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CalendarNovember7 → National Day in Northern Catalonia, France

November 7 Events

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National Day in Northern Catalonia, France

National Day in Northern Catalonia, France is held on November 7. After Treaty of the Pyrenees. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
7 November - National Day in Northern Catalonia, France
North Catalonia, French Catalonia or Roussillon refers to the Catalan-speaking and Catalan-culture territory ceded to France by Spain through the signing of the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659 in exchange of France's effective renunciation on the formal protection that it had given to the recently founded Catalan Republic. The area corresponds roughly to the modern French département of the Pyrénées-Orientales which were historically part of Catalonia since the old County of Barcelona, and lasted during the times of the Crown of Aragon and the Principality of Catalonia until they were given to France by Spain.

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