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CalendarJune5 → National Sausage Roll Day

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National Sausage Roll Day

National Sausage Roll Day is held on June 5. This event in the first decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
5 June - National Sausage Roll Day
Sausage rolls are a long standing British delicacy enjoyed by millions. Whilst wrapping meat in pastry can be dated back to ancient times, the modern sausage roll is thought to have originated in 19th Century France. The wrapping of meat or other foodstuffs into dough can be traced back to the Classical Greek or Roman eras.
They are sold at retail outlets and are also available from bakeries as a take-away food. A miniature version can be served as buffet or party food. They can be served either hot or cold.
The longest sausage roll in the world was made by King Pie in South Africa, and measured 111.11 metres.

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