Virgen de la Puerta Day in Peru
Virgen de la Puerta Day in Peru is held on December 15. This event in the second decade of the month December is annual.
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The Virgin of the Door (Virgen de la Puerta) is a Marian invocation of the Catholic Church, whose image has its main center of worship in a sanctuary located in the city of Otuzco, located about 75 km northeast of Trujillo; in the La Libertad Region. In 1942 Pope Pius XII gave her the title of "Queen of Universal Peace". In turn, on January 20, 2018, Pope Francis declared her "Mother of Mercy and Hope" during his apostolic visit to the city of Trujillo. She has been declared "Patroness of the 200th anniversary of the independence of Peru".
The celebrations for the patronal feast of the Virgen de la Puerta take place in mid-December and its central day is December 15. Thousands of faithful Catholics (national and international) visit the image in its main temple, the Church of Otuzco, many of them make long walks to get there being a well known tradition these dates. The festivities begin with a 'novenario' from December 4 to 12. On the 13th the city is crowded with devotees from different places. Many of them perform 'sacrifices' (such as self-infliction) with the purpose of being granted some divine grace.
On November 24, 2012, the Ministry of Culture declared the Festivity of the Virgen de la Puerta as Intangible Heritage of the Nation that is celebrated annually since December 15, 1664 in the city of Otuzco.
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