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CalendarMarch in 201627 → Easter

March 27 Events

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Easter, also called Resurrection Sunday, is the most important Christian holiday celebrating Jesus Christ returning from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion by Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD.
It is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, Holy Week, the week before Easter, containing the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday, commemorating the Maundy and Last Supper, as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. There is no doubt that it is the holiest time for Christians all over the world, for the resurrection of Jesus, which Easter celebrates, is a foundation of the Christian faith. The resurrection established Jesus as the powerful Son of God and is cited as proof that God will judge the world in righteousness. For those who trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection, "death is swallowed up in victory." Any person who chooses to follow Jesus receives a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Through faith in the working of God those who follow Jesus are spiritually resurrected with him so that they may walk in a new way of life and receive eternal salvation.
Christian symbols of Easter usually include the cross that Jesus was crucified on, a lamb, and white lilies. Other popular Easter symbols such as eggs, rabbits, hares, nests and related customs have nothing to do with the Christian meaning of the holiday. They are related more to the ancients pagan festivals and represent the re-birth and return to fertility of nature in the spring.
Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts. The date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox. Easter is celebrated in March or April. It can occur as early as March 22 and as late as April 25.
Decorated eggs, hyacinths, tulips, and lilies are traditional gifts for Easter. Greeting cards make a nice addition.
But if your relatives or dear friends are far away, you can use our Easter ecards or Easter quote cards to send them your greetings.
Have a bright and joyful Easter!
In 2016 Easter in USA falls on March 27.
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Current Easter in 2025, Easter in 2026 see also: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 calendar
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«Hallelujah is our song»

eCard - Hallelujah is our song
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«The great gift of Easter»

eCard - The great gift of Easter
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«A symbol of hope»

eCard - A symbol of hope
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«The promise of the resurrection»

eCard - The promise of the resurrection
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Easter Quotes, Sayings, Verses, Poems

Quotes and wishes: «Easter Quotes, Sayings, Verses, Poems»

Quotes & Wishes - "Easter," all her birds are singing "Easter," all her birds are singing

"Easter," all her birds are singing,
Easter, and the souls of men,
Lying long in strife and shadow,
Take the light of heaven again.
J.J. Britton (1832–1913), "Easter"
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Quotes and wishes: «Easter Quotes, Sayings, Verses, Poems»

Quotes & Wishes - 3 eggs 3 eggs

I lied on my Weight Watchers list.
I put down that I had 3 eggs... but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs.
Caroline Rhea
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Quotes and wishes: «Easter Quotes, Sayings, Verses, Poems»

Quotes & Wishes - A perfect act A perfect act

A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.
Mahatma Gandhi
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Quotes and wishes: «Easter Quotes, Sayings, Verses, Poems»

Quotes & Wishes - A whole new way of thinking A whole new way of thinking

The symbolic language of the crucifixion is the death of the old paradigm; resurrection is a leap into a whole new way of thinking.
Deepak Chopra
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Quotes and wishes: «Easter Quotes, Sayings, Verses, Poems»

Quotes & Wishes - All new born All new born

For I remember it is Easter morn,
And life and love and peace are all new born.
Alice Freeman Palmer
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