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CalendarSeptember19 → Surgical Instrumentator Day in Argentina

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Surgical Instrumentator Day in Argentina

Surgical Instrumentator Day in Argentina is held on September 19. This event in the second decade of the month September is annual. Help us Help us 
19 September - Surgical Instrumentator Day in Argentina
On September 19, the country commemorates the "Surgical Instrumentator Day" (Día del Instrumentador Quirúrgico), a date that commemorates the death of Dr. Guillermo Bosch Arana, the first physician who incorporated instrumentators to the surgical staff.
Among his functions, the professional surgical instrumentator is trained and qualified to attend to the well-being of the surgical patient, assist the surgeon and the anesthesiologist in the surgeries through the mastery of the techniques and the use of the equipment and supplies of the surgical center. His mission is to assist, control, supervise and evaluate the patient's care process from the moment he enters the operating room until his discharge to the post-anesthesia recovery room.

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