
According to Opendatabot, since the start of the full-scale invasion, more than 278,000 changes have been made to the Unified State Register, almost 80% of which occurred in 2023. The main among them were changes in the management of companies and their registration addresses. The most frequent changes concerned the appointment of new directors in enterprises (41% of all changes), which ...
04 Июн
Electronic excise: a new stage in the fight against counterfeit alcohol in Ukraine (E-News)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has taken an important step in the fight against counterfeit alcohol and tobacco by launching a new website of the eExcise project. This innovative tool aims to bring the country closer to European market regulation standards. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. The eExcise project is a digital ...
03 Июн
OPEC+ continues discussions on reducing oil production until 2025 (E-News)
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+), together with its partners, is actively working to agree on an agreement on the further reduction of oil production, which can be carried out until 2025. According to Bloomberg, with reference to sources in OPEC+, officials of the participating countries are considering the possibility of extending restrictions on oil production by ...
03 Июн
Die Ukraine und Moldawien haben eine Einigung über die Gaslieferungen nach Transnistrien erzielt (E-News)
Die Ukraine und Moldawien haben eine informelle Vereinbarung getroffen, um weiterhin Erdgas in das nicht anerkannte Transnistrien zu liefern, nachdem der Vertrag mit dem russischen Gazprom Ende 2024 ausläuft. Dies gab der Energieminister der Republik Moldau, Viktor Parlikov, bekannt, schreibt Bloomberg. Im April weigerte sich der ukrainische Gasnetzbetreiber, die Verbindungsverträge zu ...
03 Июн
The government has approved a two-year experimental project for the introduction of e-TTN for domestic freight transportation (E-News)
The Ukrainian government has approved a two-year experimental project on the introduction of an electronic waybill (e-TTN) for domestic freight transportation. The corresponding decision was made during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 30. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure. The implementation of e-TTN is ...
31 Май
Growth of insurance compensations for victims of road accidents: Analysis for January-April 2024 (E-News)
In the first four months of the current year, Ukrainian insurance companies reimbursed road accident victims an amount that is a third higher than the corresponding payments last year. The Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBU) reported payments in the amount of 1,590.5 million hryvnias for January-April 2024, which is a 34% increase compared to the same period last year. The ...
31 Май
Ukrzaliznytsia startet «Mountain Shuttle» in die Karpaten: Zeitplan und Routen (E-News)
JSC „Ukrzaliznytsia“ kündigte den Start des „Bergshuttles“ von Lemberg nach Jaremtsche, Tatariw-Bukowel, Worochta und Rahiv für das kommende Wochenende, 1.-2. Juni, an. Diese Innovation soll Touristen und Einheimischen einen bequemen Zugang zu den malerischen Ecken der Karpaten ermöglichen. Nach Informationen des Pressedienstes von „Ukrzaliznytsia“ wird der Zug Nr. 816 Lwiw – ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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04 Июн
Regular exercise for successful weight loss (E-News)
Exercise, though it may seem tedious at times, is an integral part of the weight loss process. In fact, research shows that regular exercise is key to weight loss and health maintenance. Irregular exercise can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, which involves a number of negative changes in the body, such as high cholesterol, blood pressure and fat accumulation in certain areas of ...
03 Июн
8 Übungen für ein effektives Workout (E-News)
Diese Übungsreihe wurde speziell für Frauen entwickelt, die einen Büroalltag führen. Es zielt darauf ab, das Muskelkorsett zu stärken und eine schlanke Figur zu formen, insbesondere im Bereich der Bauchmuskeln, der Taille und der Hüften. Hier sind einige Übungen, mit denen Sie schnell in Form kommen werden: 1. Schräglage mit einer Drehung des ...
31 Май
I segreti delle belle braccia: esercizi efficaci per le donne (E-News)
Le braccia sono una parte del corpo che può essere il biglietto da visita di ogni donna. Ma come evitare il grasso in eccesso e la flaccidità? Ci sono diversi modi, tra cui esercizi fisici mirati a bruciare i grassi e a rafforzare i muscoli. Il più delle volte le donne si preoccupano dell'eccesso di tessuto molle quando piegano le braccia sui gomiti e della comparsa di ...
31 Май
Tourism in Ukraine during the war: prohibitions and recommendations (E-News)
Despite the ongoing war and the constant threat of missile attacks from the Russian Federation, Ukrainians continue to look for opportunities for recreation within the country. Due to difficulties with tours abroad, many Ukrainians choose to travel around Ukraine, refraining from trips to frontline regions and territories that were under occupation. Access to the sea remains closed due to the ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Medytacja: uzdrawiająca moc dla ciała i umysłu (E-News)
Kiedy wspomina się o medytacji, zwykle wyobrażamy sobie obraz jogina lub guru siedzącego w dziwnej pozie i intonującego „OM”. Jednak medytacja to nie tylko praktyka duchowa. To także okazja do rozluźnienia napiętego ciała i poprawy funkcji poznawczych, pamięci, zdolności analitycznych i rozwiązywania problemów. Medytacja pozostaje ...
