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CalendarSeptember17 → Teachers' Day in Honduras

September 17 Events

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Teachers' Day in Honduras

Teachers' Day in Honduras is held on September 17. This event in the second decade of the month September is annual. Help us Help us 
17 September - Teachers' Day in Honduras
Teacher's Day in Honduras was established on September 17, 1923, in honor of José Trinidad Reyes, a priest who fought for the right to education and was the founder of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH).
José Trinidad Reyes y Sevilla considered as the “Father Reyes”, was a poet, musician, educator and humanist. He dedicated himself to fighting poverty and its different causes, asking for the right to education. He also made the first library in Honduras called "Library of the Academy" and the first printing press in the country "Printing of the Academy".
This festivity aims to recognize the honorable daily work carried out by teachers, promoting the development of each of the students and offering a quality education for all.

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