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CalendarNovember5 → World Romani Language Day

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World Romani Language Day

World Romani Language Day is held on November 5. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
5 November - World Romani Language Day
A language is more than just a means of communication: it is a receptacle of knowledge and symbols, a way of saying and seeing the world, a marker of shared identity.
On November 3, 2015, the General Conference of Unesco in 38 C/Resolution 65 proclaims November 5 World Romani Language Day, which UNESCO will celebrate annually as an international day.
The Romani language, with its 17 dialects and 30 000 words, is all that at once. This language is the precious legacy of a connected and multiple history, whose roots are as diverse as they are numerous: Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian, Armenian, Greek. However, this rich and unique language is currently under threat and, with it, the identity, culture and intimate knowledge of a people are in jeopardy.

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