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CalendarApril2 → Lawyer's Day in Peru

April 2 Events

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Lawyer's Day in Peru

Lawyer's Day in Peru is held on April 2. This event in the first decade of the month April is annual.
2 April - Lawyer's Day in Peru
Lawyers' Day is celebrated in various countries around the world with conferences, book presentations and lectures. In these meetings, lawyers reaffirm their commitment to their profession: to do justice and practice it efficiently and ethically. On April 2 of each year, the Day of the Lawyer is celebrated in the country as a tribute to the jurist, politician and diplomat from Arequipa, Francisco García Calderón Landa, who was born on April 2, 1834. This illustrious lawyer, considered as the Patron of the National Advocacy, was president of Peru in a very brief period (March-November 1881).

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