Wie man eine virtuelle Romanze nicht verliert (E-News)
Auch in virtuellen Liebesbeziehungen gibt es bestimmte Regeln, deren Verletzung zum Abbruch der Kommunikation führen kann. Oft brechen Frauen diese unausgesprochenen Regeln, ohne sich dessen bewusst zu sein, und wundern sich dann, warum ein Mann nicht mehr auf ihre Nachrichten antwortet. Zurückhaltung in der Kommunikation Bei der Kommunikation in einem Chatroom oder in der ...
What women want: it's important to know (E-News)
Men and women are different, and that's no secret. They have different priorities in relationships, and women's expectations of men can be as diverse as the types of women themselves: young and mature, fat and slim, talkative and silent, beautiful and ordinary. However, for all this diversity, there is one constant component of an ideal relationship. Men tend to build relationships with caution ...
Kokie yra moterų neištikimybės požymiai (E-News)
Šiuo metu yra daug literatūros neištikimybės, įskaitant moterų neištikimybę, tema. Kaip suprasti, kad moteris apgaudinėja, kaip atleisti arba kodėl neatleisti, kaip keršyti arba kodėl neverta to daryti - atsakymai į šiuos klausimus domina daugelį. Tačiau norint pradėti spręsti bet kokią problemą, ...
Jak radzić sobie z zazdrością (E-News)
Istnieje wiele opinii i literatury na temat zazdrości, zwłaszcza kobiecej. Spróbujmy zrozumieć to uczucie i zrozumieć, co z nim zrobić. Pochodzenie zazdrości Czasami mówi się nam, że „zazdrość oznacza miłość”, ale nie zawsze jest to prawdą. Zazdrość jest często związana z poczuciem ...
Tea tree oil: natural antiseptic and its application (E-News)
Tea tree essential oil, obtained from the leaves of the melaleuca plant (or tea tree), has long been known for its medicinal properties. Native to Australia, this plant is a relative of eucalyptus and belongs to the myrtle family. Pure tea tree oil is widely available in pharmacies and stores, and is used as an ingredient in many cosmetic and health products such as gels, creams, shampoos and ...
05 Июн
Oriental flavors for the face (E-News)
Spices not only make our meals delicious, but they can also be a secret weapon in facial skin care. Masks made with spices have amazing properties that promote healthy and youthful skin. Let's take a look at a few spice mask recipes that will help your skin glow with health. Turmeric mask is a real treasure for the skin. Dried turmeric powder mixed with milk forms a soft and nourishing mask that ...
05 Июн
Urbane Schönheit: Die Geheimnisse der Hautpflege (E-News)
Sich in der Hektik der Stadt zu pflegen, ist ein ganzer Komplex von Maßnahmen. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die richtige Wahl der Kosmetika, sondern auch um die richtige Ernährung und die tägliche Pflege. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass ein gesunder Schlaf eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Erhaltung der Schönheit spielt. Es ist auch wichtig, die Haut mit den notwendigen Stoffen zu ...
05 Июн
Care: vitamin masks for facial skin (E-News)
Fall is the time when your skin needs extra vitamins. Treat your skin with vitamin masks! At this time of year, it is especially important to provide your skin with everything it needs for its health and beauty. A facial mask made from calamus is a great way to infuse your skin with vitamins. Kalina berries are scalded with boiling water, then kneaded and mixed with starch to the state of ...
04 Июн
Droga do idealnej sylwetki: szybkie metody (E-News)
Zimą łatwo stracić formę, ale lato to świetny czas na powrót do formy. Jeśli chcesz szybko uzyskać idealną sylwetkę, zacznij od podstaw: prawidłowej postawy. Zła postawa może być przyczyną wielu wad sylwetki, takich jak opadnięte ramiona, podwójne podbródki, obwisły brzuch, płaskie pośladki i ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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03 Июн
Turcja na dobrej drodze do usunięcia z szarej listy FATF: co to oznacza dla tego kraju? (E-News)
Według Bloomberga Turcja może wkrótce zostać skreślona z „szarej listy” Grupy Specjalnej ds. Przeciwdziałania Praniu Pieniędzy (FATF). Decyzja ta spodziewana jest pod koniec czerwca br. i może być ważnym krokiem dla jednej z największych gospodarek Bliskiego Wschodu, która aktywnie pracuje nad usprawnieniem walki z nielegalnymi ...
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