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CalendarJuly12 → Vogelwiese in Dresden

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Vogelwiese in Dresden

Vogelwiese in Dresden is held on July 12. This event in the second decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
12 July - Vogelwiese in Dresden
The Dresden Vogelwiese is the oldest folk festival in Dresden. The exact origin of the Vogelwiese is not historically clearly dated. Various sources place its origins in 1577 or the period between 1546 and 1660.
Originally, there were two different shooting competitions for archers: the Whitsun shooting and the country shooting. In the Whitsun shooting of 1660, these two competitions were combined into a new Vogelwiesen festival.
From this point onwards, sumptuous feasts, competitions in jousting, pole-climbing, cock-cocking, dancing, stalls and dice games became an integral part of the festival.
From 1577 to 1841, the Vogelwiese took place on the meadow in front of the Ziegelschlag.
From 1874, it was held on the fairground on the banks of the Elbe in Johannstadt.
After the Second World War, the Vogelwiese was held on the exhibition grounds at Julius-Fučík-Platz.
Currently, the Vogelwiese is held on the Pieschner Allee fairground.
There are several traditions and customs at the Dresden Vogelwiese:
A highlight of the bird meadow is the "bird wedding". A "bride and groom" (usually children) are chosen to symbolically re-enact the wedding of birds.
There is a procession with music and dancing in which the "bride and groom" are accompanied. This is followed by celebrations and dancing.
Another custom is the election of the shooting king. In the bird shooting, a wooden bird is shot down by a marksman.
The person who shoots the last remnant of the bird is crowned the shooting king.
The Vogelwiese offers numerous rides, stalls and booths with food, drinks and souvenirs.
Traditionally, there are also carousels and other attractions for children.
The Vogelwiese is a place of conviviality where people come together, celebrate and have fun.
It is an opportunity to meet old friends and make new acquaintances.

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