Holiday Calendar for Spain in March
Spanish has many wonderful traditions. Traditions in Spain have been around for centuries. Spanish traditions are famous worldwide. Notable events, festivals, special days and national holidays
Help us National traditions, public holidays and notable observances for 2025-2026 year
March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
June 2025
Monday 30 June -
Parade in honor of Saint Martial in Irun, Spain (Martial of Limoges or Saint Martial is the first bishop of the Limoges diocese. He is also known as the Apostle of the Gauls or Apostle of Aquitaine. Being the founder of Christianity in Aquitaine, Martial is also considered the patron saint of many cities, villages and Catholic religious communities. named after him)
July 2025
August 2025
Friday 15 August -
Virgin of Candelaria, patron of the Canary Islands (Tenerife, Spain and Feast day of the Assumption of Mary, one of the Catholic holy days of obligation);
Feast day of the Assumption of Mary (Christian feast day, one of the Catholic holy days of obligation a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritius, Monaco, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Seychelles, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, and Vanuatu)
September 2025
Sunday 21 September -
World Alzheimer's Day;
Patron saint festivities in Spain (San Mateo festivities in Esplugas de Llobregat [Barcelona], Talavera de la Reina [Toledo], Monzón [Huesca], Pinsoro [Zaragoza], Oviedo [Principality of Asturias], Logroño [La Rioja], Reinosa [Cantabria], Cuenca [Cuenca], Buñola [Balearic Islands], Ráfol de Salem [Valencia], Lorca [Region of Murcia], Alcalá de Guadaíra [Andalusia] [Mula] [Region of Murcia], Maoño [Cantabria], Consuegra [Toledo])
October 2025
November 2025
December 2025
Wednesday 31 December -
Doce uvas (the Spanish New Year's tradition of eating twelve grape varieties, one for each of the twelve clock strokes by midnight, subsequently spread in such Spanish-speaking countries as Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica et al)
January 2026
February 2026
Some spanish traditions
Piñatas - you may have already seen cardboard piñatas decorated in brightly colored paper-mâché at childrens’ birthday parties. Blindfolded participants try to hit the piñata with a stick, to break it open and spill out fruits, candies, and other treats hidden inside.
In Spanish-speaking countries, Carnival celebrations are held between late January to early March, the time leading up to Lent. A wild week can also be spent in San Sebastian during February, when La Tamburrada takes place. Fiesta are "Las Fallas de San José" in Valencia, in March, when all the city becomes the scenery of an enormous party with lots of good mood and excellent fireworks. Carnival is popular in all the country, the best is in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Best known among Spain’s folkloristic traditions are certainly Flamenco and bullfights. Madrid has its Fiesta, "San Isidro", in May. If you like bullfights, don’t miss it. Flamenco, on the other hand, is the musical tradition in the country’s south, in particular in Andalusia. In April takes place Feria de Abril, in Seville, an entire week of singing and dancing. Another most popular event of religious origin is El Rocio, a traditional pilgimship to the village El Rocio Foto in the province of Huelva, in May.
For girls in Hispanic countries, the 15th birthday signifies a coming of age. The family throws a big party, called a Quinceañera, which begins with a Misa de acción de gracias, or giving thanks for completing childhood.
Nochebuena (“the Good Night”/Christmas Eve) is a family event, celebrated with a feast.