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CalendarNovember11 → Proclamation of the Foolish Basic Law in Mainz

November 11 Events

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Proclamation of the Foolish Basic Law in Mainz

Proclamation of the Foolish Basic Law in Mainz is held on November 11. This event in the second decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
11 November - Proclamation of the Foolish Basic Law in Mainz
It is the carnival countdown to the long-awaited annual event when the most foolish date meets the most foolish time: on 11.11. at 11.11 a.m., a triple thunderous Helau traditionally resounds on Schillerplatz in Mainz to the sounds of the Narrhallamarsch.
When the flags are finally hoisted at the carnival fountain, the President of the Mainzer Carneval-Verein 1838 e.V. (MCV), will welcome the guests and audience and hand over the microphone to the representatives of the Mainzer Carneval Club (MCC), the Karneval-Club Kastel (KCK) and the Mainzer Narren-Club (MNC) to read out the carnival constitution. For the first time, Lord Mayor will get the crowd of fools in the mood for this special event, before a colorful stage program will encourage the foolish audience to dance and sing along.

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