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Holiday Calendar for El Salvador

Holiday Calendar for El Salvador for 2025-2026 year
El Salvador is Central America’s smallest nation by size but It is also the most densely populated nation in the region. This is a staunchly Catholic country. Traveling in El Salvador is the best way to immerse yourself in the culture of the country and the local foods. Help us Help us 

National traditions, public holidays and notable observances for 2025-2026 year

March 2025

Wednesday 19 March - Business Administrator Day in El Salvador (Día del administrador de empresas)
Monday 24 March - Saint Romero's Day in El Salvador (Día de San Romero, mártir de América)
Saturday 29 March - National Day of Girls and Boys Victims of Forced Disappearance in El Salvador (Día Nacional de las Niñas y los Niños Víctimas de la Desaparición Forzada)

April 2025

Monday 14 April - Pan American Day (El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras and Venezuela, USA); Holy Monday (Celebrated on the Monday before Easter)
Tuesday 15 April - Holy Tuesday (Celebrated on the Tuesday before Easter)
Wednesday 16 April - Holy Wednesday (celebrated on the week before Easter)
Sunday 20 April - Easter in Western Christianity (Første påskedag in Norway)
Sunday 27 April - Feast of the Virgin of Montserrat (Spain [Catalonia], Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela); World Design Day; Telegrapher's Day in El Salvador (Día del telegrafista)

May 2025

Thursday 15 May - Nurse Day in El Salvador (Día de la Enfermería)
Sunday 18 May - Patronage Nurse Day in El Salvador (Día del visitador médico)

June 2025

Sunday 1 June - Freight Carrier Day in El Salvador (Día del Transportista de Carga)
Friday 6 June - Salvadoran Biologist's Day (Día del Bacteriólogo)
Tuesday 17 June - Father's Day in El Salvador and Guatemala (Dia del padre - unique celebration traditions in the country)
Tuesday 24 June - Typographer's Day in El Salvador (Día del Tipógrafo); Volunteer Lifeguard Day in El Salvador (Día del socorrista voluntario)
Sunday 29 June - National Day of Reserves of Biosphere and Biological Corridors of El Salvador (Día Nacional de la Biósfera y los Corredores Biológicos de El Salvador)

July 2025

Friday 4 July - Pharmacist's Day in El Salvador (Día del químico farmacéutico)
Wednesday 9 July - National Chagas Day in El Salvador (Día Nacional para la Erradicación y Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas)
Thursday 10 July - National Day of Road Safety and Culture in El Salvador (Día Nacional de la Seguridad y Cultura Vial)
Friday 25 July - Student's Day El Salvador (Día del estudiante salvadoreño)

August 2025

Wednesday 6 August - Feast of the Divine Savior of the World in Salvador and Brazil (Día del Divino Salvador del Mundo or Día del salvadoreño)
Sunday 17 August - Vet Day in El Salvador (Día del veterinario)
Friday 29 August - National Day to Combat Dengue in El Salvador (Día Nacional de Combate contra el Dengue)

September 2025

Monday 15 September - Independence Day in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Costa Rica (celebrates the independence from Spain in 1821. Guatemala - a Patriotic Day)

October 2025

Saturday 11 October - Girl's Day in El Salvador (Día de la niña); National Sports Day in El Salvador (Día Nacional del Deporte, la Recreación y la Educación Física - the second Saturday of the month of October); Seller's Day in El Salvador (Día del vendedor; second Saturday of the month)
Monday 13 October - Salvadoran Gastronomy Day (Día de la gastronomía salvadoreña. Ñelebrated since 2015)
Friday 17 October - Architect Day in El Salvador (Día del arquitecto); Advertiser's Day in El Salvador (Día del publicista - Celebrated on the third Friday of October)
Friday 31 October - Reformation Day (Slovenia, parts of Germany, Chile, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, various Protestant churches with a particular emphasis in Lutheran and Reformed ones); Day of Salvadoran Trade Unionists (Día de las y los sindicalistas salvadoreños); Civil Servant Day in El Salvador (Día del empleado público)

November 2025

Saturday 1 November - All Saints Day (Celebrated on Saturday between October 31 and November 6 in Finland, Sweden, El Salvador); Announcer's Day in El Salvador
Sunday 9 November - National Pupusa Day in El Salvador (Día nacional de las pupusas is celebrated on the second Sunday in November)

December 2025

Wednesday 3 December - National Day of the Disabled in El Salvador (Día Nacional de las Personas con Discapacidad)
Thursday 4 December - Fireman's Day in El Salvador (Día del bombero salvadoreño)
Monday 8 December - Festa da Conceição da Praia in El Salvador (celebrating Yemanjá, Queen of the Ocean in Umbanda, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil)
Wednesday 31 December - Doce uvas (the Spanish New Year's tradition of eating twelve grape varieties, one for each of the twelve clock strokes by midnight, subsequently spread in such Spanish-speaking countries as Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica et al); New Year’s Eve

January 2026

Friday 16 January - Peace Day in El Salvador (Día de la paz - Firma de los acuerdos de paz)

February 2026

Thursday 26 February - Clinical Laboratory Worker Day in El Salvador (Día del profesional en laboratorio clínico)

March 2026

Sunday 1 March - National for the Blind in El Salvador (Nacional de Las Personas Ciegas)

Some salvadoran traditions

Central American traditions include festivities that combine indigenous and Spanish influences, religious festivities, civic festivals and popular festivities.

Almost all residents speak Spanish, which was brought in by the conquistadors.

El Salvador food is probably the most popular among the Central America cuisines. Pupusas are El Salvador’s staple food. Curtido, a spicy, vinegar-based condiment made from cabbage, carrots, and other veggies is often served with pupusas. Ensalada in El Salvador aren’t just salads—they’re also fruit drinks, made of chopped-up fruit called refresco de ensalada de fruita...
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International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims

In a study conducted in 2006 the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights concluded that the right to the truth about gross human rig... read more
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