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CalendarOctober6 → Come and Take It Day

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Come and Take It Day

Come and Take It Day is held on October 6. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
6 October - Come and Take It Day
The phrase "Come and Take It" dates back to King Leonidas I defying the Persian army to take his army's weapons with the phrase "Molon labe" at the Battle of Thermopylae.
"Come and Take It" also was used in the American Revolution when Col. John McIntosh told British brass the same thing as they attempted to overtake Fort Morris in Georgia on November 25, 1778.
The famous flag from that Gonzales clash has become a hallmark of Texas pride, with its "Come And Take It" message one of Texas' most-defining. It is the first flag used in the Texas Revolution and close to 200 years later it shows no signs of going away.

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