Patron's Day of Alto Gállego
Patron's Day of Alto Gállego is held on June 25. Patronal feast in honor of Santa Orosia. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual.
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The festival we will talk about today has been celebrated for centuries, in honor of the patron saint of the mountains of Jaca, Santa Orosia. Some researchers claim that, despite the strong religious symbolism that revolves around the figure of Santa Orosia, this ceremony has a pagan origin, which served to welcome the equinox. Be that as it may, the truth is that it is a feast with ritual elements full of symbolism that connect us with mystery and the ineffable.
According to tradition, Orosia was a Bohemian princess who was to marry a Visigoth prince in Aragon following the will of Pope Adrian II. She was captured by the Muslims, who tried to marry her off to the head of the Arab troop. Orosia refused because of her Christian faith and conviction, and was cruelly martyred for it.
Every June 25, the towns of the Jaca countryside gather with their respective parish crosses to celebrate this particular feast.
In Jaca, a procession is held in honor of Saint Orosia with the urns containing her relics. During the parade, dancers move to the peculiar rhythm of castanets, sticks and the chiflo.