CalendarAugust2 → Clown Day in Netherlands

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Clown Day in Netherlands

Clown Day in Netherlands is held on August 2. In Netherlands, they call it Internationale clown dag. This event in the first decade of the month August is annual.
International Clown Week is celebrated each year from August 1 to 7.
Both International Clown Week and National Clown Day were created to give recognition to those funny clowns that make us laugh and smile. It is estimated that there are over 10,00 clowns in organized clown groups, and over 20,000 clowns world-wide. They all have one goal in mind, and that's to make us happy.
On this day, clowns around the world do what they do best.... they clown around, holding events at malls, nursing homes, schools, and educational events.
Originally, this event was called "National Clown Week". In 1991, the group Clowns of America renamed it "International Clown Week", recognizing that there are many clowns around the world, and this event should be a world-wide celebration.

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International Beer Day on August 1 (is a celebration on the first Friday of every August founded in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California by Jesse Avshalomov);
National Clown Day in USA on August 2 (Saturday of Clown Week);
Clown Day in Italy on August 2 (In Italy, they call it Internazionale pagliaccio giorni);
Clown Day in Norway on August 2 (In Norway, they call it Internasjonal klovn dag);
Sisters Day on August 3 (Celebrated on the first Sunday of August)