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CalendarJune8 → Pranav Sivakumar Day

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Pranav Sivakumar Day

Pranav Sivakumar Day is held on June 8. Illinois, United States. Pranav Sivakumar is an American speller and amateur researcher. His National Spelling Bee achievements earned him recognition by Pat Quinn, who declared June 8, 2014 "Pranav Sivakumar Day.". This event in the first decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
8 June - Pranav Sivakumar Day
When Pranav Sivakumar was six years old he found an encyclopedia about famous scientists lying around the house and he’s been fascinated with outer space ever since. For years every Saturday morning his parents drove him an hour to an astrophysics lab for 'Ask-a-Scientist' class, and before long he teamed up with researchers he met there to study gravitational lensing of quasars.
Pranav Sivakumar, a junior at the Illinois Math and Science Academy, began attending Fermilab public lectures with his parents when he was in the fourth grade. Pranav was a Global Finalist in the Google Science Fair not once, but twice, so you know he’s going to do some important things.
His passion for science started at a young age when at six years old, he started watching video lectures of MIT professor and astrophysicist Walter Lewin. In 2015, Pranav won Google Science Fair’s Virgin Galactic Pioneer Award and was later recognized by President Obama at the White House Astronomy Night for his research. Additionally, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn declared June 7th, 2014 “Pranav Sivakumar Day” in recognition of his performance in the National Spelling Bee over a three-year period. Pranav hopes to one day pursue a career as an astrophysicist and continue deciphering the mysteries of the universe.

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