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CalendarJune13 → Stade Old Town Festival

June 13 Events

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Stade Old Town Festival

Stade Old Town Festival is held on June 13. This event in the second decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
13 June - Stade Old Town Festival
The Stade Old Town Festival is an annual event in Stade that promises an eventful weekend. Museums in the region offer various activities, and dance groups and sports clubs present their skills on the big stage.
Duration and stages: The Old Town Festival extends over 3 days and features 4 stages. The festivities take place on the streets and stages of the Old Town and last late into the night. On Saturday, there are plenty of opportunities for children and families to join in, play and be amazed on Platz am Sande.
Live program: Visitors can look forward to a varied live program ranging from rock, pop and soul to other musical genres.
Good humor and conviviality: The Altstadtfest exudes a cheerful atmosphere and visitors can look forward to good humor and conviviality.
Culinary offer: The event offers a wide range of culinary delights that can be enjoyed against the magnificent backdrop of the Old Town.
Family program: In addition to the musical performances, there is a varied family program. This ranges from a Punch and Judy show to an arts and crafts market and an open-air church service.
Shop & trade: As early as Thursday and Friday, shopping fans can haggle and bargain at the traditional "Hökern und Handeln", as was customary in Hanseatic times.
Arts and crafts market: In the historic town hall and on Bürgermeister-Dabelow-Platz, visitors can browse for gifts and buy products of all kinds.

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