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CalendarOctober6 → Mad Hatter Day

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Mad Hatter Day

Mad Hatter Day is held on October 6. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
6 October - Mad Hatter Day
The phrase "mad as a hatter" was around long before Carroll started writing. Colloquially used to describe an eccentric person, the phrase originated in the 19th century, back when mercury was used to manufacture felt hats. The hatters who visited these factories often developed mercury poisoning (referred to then as the hatters' shakes), which could lead to slurred speech, memory loss, tremors, and excessive timidity.
The real Mad Hatter was probably a man named Theophilus Carter. Lewis Carroll never referred to the character as the Mad Hatter. In both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, Carroll only refers to him as the Hatter—or Hatta.

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