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CalendarDecember6 → Advent market in Bretzenheim

December 6 Events

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Advent market in Bretzenheim

Advent market in Bretzenheim is held on December 6. This event in the first decade of the month December is annual. Help us Help us 
6 December - Advent market in Bretzenheim
The Advent market in Mainz-Bretzenheim is certainly worth a visit! On the second weekend of Advent, people crowd the church square of St. Georg. Hundreds of them come to the opening of the two-day Christmas market in Bretzenheim on Saturday.
Sweets, Mainz honey, Christmas candle arrangements and tree and wall decorations, soapstone figures and crocheted animals made of wool, books, paintings, bags and felted items - anyone looking for gifts could find what they were looking for at the stalls around the square and down to the town hall as well as in the Dantehaus.

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