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Health Calendar in different countries in January

Health Calendar in different countries for 2025-2026 year in January
Health issues are probably the ones that unite people all over the world. There is a great number of health conditions that have an impact on people’s lives. Some of them the public is quite aware of while some others are rare and only known to healthcare professionals and those who suffer from them. Awareness months, weeks, and special days, are created to raise awareness about important health topics. These events are annual campaigns to draw attention to various health conditions and to influence real change in disease prevention and access to testing, treatment and care. They also help raise funds for research. The events always aim to encourage people to support affected individuals, to increase understanding and acceptance and give an opportunity for everyone to get involved by helping raise awareness in their place of work, local community, or at least on social media. Health awarness days are also about healthcare professionals joining forces to encourage more people to have regular health checks and screening tests and make lifestyle choices that benefit their health and general well-being. Healthy living is important for everyone and should be seen as the highest priority since it can help people lead a healthier, happier and longer life. Below is a list of awareness campaigns that provides details, dates and locations of major World health events, in the current year. Use this Health Calendar to know which events are coming up, and also to help yourself take steps towards better health and feeling great. Help us Help us 

Health Holidays and Awarness days in different countries for 2025-2026 year

January 2025

Wednesday 1 January - Global Family Day (is grew out of the UN Millennium Day celebration, which included the distribution of the 1996 children's book One Day at a Time); Polar Bear Swim Day or Polar Plunge Day (Canada and United States); Fibromyalgia Awareness Month in Ohio; Ohio Braille Literacy Week
Saturday 4 January - World Braille Day (UN 1 November 2018 A/C.3/73/L.5/Rev.1); World Braille Day
Friday 10 January - Houseplant Appreciation Day (was established by The Gardener’s Network, establishing an official opportunity to remind people of the benefits of houseplants. Having plants in your home or office can do a great deal to lift your mood and improve your quality of life. For example, a 2009 study showed that the scent of lavender can effectively lower pulse rates in stressful situations)

February 2025

Monday 3 February - National Women Physicians Day in US (is celebrated annually on the birthday of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female clinician in the United States)
Wednesday 5 February - Time to Talk Day (Held on the first Thursday of February)
Sunday 9 February - International Epilepsy Day (every year on the second Monday of February people join together to celebrate IED); European Epilepsy Day; Toothache Day (It is so important that we learn how to take care of our teeth and not only get rid of nasty aches but also stop them coming back or turning into something more serious); Dentist Day in Mexico
Wednesday 12 February - Condom Week (this week long event got it’s start at the University of California, Berkley in the 1970’s); Pregnancy Awareness Week in South Africa; Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day (Canada)
Friday 14 February - Epilepsy Day in Poland (It was launched on 14th 2009 in the form of an event in Warsaw); Donor Day or Organ Donor Day; International Heart Awareness Day

March 2025

Saturday 1 March - Nutrition Month in Canada and USA; Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Great Britain (when a woman is diagnosed at the earliest stage, her chance of surviving ovarian cancer for five years or more doubles from just 46 per cent to more than 90 per cent); National Procrastination Week in the UK (the goal is to leave unnecessary tasks at a later time, provide mental and emotional relief, help reduce stress and anxiety); National for the Blind in El Salvador (Nacional de Las Personas Ciegas); Self-injury Awareness Day; Time for a Cuppa in England (gather your friends and family on a cup for a cup of tea, a piece of cake and a nose - all for good reason!)
Monday 3 March - World Hearing Day (is held each year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world); World Birth Defects Day
Tuesday 4 March - World Obesity Day (The first World Obesity Day took place in 2015)
Thursday 13 March - World Kidney Day (is a global health awareness campaign focusing on the importance of the kidneys and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide); World Endometriosis Awareness Day
Sunday 16 March - International Adolescent Health Week (Being a part of International Adolescent Health Week is easy! Wear lime green or share lime green giveaways and prizes all week long)
Wednesday 19 March - Dietitians Day in Canada (Celebrated on the third Wednesday of March)
Tuesday 25 March - International Procrastination Day (or World Procrastination Day)
Wednesday 26 March - Purple Day (Cassidy Megan created the idea of Purple Day in 2008, motivated by her own struggles with epilepsy)
Thursday 27 March - International Myeloma Action Day (Held on the last Thursday of March)

