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11 июля 2024, четверг 02:17

№ 19563710

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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08 Июл
Ukraine's international reserves are decreasing: we are paying off debts to creditors (E-News)
As of July 1, 2024, international reserves of Ukraine decreased to 37,894.2 million US dollars, which is 1.14 billion dollars less compared to the previous month, according to preliminary data of the National Bank of Ukraine. The decrease in reserves by 2.9% in June was caused, in particular, by the NBU's currency interventions to compensate for the structural deficit in the foreign exchange ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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09 Июл
REMITREP: Your Perfect Gateway to the EU Energy Markets (E-News)
Obligation for Third-Country Market Participants to Designate a Representative - Background The issue of requiring non-EU market participants to establish a physical presence within the EU was highly contentious in discussions surrounding new regulations. The European Commission initially proposed that such entities must have a physical establishment within the EU. However, after extensive ...
09 Июл
Der polnische Premierminister hat einen Vorschlag zur Verbesserung der Energiesituation in der Ukraine vorgelegt (E-News)
Der polnische Premierminister Donald Tusk hat einen Vorschlag zur Verbesserung der Energiesituation in der Ukraine vorgelegt, indem polnische Kohlekraftwerke zur Stromerzeugung für den ukrainischen Bedarf genutzt werden. Dies wurde bei einem Briefing bekannt gegeben, berichtet Liga.net. Tusk wies darauf hin, dass Polen derzeit an der Möglichkeit arbeitet, seine Kohle zur Stromerzeugung ...
09 Июл
The IMF is considering the possibility of reducing fees for debtor countries: What does this mean for Ukraine (E-News)
The Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is considering the issue of revising the size of the commission charged to the largest borrower countries, including Ukraine. This can significantly affect the financial situation in countries that have large loans from the IMF. According to a Bloomberg report, additional fees are charged in order to limit the volume of loans and ...
08 Июл
Three new industrial parks have been opened in Ukraine (E-News)
Thanks to the operation of three new industrial parks in Volyn, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, about 4,500 new jobs will be created in Ukraine. This is reported by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The decision to include the parks "Kovel Porto", "Dobrosyn" and "Green Laktik" in the Register of Industrial Parks was adopted by the Government at a meeting on July 5, 2024. Deputy Minister of ...
05 Июл
Decrease in the capitalization of Ukrainian agricultural holdings in the second quarter of 2024: causes and consequences (E-News)
In the second quarter of 2024, the capitalization of the leading Ukrainian agricultural holdings showed a significant decrease of 13.3% compared to the same period last year. Such data was published by the publication "UkrAgroConsult", corroborating them with stock exchange data and own calculations. According to the information, the total capitalization of eleven Ukrainian agricultural holdings ...
05 Июл
Schließung von FOPs in der Ukraine: Analyse des ersten Halbjahres 2024 (E-News)
Im ersten Halbjahr 2024 ist in der Ukraine ein deutlicher Anstieg der Zahl geschlossener Einzelunternehmer (FOPs) und Unternehmen zu beobachten. Laut YouControl.Market erreichte die Zahl der geschlossenen FOPs fast 92.000, das sind 54 % mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum des Jahres 2023. Auch die Zahl der geschlossenen Unternehmen stieg um 15 % – mehr als 1.500 Unternehmen stellten ihre Tätigkeit ...
05 Июл
The market for renting apartments in Kyiv continues to show an increase in prices (E-News)
The market for renting apartments in Kyiv continues to show an increase in prices. Despite the high figures in the ads, the real cost of rent is somewhat lower. According to the LUN, prices for renting housing in the capital have been steadily increasing for several months in a row. The highest rental prices are traditionally recorded in prestigious districts of the capital, such as Pecherskyi ...
04 Июл
En 2024, les affaires de Donetsk pourront recevoir un soutien financier d'un montant d'au moins 73 millions de hryvnias (E-News)
En 2024, les entreprises de la région de Donetsk pourront recevoir un soutien financier d'au moins 73 millions de hryvnias dans le cadre de la politique « Made in Ukraine ». C'est ce qu'a annoncé la ministre ukrainienne de l'Économie, Yulia Svyridenko, lors d'une visite de travail dans la région de Donetsk. Ces fonds seront utilisés pour accorder des subventions, ...
