Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing.
Bullying may negatively impact a student’s connection with school, their engagement with the curriculum, and their overall ability to learn. Bullying prevention is critical to building a school environment conducive to learning and where students feel safe at all times. Observed annually on Wednesday of the fourth week in September.
(Enacted May 12, 2010, from the 2009 Laws of Wisconsin, Act 309.)
Source: wikipedia.org | wisconsin.gov
In 2024 Bullying Awareness Day in Wisconsin in USA falls on September 25.