April 2025

Monday 7 April - National Dental Hygienists Week in Canada (Held from Monday in the first full week of April); World Health Day
Sunday 13 April - FND Awareness Day in Canada (Functional Neurological Disorder [FND]/Conversion Disorder [CD]); Kinesiology Day in Argentina
Tuesday 15 April - International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day (is celebrated annually on 15 April to promote and acknowledge the role of biomedical laboratory professionals in diagnostic and preventative healthcare organisations); National American Sign Language Day in United States (National ASL Day)

May 2025

Thursday 1 May - Vision Health Month in Canada (also Ankylosing Spondylitis; Awareness Month; Bladder Cancer Awareness Month; Brain Tumour Awareness Month; Celiac Awareness Month; Hemochromatosis Awareness Month; Hypertension Awareness Month; National Physiotherapy Month); Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day (since 2014)
Friday 2 May - Baby Day (is the first ever statewide celebration of the first three years, when early experiences shape livelong potential); Orthotist-Prosthetist Day in Panama; World Day of Bullying Prevention
Monday 5 May - World Hand Hygiene Day; World Pulmonary Hypertension Day; Mental Health Week in Canada (Held in the first full week of May); National Nursing Week in Canada (Held from Monday to Sunday of the same week in which the date May 12 is located); Sun Awareness Week in Canada (Held from the first Monday in May); International Handwashing Day (since 2009, when the WHO Patient Safety Program launched a new initiative called Save Lives: Wash Hands); National Air Quality Awareness Week in USA (Starts on the first Monday in May); Orthotist and Prosthetist Day in El Salvador (Día del ortesista y protesista); Celiac Awareness Day in Argentina; International Day of the Midwife (International Midwives Day)
Monday 12 May - International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases; World Melanoma Day (is recognized on the second Monday of May around the world to highlight the growing prevalence of malignant melanoma); World Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (Fibromyalgia is a complex of disorders and causes bone and muscle pain. This is a chronic disease that affects approximately 2-5% of the world's population); International Nurses Day
Tuesday 13 May - Pharmaceutical Chemist Day in Peru (Día del Químico Farmacéutico)
Saturday 17 May - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia; World Nordic Walking Day (is a day of unified commemoration of the Nordic Walking Family around the world. It is for everyone, of all ages and abilities); European Obesity Day (Held on the third Saturday in May); World Hypertension Day
Wednesday 28 May - International Day of Women's Health; Menstrual Hygiene Day (It was initiated by the German-based NGO WASH United in 2014 and aims to benefit women and girls worldwide. Menstrual Hygiene Day has received the support of over 270 global partners who are committed to making MHM a priority worldwide.); International Day of Action for Women's Health; Mexico Nutrition Day; Spain Nutrition Day
Thursday 29 May - World Digestive Health Day (On the 29th of May 1958, the last day of the First World Congress of Gastroenterology which took place in Washington, an assembly of distinguished gastroenterologists announced the foundation of the World Gastroenterology Organisation was born)

June 2025

Sunday 1 June - World Milk Day (is a day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO] of the United Nations to recognise the importance of milk as a global food. It has been observed on June 1 each year since 2001); International Cancer Survivors Day (Date for 2025); Brain Injury Awareness Month in Canada
Monday 2 June - The day of healthy eating and refusal of excess eating in Russia (celebrated since 2011); Day of patients with myasthenia gravis in Argentina (Myasthenia gravis is a neurological disorder characterized by pathologically rapid fatigue of striated muscles); World Eating Disorders Action Day
Tuesday 3 June - World Clubfoot Day (an initiative of the Ponseti International Association to commemorate the birthday of Ignacio Ponseti [1914-2009], the pioneer of the Ponseti technique for clubfoot); World Heart Rhythm Week
Friday 6 June - National Huntington's Disease Awareness Day (United States); World Day of Verneuil's disease (or World Day for Hidradenitis Suppurativa); European Dental Technicians Day (Celebrated on the first Friday of June); World Transplant Day; German Visually Impaired Day
Sunday 8 June - World Brain Tumor Day (day is observed on 8th of June every year since 2000. This day first observed by German Brain Tumour Association [Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.]. This is a non-profit organisation which raises public awareness and educates people about brain tumour); Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Monday 9 June - Canadian Men's Health Week (Held from the second Monday of June)
Tuesday 10 June - Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day in Canada (held annually on the Tuesday before Father's Day)
Thursday 12 June - National Career Nurse Assistants' Day in US (It has always been observed the first day of National Nursing Assistants Week)
Wednesday 18 June - Autistic Pride Day (an Aspies for Freedom initiative, is a celebration of the neurodiversity of people on the autism spectrum on 18 June each year. Autistic pride recognises the innate potential in all people, including those on the autism spectrum)
Thursday 19 June - World Sickle Cell Day (International); World Sauntering Day (The holiday was created in 1979 by W.T. Rabe in response to the growing popularity of jogging. It is believed to have begun at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan, USA. The Grand Hotel has the world's longest porch at 660 feet. The idea behind the day was to encourage people to slow down and appreciate the world around them)
Saturday 21 June - International Slowness Day (Clémence Boucher, a Montreal community worker, got together with some friends in 2001 and picked June 21 — the longest day of the year — to kick off her movement.); Sleep Day in Germany (Tag des Schlafes); World Day against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; International Day of Yoga
Tuesday 24 June - Drug Awareness Week in South Africa (the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - SANCA)
Wednesday 25 June - World Vitiligo Day; International Scoliosis Awareness Day (SAUK launched #ISAD in 2013 to unite people across the world to create positive public awareness of scoliosis, promote education, and bring together those affected by the condition); National Iodine Day in Thailand

