CalendarJanuary10 → Peculiar People Day

January 10 Events

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Peculiar People Day

Peculiar People Day is held on January 10. This event in the first decade of the month January is annual.
It is always the people who are termed 'peculiar', 'different', 'strange', or 'abnormal' that set the world in motion because they live “out of the box”. If you describe someone or something as peculiar, you think that they are strange or unusual, sometimes in an unpleasant way. For example: believing in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and following him with some whole heart is what makes us who they are: a peculiar people.
Peculiar people draw attention to themselves due to their unusual behavior and character. In fact, we're fascinated by them. Peculiar People Day on January 10 is opportunity to recognize and celebrate those who refuse to conform to the world's idea of normal.

Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts

Play God Day on January 9 (What we do know ,is that God is good. Therefore, we believe that Play God Day is a day to do something good and extra special);
Houseplant Appreciation Day on January 10 (was established by The Gardener’s Network, establishing an official opportunity to remind people of the benefits of houseplants. Having plants in your home or office can do a great deal to lift your mood and improve your quality of life. For example, a 2009 study showed that the scent of lavender can effectively lower pulse rates in stressful situations);
Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day on January 11 (Jumping in puddles and splashing their friends - some find a reason to have fun)