04 Июл
Kinder und Tiere: die größten Hindernisse auf dem Wohnungsmietmarkt in der Ukraine (E-News)
Unter den heutigen Bedingungen wird es für Ukrainer immer schwieriger, eine Wohnung zu mieten, insbesondere für Familien mit kleinen Kindern und Tieren. Trotz der Bereitschaft von Wohnungseigentümern, Wohnungen zu vermieten, gibt es für solche Mieter häufig strenge Auflagen oder Mieterhöhungen. Laut einer Umfrage des OLX-Immobilienmarktplatzes hängen die ...
04 Июл
Production of drones for Ukraine started in the Czech Republic: news and prospects (E-News)
In the Czech Republic, the UAC company, which is part of the Ukrainian DeViRo, announced the start of mass production of drones intended exclusively for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the press service of the "Army of Drones" initiative and the Czech publication E15, the company is going to produce reconnaissance and attack drones that will strengthen the defense capabilities of ...
Новости - Украина - Происшествия


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08 Июл
Cybercrime on the rise: $1.38 billion worth of cryptocurrencies stolen in the first half of 2024 (E-News)
According to Reuters, the amount of cryptocurrencies stolen as a result of hacker attacks in the first half of 2024 increased to $1.38 billion from $657 million, which was recorded in the same period last year. Over the past six months, there has been a significant increase in cybercrime, which is explained not only by the general increase in the price of cryptocurrencies, but also by the ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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08 Июл
Aerobica sportiva: salute e grazia (E-News)
Molte persone sognano di fare sport seri, ma la paura di lesioni spesso li ferma. Nella seconda metà del 20esimo secolo in America apparì un'alternativa decente a sport rischiosi - l'aerobica di sport. Questa affascinante e sicura forma di attività fisica è stata sviluppata nel 1983 dagli atleti americani Howard e Karen Schwartz. Hanno fondato l'International Fitness Sports ...
08 Июл
Gymnastik der tibetischen Mönche: der Weg zur Jugend und Gesundheit (E-News)
Im Laufe der Jahre gewinnen wir Weisheit, verlieren aber oft etwas von unserer äußeren Anziehungskraft. Es gibt jedoch eine erstaunliche Praxis tibetischer Mönche, die nicht nur hilft, jung zu bleiben, sondern auch innere Energie wiederherzustellen. Die in Peter Calders Buch beschriebene Gymnastik «Auge der Wiedergeburt» wurde nicht nur bei Mönchen, sondern auch bei vielen ...
07 Июл
Bodyflex: una nuova visione della perdita di peso attraverso gli esercizi di respirazione (E-News)
Il sistema per la perdita di peso chiamato Bodyflex è stato sviluppato da una casalinga americana, Greer Childers. In breve tempo, questa metodologia si è diffusa in tutto il mondo. Il suo successo testimonia la sua efficacia, perché alla ricerca di una figura ideale, le persone scelgono ciò che funziona davvero. Ma come funziona esattamente Bodyflex? L'essenza del Bodyflex ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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10 Июл
Individual approach to skin cleansing (E-News)
Our skin requires daily cleansing, but the needs of dry, oily, combined and normal skin vary greatly. Determine your skin type and follow individual care tips. Oily Skin Cleansing: Gentle ApproachOily skin, while producing more sebum, requires careful handling. Wash twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, using specially adapted means. After demakiyazhya in the evening use soft ...
10 Июл
Aloe-Gesichtsmasken: Geheimnisse der Verjüngung und Hautpflege (E-News)
Die Verwendung von Aloe in Kosmetika ist keine Neuheit: Ihre wertvollen Eigenschaften für die Haut wurden bereits im alten Ägypten und in Griechenland erkannt. Heute wird die Aloe aufgrund ihrer verjüngenden und entzündungshemmenden Wirkung in vielen Kosmetika verwendet. Was macht diese Pflanze so wirksam? Verjüngende Wirkung der AloeDie verjüngende Wirkung der Aloe ...
