Santa Marta Festival in Spain
Santa Marta Festival in Spain is held on July 29. This event in the third decade of the month July is annual.
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The municipality of Ortigueira, Salamanca and La Coruña will celebrate its patron saint festivities in honor of Santa Marta. Generally, it coincides with the summer "Festa Major" in Parets del Vallès (Barcelona). The attendants to these days will be able to participate in the religious acts that will be officiated in usual schedule, enjoy with the musical performances programmed for the occasion.
The patron saint festivities in Ortigueira par excellence are those that take place at the end of July and take the witness of the Celtic festival itself. They are the festivities in honor of Santa Marta and complete five days of festivities with liturgical acts in honor of the patron saint and also other recreational and musical events with the invitation to perform some of the best orchestras of the Galician music scene to liven up the nights with verbena.
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