National Cheese Day in USA
National Cheese Day in USA is held on June 4. 52% of Americans believe cheeses are interchangeable in recipes, and 28% say they switch cheeses because they like to experiment with the flavors different cheeses offer. This event in the first decade of the month June is annual. Help us
There are around 2,000 varieties of cheese. Cheese takes up about 1/10 the volume of the milk it was made from. The most popular cheese recipe in the United States is "macaroni and cheese."
In fact, the original American cheese is Cheddar. The English immigrants brought their prized cultures and traditional cheesemaking techniques along with them, and the rest is history.
Oddly, one of the USDA stipulations for process American cheese destined for use in government programs is that none of the ingredients shall have previously been property of the government, meaning that the phrase "government cheese" does not actually apply to government cheese...until it becomes government cheese.