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List of commemorative months in September in Ohio

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Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month; Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma Awareness Month; Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Month; Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month; Ohio Preparedness Month; Childhood Cancer Awareness Month; Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month; Craniofacial Acceptance Month; School Bullying Prevention Awareness Month; Safe Driving Awareness Month; Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month.
Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month.
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. The annual observance originated in 1975 when the National Association for Sickle Cell Disease (NASCD) and its member organizations began conducting month-long events to raise awareness about sickle cell disease and the need to address the problem at the national and local level.
The NASCD (now called the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc.- SCDAA) and its member organizations sponsored public educational programs and fundraising activities during the month. State and local government officials issued Sickle Cell Month proclamations and were introduced to local poster children.
The SCDAA tradition of selecting a national poster child (now called the Child Ambassador Contest) from local candidates began in 1976 with President Gerald Ford greeting the first winner(8-year-old Bridgete Earby of Oakland, California) at the White House. Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Obama have also greeted the national poster child.
The effort to have Sickle Cell Month officially recognized at all levels succeeded in 1983 when the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed the resolution, introduced by the Congressional Black Caucus, asking President Reagan to issue a proclamation designating the month of September as "National Sickle-Cell Anemia Awareness Month." President Reagan signed Proclamation 5102 in September, 1983 inviting "all Americans to reaffirming our commitment to reduce the burden of illness, disability, and premature death imposed by this disease."
In Ohio, legislation designating the month of September as "Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month" was signed by former Governor Bob Taft in February, 2003. Since its offical recognition, the ODH Sickle Cell Services Program in collaboraqtion with the State-Funded Regional Sickle Cell Projects and community partners, have dedicated the month to raising statewide public and professional awareness and knowledge of sickle cell disease, sickle cell trait and other hemoglobinopathies.
(Ohio Revised Code. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Chapter 5: STATE INSIGNIA; SEALS; HOLIDAYS: 5.2226 Sickle cell anemia awareness month. Effective Date: 03-19-2003)
5.2230 Leukemia, lymphoma, and melanoma awareness month.
The month of September is designated as "Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma Awareness Month" to enhance the understanding of blood cancers and encourage participation in voluntary activities that support education programs, services to patients, and the funding of research programs to find cures.
Effective Date: 09-30-2005
5.2250 Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Month.
The month of September is designated as "Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Month" to raise awareness of the existence, symptoms, and management of a diverse group of disorders known as mitochondrial disease that may impact either a part of the body or multiple organ systems as a result of dysfunction of the mitochondria, which are structures within cells that produce energy needed for cellular performance.
(Amended by 130th General Assembly File No. TBD, SB 300, §1, eff. 9/17/2014.
Effective Date: 2008 SB243 04-07-2009)
5.2252 Brain aneurysm awareness month.
The month of September is designated as "Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month" to increase public awareness and understanding of brain aneurysms, including methods of early detection and treatment.
It is the intent of the general assembly in enacting this section to increase public awareness and understanding of brain aneurysms. The general assembly feels that it is vitally important that the state designate September as "Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month." According to the brain aneurysm foundation, brain aneurysms afflict approximately two per cent of Americans, most commonly those aged thirty-five to sixty years. The state encourages and commends private efforts, including those of the brain aneurysm foundation, to enhance funding for aneurysm research, provide educational materials and programs, and create a support network for patients, survivors, and their families.
Effective Date: 2008 SB243 04-07-2009
5.2253 Ohio preparedness month.
The month of September is hereby designated as "Ohio Preparedness Month" to highlight the importance of preparedness on the part of all Ohioans in the event of an emergency.
Effective Date: 2008 SB243 04-07-2009
5.2254 Childhood cancer awareness month.
The month of September is designated as "Childhood Cancer Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of childhood cancer.
Effective Date: 2008 SB243 04-07-2009
5.2255 Ovarian cancer awareness month.
The month of September is designated as "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month."
Effective Date: 2008 SB243 04-07-2009
5.2287 Craniofacial Acceptance Month.
The month of September is designated as "Craniofacial Acceptance Month" to increase public awareness of craniofacial conditions and advances in medical treatment of these conditions.
Added by 129th General AssemblyFile No.153, SB 135, §1, eff. 3/13/2013.
5.2296 School Bullying Prevention and Awareness Act.
The month of September shall be designated as "School Bullying Prevention Awareness Month" to highlight the policies prohibiting harassment, intimidation, or bullying adopted by schools in the state and the required notice of those policies sent to parents and guardians annually under section 3313.666 of the Revised Code.
Added by 130th General Assembly File No. TBD, SB 272, §1, eff. 3/23/2015.
5.2297 Safe Driving Awareness Month.
The month of September is designated as "Safe Driving Awareness Month," in honor of Maria Tiberi and other victims who have lost their lives in motor vehicle-related accidents.
Added by 130th General Assembly File No. TBD, SB 294, §1, eff. 9/17/2014.
5.27 Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month.
The month of September is designated as "Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month."
Added by 130th General Assembly File No. TBD, SB 272, §1, eff. 3/23/2015.
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Current List of commemorative months in September in Ohio in 2025, List of commemorative months in September in Ohio in 2026 see also: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 calendar
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