July 2025

Friday 4 July - Country Doctor's Day in Argentina (Día del Médico Rural); Pharmacist's Day in El Salvador (Día del químico farmacéutico)
Wednesday 9 July - National Chagas Day in El Salvador (Día Nacional para la Erradicación y Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas); Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Day in Ohio
Thursday 17 July - International Firgun Day (In 2014, Made in JLM, an Israeli non-profit community group, set out to create "International Firgun Day", a holiday celebrated yearly on July 17, where people share compliments or express genuine pride in the accomplishment of others on social media); Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Week in Ohio
Tuesday 22 July - World Brain Day (was launched by the World Federation of Neurology on 22 July 2014 and is dedicated to a different neurological disease or topic every year)
Thursday 24 July - International Self-Care Day (Self-care is caring for your mental and emotional needs, physical needs, social needs, spiritual needs, practical needs and intellectual needs)

August 2025

Wednesday 20 August - World Mosquito Day (in memory of the discovery of the British doctor Sir Ronald Ross, which he made in 1897. He was able to establish that it is female mosquitoes that transmit malaria between humans); National Medical Dosimetrist Day in US (Held on the third Wednesday of August)
Thursday 21 August - Speech Pathology Week in Australia (2022, 21-27 August. Speech Pathology Week seeks to promote the speech pathology profession and the work done by speech pathologists with the more than 1.1 million Australians who have a communication or swallowing disorder that impacts on their daily life)
Saturday 23 August - Health Unit Coordinators Day in USA (Health Unit Coordinator Week - August 23-29)

September 2025

Friday 12 September - Stand Up To Cancer Day in US (Held on the second Friday of September); Mindfulness Day (International observance)
Saturday 13 September - National Celiac Awareness Day (The United States Senate has once again designated September 13th as "National Celiac Awareness Day." According to the resolution, the Senate "recognizes that all people of the United States should become more informed and aware of celiac disease" and encourages all Americans to participate in activities that celebrate this day. Celiac disease affects an estimated 3 million Americans, 85% of whom remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed); World Sepsis Day; World First Aid Day
Thursday 18 September - World Water Monitoring Day; National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that people aged 55 and older accounted for 26% of the estimated 1.2 million people living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection in the United States in 2013)
Saturday 20 September - Surgeon Day (Celebrated on the third Saturday of September); World Marrow Donor Day (is celebrated globally on the third Saturday of September)
Monday 22 September - World CML Day (Since 2008, patient organizations around the world have initiated events and projects on "CML Awareness Day" on September 22 to raise awareness of the needs of patients living with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia); World Rose Day; International Week of the Deaf
Sunday 28 September - International Safe Abortion Day (The day was first celebrated as a day of action for decriminalization of abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean in 1990 by the Campaña 28 Septiembre); World Retina Day (Held on the last Sunday in September); Bladder Cancer Awareness Walk in Canada (This charity event began in 2006. It takes place every year on the fourth Sunday in September); Microbiologist's Day in Argentina; World Rabies Day
Tuesday 30 September - Mud Pack Day (The use of mud for therapeutic and beauty purposes can be traced back to the 16th century during the Renaissance)

