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CalendarFebruary28 → National Science Day in India

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National Science Day in India

National Science Day in India is held on February 28. This event in the third decade of the month February is annual. Help us Help us 
28 February - National Science Day in India
Did you know that India used to be an island more than 100 million years ago? About 50 million years ago, it collided with the Asian continent and thus was born the Himalayas. Ancient Indian made immense contributions in Science and Technology.
India is one of the leading nations in the world in terms of science and technology. India has the second largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. India belongs to the select group of countries who have developed indigenous nuclear technology. India's achievements in the field of IT and software are acknowledged all over the world.
On February 28, we congratulate Indians on their National Science Day and wish them new achievements!

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