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28 октября 2024, понедельник 12:02

№ 19615481

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Introduction of housing rental subsidies for IDPs: a new experimental project of the government of Ukraine (E-News)
The Government of Ukraine has launched an experimental project to provide subsidies for internally displaced persons (IDPs) to ease their financial burden on renting housing. According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was adopted at the meeting on October 25 at the request of the Ministry of Social Policy, the project will cover nine regions of Ukraine and will operate for two ...
25 Окт
During the two years since the resumption of small privatization, the State Property Fund has implemented 839 successful online auctions (E-News)
During the two years since the resumption of small privatization, the State Property Fund of Ukraine has implemented 839 successful online auctions through the "Prozorro.Prodazhi" platform. This brought the state budget 6.65 billion hryvnias of direct revenues, which testifies to the effectiveness of the measures taken. This information was made public by the press service of the Ministry of ...
23 Окт
Ministry of Finance: The IMF memorandum does not oblige Ukraine to raise energy tariffs (E-News)
The updated memorandum of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of the fifth review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program does not contain obligations for Ukraine to increase energy tariffs. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. The department noted that during the review of the memorandum, the possibility of increasing energy tariffs was ...
23 Окт
The stoppage of e-booking could lead to a crisis in the agricultural and retail sectors (E-News)
Representatives of the Ukrainian Grain Association (UZA) and the Retailers Association of Ukraine expressed serious concern over the termination of the electronic employee booking procedure, which is critical for their industries. This issue has become a topic of discussion among key market players, as stopping this procedure could lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the ...
22 Окт
Increase in the number of bankruptcies in Ukraine (E-News)
As of today, 651 bankruptcy cases of individuals have been registered in Ukraine, which is a significant increase compared to last year. Since the beginning of summer, the number of such cases has almost doubled. Most bankruptcies are reported in Kyiv, Kyiv region and Dnipropetrovs'k region, where 64% of bankrupts are aged 25 to 45. According to Opendatabot, more bankruptcy cases have been ...
22 Окт
The shortage of personnel threatens the development of subsoil use in Ukraine: the results of the EBA survey (E-News)
The majority of Ukrainian companies in the field of subsoil use rate the industry as attractive for investment, despite the war. According to the September survey of the European Business Association (EBA), 78% of companies believe that investing in the Ukrainian underground remains promising. Only 4% have the opposite opinion, and 18% of respondents could not give an unequivocal answer. The ...
21 Окт
Land auctions in Volyn, Lviv region and Cherkasy region: the starting price increased 7.6 times (E-News)
On October 17, large-scale land auctions took place in three regions of Ukraine - Volyn, Lviv, and Cherkasy - where state agricultural land was put up for sublease. The total area of ​​these plots was 670.6 hectares. As the press service of the "Land Bank" reported, the auctions gathered considerable interest among the participants, which made it possible to significantly increase ...
Новости - Украина - Происшествия


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24 Окт
The most frequently stolen cars in Ukraine: what you should know (E-News)
Since the beginning of 2024, 765 cases of car theft have been recorded in Ukraine, which is confirmed by the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Nissan, VAZ and Volkswagen are the most common stolen cars. Crimes related to car theft are most often registered in the Donetsk and Kherson regions, which makes these regions the most problematic in this respect. According to analysts, the ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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25 Окт
Implementation of AI among Ukrainian entrepreneurs: one in five already uses the technology (E-News)
Ukrainian business is rapidly adapting to new technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an important tool for the development and optimization of business processes. According to the results of the Mastercard SME Index 2024 study, 21% of entrepreneurs in Ukraine have already integrated AI into their activities. In particular, this figure is 16% among micro-businesses, 30% among ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Natural Skin and Hair Care: Beauty Secrets with Flowers (E-News)
In the past, when there was not such a variety of cosmetics, our grandmothers used time-tested folk recipes to preserve youth and beauty. Among these recipes, flowers played a key role, which today can also become the basis for skin and hair care. Flowers such as rose, chamomile and calendula contain many useful substances that restore and protect the skin. For example, rose water is one of the ...
27 Окт
How to take care of your skin in winter (E-News)
In winter, our skin is particularly stressed by cold, wind and dry air. This period requires special attention and care to avoid dryness, flaking and irritation. It is important to choose the right products and treatments to keep your skin healthy and beautiful during the cold season. The first step in winter skin care is proper cleansing. Instead of conventional face washes, it is better to use ...
27 Окт
Cellulite: how to cope with the main enemy of women's beauty (E-News)
Cellulite is a problem that most women face. Almost every one of them worries about its appearance, afraid to see unwanted changes on the skin, resembling an orange peel. Despite the active advertising of cellulite remedies, many women still can not completely get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. But why does it appear so often and what can be done about it? Cellulite is the result of changes ...
26 Окт
Flavorful beans in cream sauce with herbs (E-News)
Beans are not only tasty, but also a useful product that is often used in various dishes. Today we offer you an original recipe for beans cooked in cream sauce with herbs. This simple but very tasty dish is ideal for lunch or dinner and will please you with its rich taste and aroma. To prepare the beans you will need the following ingredients: 500 g of red beans (you can use other types, but red ...
26 Окт
Makeup for girls who wear glasses (E-News)
Makeup for girls who wear glasses requires a special approach. Glasses can visually change the size of the eyes - increase or decrease them. To compensate for this effect and emphasize the natural beauty, it is important to choose the right makeup technique. Let's consider the main tips for girls with different types of vision. makeup for nearsighted: how to enlarge the eyes If you have glasses ...
25 Окт
Causes of Female Jealousy (E-News)
Jealousy is a feeling that many women have been familiar with since a very early age. As children, girls already show protective instincts, protecting their toys from other children. As they grow up, they carry these habits into adulthood, assigning their partners the status of “mine.” But why does this particular feeling arise and how does it affect relationships? Let's look at several main ...
25 Окт
How to Make a Diet Plan for Weight Loss (E-News)
If you have decided to lose extra pounds, one way is a well-thought-out diet plan that can be used to achieve stable results. This approach helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to improve the condition of the body. The main thing is to maintain consistency and not make changes to the proposed diet. An important element of any such plan is to give up salt and sugar, as well as ...
24 Окт
La journée idéale d'une femme : ce que disent les recherches (E-News)
Les chercheurs ont interrogé plus de 900 femmes qui travaillent pour déterminer leur routine quotidienne idéale. Selon une publication du Journal of Economic Psychology, la majorité des personnes interrogées ont admis qu'elles appréciaient particulièrement le temps passé avec leurs proches et leurs amis, et qu'elles n'aimaient pas particulièrement le ...
24 Окт
How plastic tableware affects women's hormonal levels (E-News)
Scientists from the UK have concluded that frequent use of plastic tableware can cause serious changes in women's hormonal levels. In particular, it can contribute to excessive hair growth on the body, which was an unexpected discovery for many patients who faced this problem. Studies have shown that some women began to grow a beard, which forced specialists to closely examine their ...
24 Окт
Why apples can harm your teeth (E-News)
It's no secret that apples are considered a healthy fruit, but a new study has revealed an unexpected aspect of their effects on dental health. It turns out that apples may be more harmful to enamel than many other foods, including carbonated beverages. According to experts, apples may increase the risk of tooth decay four times more than sugary drinks, raising questions about the need for ...
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