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CalendarDecember25 → Family Day in Mozambique

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Family Day in Mozambique

Family Day in Mozambique is held on December 25. This event in the third decade of the month December is annual. Help us Help us 
25 December - Family Day in Mozambique
In contrast to Germany, the actual holiday in Mozambique is on December 25. In the Mozambican holiday calendar it is also called “Family Day”. To accommodate the 15% to 20% of the people who are Muslim and those who hold to other traditions and faiths, 25 December is dubbed “Family Day” on the official public holidays calendar.
Most Christians spend the night from December 24 to 25 in church. There they celebrate the holy mass, the “Misa da noite do Natal”, where they pray together, sing and celebrate the birth of Christ. On Christmas, many Mozambicans wear red dresses or robes.
December 25 is celebrated in Mozambique with family and friends. Many Mozambicans spend the day either at the beach or at home in the garden or yard. Unlike December 24, on this special day the table is richly set. Each family brings homemade specialties that are festively arranged on a buffet.

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