Baden-Württemberg Youth Film Award
Baden-Württemberg Youth Film Award is held on December 4. This event in the first decade of the month December is annual.
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The youth film festival takes place annually and lasts four days. Young filmmakers can submit their films and have the chance to present their work on the big screen.
The Baden-Württemberg Youth Film Award is an important film festival for up-and-coming filmmakers up to the age of 22 in Baden-Württemberg. It takes place parallel to the Baden-Württemberg Film Show.
Searching for and finding the talents of tomorrow is the goal and task of all activities in the competition for the Youth Film Prize, which the Film Office has been organizing parallel to the Baden-Württemberg Film Show since 2004.
The Baden-Württemberg Youth Film Award offers young filmmakers the opportunity to present their self-made films. Young people from all over Baden-Württemberg can take part, whether as a school class, a group of friends or as an independent production.
The crowning finale is the joint award ceremony of the Filmschau and the Youth Film Prize, where the young filmmakers can win awards in many categories.
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