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CalendarNovember8 → St. Martin's Market in Nottuln

November 8 Events

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St. Martin's Market in Nottuln

St. Martin's Market in Nottuln is held on November 8. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
8 November - St. Martin's Market in Nottuln
The Martinimarkt in Nottuln is a traditional event that has been held every year at the beginning of November since 1622. It is part of the historic town center and is a fixture in the annual calendar of the Stiftsdorf.
Date: The Martinimarkt takes place on the first or second weekend in November, always from Saturday to Monday.
Offerings: The market offers a colorful mix of funfair, flea market and an arts and crafts village behind St. Martin's Church.
Opening evening: Traditionally, the Martinimarkt begins with the opening evening of the local history association on Friday. A prominent speaker speaks on a current topic. On Friday evening there is a lantern parade for children in honor of Saint Martin.

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