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CalendarAugust1 → World Scout Scarf Day

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World Scout Scarf Day

World Scout Scarf Day is held on August 1. This event in the first decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
1 August - World Scout Scarf Day
The idea of "Scout Scarf Day" on August 1 is that all active and former scouts are requested to wear their scout scarfs in public to make the "Spirit of Scouting" visible: Once a Scout - Always a Scout! The date of the event commemorates the very first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907.
The scarf/neckerchief would identify its wearer as a Scout, as well as where they came from. But, the scarf also has many hidden functions – it can be used as a sling, bandage, or as a means of keeping warm. Over time, many ergonomic changes have been made to the Uniform. The materials were changed from thick, itchy and scratchy wools and cottons, to more light, breathable and comfortable fabrics. Various Uniforms have also been developed at different times for different youth and young adults in different age sections.

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