CalendarMarch1 → Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Great Britain

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Great Britain

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Great Britain is held on March 1. When a woman is diagnosed at the earliest stage, her chance of surviving ovarian cancer for five years or more doubles from just 46 per cent to more than 90 per cent. This event in the first decade of the month March is annual.
2018. In females in the UK, ovarian cancer is the 6th most common cause of cancer death, with around 4,200 deaths in 2018. Ovarian cancer accounts for 5% of all cancer deaths in females in the UK. Ovarian cancer accounts for 3% of all cancer deaths in females and males combined in the UK. Over the last 20 years the incidence of ovarian cancer in England has remained fairly stable, although has decreased slightly in the last few years. Timeliness in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease is very important.

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