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CalendarAugust22 → Cannafair in Düsseldorf

August 22 Events

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Cannafair in Düsseldorf

Cannafair in Düsseldorf is held on August 22. This event in the third decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
22 August - Cannafair in Düsseldorf
The cannabis industry in Germany has experienced a noticeable upswing in recent years, which has now finally been crowned with the long-awaited decision to legalize it. Cannafair in Düsseldorf is a cannabis trade fair that takes place in the heart of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Number of visitors: Cannafair is the top trade fair for cannabis culture in German-speaking countries and attracts over 12,000 visitors every year.
Industry knowledge: The team behind Cannafair has industry knowledge and has earned a reputation as a reliable service provider.
Legality: The decision to legalize cannabis in Germany has boosted the industry.
Cannafair provides a platform for producers, distributors, service companies, importers, clubs and associations to showcase the latest developments in the cannabis market. It is a great opportunity for cannabis enthusiasts and entrepreneurs to network and learn more about the industry.

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