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CalendarMay24 → Civil Engineer's Day in Ecuador

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Civil Engineer's Day in Ecuador

Civil Engineer's Day in Ecuador is held on May 24. This event in the third decade of the month May is annual. Help us Help us 
24 May - Civil Engineer's Day in Ecuador
On May 24 civil engineers commemorate our Civil Engineer Day (Día del Ingeniero Civil), which brings together social development, through responsible, safe and technical construction, entrusted to colleagues, who struggle daily building the country.
The origin of the anniversary dates back to 1935, when the South American Union of Engineering Associations was created, later constituted as the Pan-American Union of Engineering Associations.
It is that when talking about our profession we must also recognize that it is as old as civilization itself, human beings have been practicing engineering for approximately 10,000 years, the last of the stone age with the neolithic man and in that journey it could be say that the primitive arrangement of stones on a pool or the excavation of a ditch for irrigation, would be the principles of civil engineering.

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