09 Июл
Depilazione intima: come scegliere il metodo migliore (E-News)
La depilazione delle zone intime si è diffusa relativamente di recente, negli ultimi vent'anni. Ciò è dovuto all'affermarsi della moda dei costumi da bagno aperti, che non nascondono la vegetazione in questa zona. Con il tempo, le donne si sono abituate a questa procedura e la eseguono regolarmente. Modalità di depilazione delle zone intimeRimuovere i peli su qualsiasi parte ...
09 Июл
Safe liposuction: new body shaping technologies (E-News)
Today, the issue of excess fat accumulated in certain areas of the body can be solved without surgery, that is, without incisions on the skin. This method is possible thanks to modern devices developed in recent years. The procedure is painless and painless. Principles of Safe LiposuctionLiposuction is a procedure aimed at removing excess fat from the subcutaneous tissue. Traditionally, this is ...
07 Июл
Wie man Flanken abnimmt: Tipps und Übungen für eine schlanke Figur (E-News)
Der Wunsch, Fett an den Flanken loszuwerden, erfordert sorgfältige Bemühungen, aber mit Ausdauer werden Sie sicher Ergebnisse sehen. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu wissen, dass Übungen allein nicht ausreichen. Die Vorstellung, dass man mit Twisting das Fett an den Flanken loswerden kann, ist nur ein Mythos. Um das Übergewicht in einem bestimmten Bereich erfolgreich zu ...
07 Июл
Regole del sole: prendersi cura della pelle in un lettino solare (E-News)
Con l'arrivo dei primi raggi di sole arriva il desiderio di rinfrescare la pelle e prepararsi alla stagione delle minigonne e degli abiti seducenti. Tuttavia, dopo l'inverno la pelle perde il suo colore sano e appare pallida. In questo caso, i solarium vengono in soccorso. Alcune sedute di abbronzatura artificiale in un solarium restituiranno alla pelle il suo aspetto naturale e la sua bellezza. ...
06 Июл
Geheimnisse gesunder und junger Haut (E-News)
Wissenschaftler unterscheiden zwei Arten der Hautalterung - interne und externe. Die innere Alterung hängt mit der Vererbung zusammen, während die äußere Alterung mit Umweltfaktoren zusammenhängt. Interne AlterungDie innere oder natürliche Alterung beginnt nach 25 Jahren. Kollagen wird in der Haut langsamer produziert und Elastin verliert seine Eigenschaften, ...
06 Июл
How to save a figure in holidays (E-News)
Holidays bring not only joy, but also stress, long queues, traffic jams, family conflicts and overeating. Saving a piece at this time can be difficult, but it is possible if you follow a few simple recommendations. Maintain physical activityOne of the main reasons for weight gain during holidays is the lack of movement. People spend a lot of time in shopping malls and traffic jams, as well as ...
06 Июл
Keratin hair straightening: myths and reality (E-News)
Keratin hair straightening treatments are becoming increasingly popular, promising time saving and impressive results. Many women tired of struggling with naughty, curly, and fluffy hair have discovered keratin straightening, which has become the latest trend in hair care. Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy from Coppola, Global Keratin Complex Complex, Treatment of La Brasiliana, Brazilian ...
05 Июл
Programma per il ripristino della pelle e dei capelli dopo la spiaggia (E-News)
Dopo un lungo soggiorno in spiaggia, la pelle e i capelli spesso hanno bisogno di cure speciali per restituirli a un aspetto sano e idratante. L'esposizione alla luce solare, all'acqua di mare e al vento può rendere la pelle secca e ruvida e i capelli opachi e fragili. In questo articolo condivideremo con te ricette basate su prodotti naturali che aiuteranno a ripristinare la tua bellezza e ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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08 Июл
Die Europäische Union stellt sechs Gemeinden in der Ukraine mobiles TsNAPy zur Verfügung (E-News)
Die Europäische Union hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen in der Ukraine und dem Ministerium für digitale Transformation sechs mobile Zentren für die Bereitstellung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen (MSCs) an die Gemeinden der Regionen Mykolajiw und Dnipropetrowsk übergeben. Dies teilte der Pressedienst des Statistikministeriums mit. Die ...
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