You're Welcome Day
You're Welcome Day is held on November 29. This event in the third decade of the month November is annual. Help us
Welcome derives from the Old English wilcuma, a noun meaning “a desired guest.” It acquired some of its more familiar senses in the Middle Ages, when it was used as an adjective meaning “agreeable, pleasing” (“His gift was welcome,” circa 1300) or “cordially invited to do something” (“You should be welcome to go home with me,” circa 1400).
Phrase was popularised by Shakespeare's “Othello” in 1603 when “welcome” was modified as a response to “thank you”. “You're Welcome” has emerged as a reflexive response to “thank you'' through the early 1900s. It helps to put manners back into society. November is best known for Thanksgiving Day. It makes sense that You're Welcome Day immediately follows “thank you” day.
What “you’re welcome” means is less important than what it does. Even small favors can create a feeling of obligation on the part of the recipient. What do you say in response to “Thank you”? For many Americans, the default is “You’re welcome.”
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