Bikini Day
Bikini Day is held on July 5. It is the anniversary of the invention of the bikini in 1946 by a Parisian fashion designer, Louis Reard. This event in the first decade of the month July is annual. Help us
Since time immemorial—or at least since most of us can remember—the bikini has been a summer staple.
When it first hit the market in 1946, for instance, the swimsuit was considered so scandalous that the Vatican declared the garment to be "sinful." But shortly after, thanks in part to the influence of Hollywood, the bikini rapidly ascended in popularity, and today you can wear the garment (almost) anywhere without the Vatican scolding you.
Few people today would ever draw a parallel between the bikini and a hydrogen bomb, but that's exactly what French car engineer Louis Réard did when he named the scandalous two-piece swimsuit. In May 1946, at the time of the modern bikini's creation, the United States was testing hydrogen bombs in Bikini Atoll, and in these tests Réard found inspiration for the name of his bombshell new clothing item. The engineer-slash-designer thought that his new design was just as shocking as the nuclear tests—and at the time, his assumptions were accurate.
Yes, Réard did create the first bikini in the 1940s, but the oldest documented images of the swimsuit come from well before his time. As far as we know, the first depiction of a two piece comes from a 1,700-year-old Roman mosaic called Chamber of the Ten Maidens, in which several women are seen playing sports and exercising in what could be considered a modern-day bikini.
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