October 2025

Thursday 2 October - World No Alcohol Day; Worldwide Day of Play (is an annual event designed to encourage children and parents to turn off the television and play together, especially outdoors); Medical Technologist's Day in Chile
Monday 6 October - International Doctor’s Day (on the first monday of October); Child Health Day in US (on the first Monday in October. Each child deserves to be the healthiest he or she can be)
Wednesday 8 October - Emergency Nurses Day (the second Wednesday in October)
Thursday 9 October - World Dyslexia Awareness Day (on first full week of October, Thursday); World Sight Day
Saturday 11 October - European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation (The European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation - #EODD; takes place to raise awareness on the importance of organ, tissue and cell donation as a way to improve and save lives); World Hospice and Palliative Care Day
Monday 13 October - Paramedics' Day in Poland; No Bra Day (On this day women are encouraged to forgo wearing no bra as a means to encourage breast cancer awareness); World Thrombosis Day; Psychologist's Day in Argentina; Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Ohio
Thursday 16 October - World Spine Day; International ShakeOut Day (Drop, Cover and Hold On! If nothing else, remember to take those three steps if and when an earthquake strikes); Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day in Ohio; World Anesthesia Day; World Food Day
Saturday 18 October - World Menopause Day (doctors call for women to take action at menopause, to prevent health problems in later life)
Monday 20 October - National Down Syndrome Day in South Africa; Information Overload Day; International Pediatrics Day (The Day of Pediatrics or Día Internacional de Pediatría was instituted in 1973, during the World Congress of Pediatrics held in Argentina, in commemoration of the founding of Argentine Pediatric Society); Pediatrician Day in Argentine; International Mastocytosis & Mast Cell Diseases Awareness Day; World Osteoporosis Day
Tuesday 21 October - Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day or World Iodine Deficiency Day; Pharmacy Technician Day (PTDay was first endorsed by Pharmacy Technician Educators Association, American Association of Pharmacy Technicians, Inc. – AAPT and Pharmacy Technician Certification Board in 2015. It has been observed the third Tuesday in October since 1991); National Dental Hygiene Day in Thailand
Thursday 23 October - Doctor's Day in Mexico (Día del médico); National Red Ribbon Week in USA (is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of young people); International Kabuki Syndrome Day; Global Day of Action for Child Survival; Bavarian Dentists' Day (Beginning on Thursday of the fourth week of October)
Friday 31 October - Increase Your Psychic Powers Day; National Bandanna Day in Australia (NBD is held on the last Friday of October each year)

November 2025

Saturday 1 November - International Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Awareness Day; Health Day in Turkmenistan (Celebrated on the first Saturday in November); Movember in Canada (also Lung Cancer Awareness Month; Osteoporosis Month; Fall Prevention Month; National Domestic Violence Awareness Month)
Monday 10 November - Digital Health Week in Canada (date for 2025. Digital Health Week, as well as National Kinesiology Week - a discipline that studies muscle movement in all its manifestations); World Keratoconus Day; National School Psychology Week in the United States
Tuesday 18 November - Technique Orthopedist-Prosthetist Day in Argentina (Día del Técnico Ortesista - Protesista)

December 2025

Sunday 21 December - World Orgasm Day (Celebrate the day of the winter solstice)

Is your health at risk?

A good way to start thinking about how healthy you are is to look at the things you do that can affect your health.
Below is a list of ‘risk factors’ that can increase your risk of getting a chronic disease like diabetes or heart disease, and other health problems.
  • smoking
  • unhealthy eating
  • being overweight
  • excess alcohol consumption
  • being inactive
  • too much sitting
  • taking drugs.
Top five ways to better health
The five biggest changes you can make to lead a healthier, happier and longer life are:
  • quit smoking
  • be physically active everyday
  • eating healthy foods
  • limit alcohol
  • get enough sleep
Healthy living means making healthy choices as part of every day life. No matter what age, you can take steps now towards better health and feeling great. Even small changes can make a big difference to how you feel.

Recommended health checks
It’s a good idea to see your doctor for a regular health check even if you are currently feeling fit and healthy. It can help find health problems at an early stage before they develop into more serious chronic conditions. Regular health checks and screening tests are even more important, if you have a family history of a certain disease or other risk factors.
Here are some general recommended regular health tests that can help you to stay healthy:
  • blood pressure
  • cholesterol levels
  • blood glucose
  • skin check
Women’s health screening checks:
  • Bowel screening
  • Breast screening
  • Pap smear
  • bone density scan
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December January February

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