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7 июля 2024, воскресенье 13:36

№ 19557616

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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05 Июл
Decrease in the capitalization of Ukrainian agricultural holdings in the second quarter of 2024: causes and consequences (E-News)
In the second quarter of 2024, the capitalization of the leading Ukrainian agricultural holdings showed a significant decrease of 13.3% compared to the same period last year. Such data was published by the publication "UkrAgroConsult", corroborating them with stock exchange data and own calculations. According to the information, the total capitalization of eleven Ukrainian agricultural holdings ...
05 Июл
The market for renting apartments in Kyiv continues to show an increase in prices (E-News)
The market for renting apartments in Kyiv continues to show an increase in prices. Despite the high figures in the ads, the real cost of rent is somewhat lower. According to the LUN, prices for renting housing in the capital have been steadily increasing for several months in a row. The highest rental prices are traditionally recorded in prestigious districts of the capital, such as Pecherskyi ...
04 Июл
Ukraine received $2.2 billion from the IMF: what does it mean for the country (E-News)
Ukraine successfully attracted the fifth tranche of USD 2.2 billion from the International Monetary Fund as part of the four-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, emphasizing that these funds are part of the total volume of the EFF program, which is 16 billion dollars. According to Shmyhal, receiving the fifth tranche ...
04 Июл
Production of drones for Ukraine started in the Czech Republic: news and prospects (E-News)
In the Czech Republic, the UAC company, which is part of the Ukrainian DeViRo, announced the start of mass production of drones intended exclusively for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the press service of the "Army of Drones" initiative and the Czech publication E15, the company is going to produce reconnaissance and attack drones that will strengthen the defense capabilities of ...
03 Июл
According to the results of the annual survey, 69% of Ukrainians are satisfied with their current workplace (E-News)
According to the results of the annual study "Barometer of the quality of life", conducted by the European Business Association in cooperation with Kernel and Gradus Research, 69% of Ukrainians are satisfied with their current workplace, opportunities for self-realization and protection of workers' rights. However, income estimates of the respondents are more restrained. According to the study, ...
01 Июл
How Ukrainians save electricity: survey results and practical advice (E-News)
According to a survey conducted on the official Rakuten Viber Ukraine channel, 85% of Ukrainians have reduced their energy costs in order to support the energy system. The main areas of saving include turning off unnecessary devices, limiting the use of air conditioners and lights, as well as less use of kitchen appliances. In particular, half of the respondents (42%) indicated that they save ...
01 Июл
Aid from Slovenia: 5 million euros for humanitarian initiatives and reconstruction of Ukraine (E-News)
During an official visit to Ukraine, the President of Slovenia, Natasha Pirc Musar, announced her government's decision to allocate an additional 5 million euros for humanitarian needs and the reconstruction of Ukraine. This step emphasizes Slovenia's desire to actively support the Ukrainian people in difficult times. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal confirmed this decision after a ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Crème pour le visage : éviter les allergènes (E-News)
Beaucoup d'entre nous s'efforcent d'avoir une peau du visage saine et belle en utilisant divers produits et crèmes. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que certains d'entre eux peuvent provoquer des réactions allergiques. Ces réactions peuvent être immédiates, c'est-à-dire apparaître immédiatement après l'application de la crème, ou ...
How to prolong the effect of cosmetic procedures (E-News)
The desire to preserve the results of salon procedures for a long time is natural for every woman who cares about her beauty. Frequent updating of manicure, hair coloring, facial cleaning - all this requires time and financial costs. However, there are ways to prolong the effect of procedures and save on their repeated performance. It is important to know a few little secrets and use them in ...
06 Июл
How to save a figure in holidays (E-News)
Holidays bring not only joy, but also stress, long queues, traffic jams, family conflicts and overeating. Saving a piece at this time can be difficult, but it is possible if you follow a few simple recommendations. Maintain physical activityOne of the main reasons for weight gain during holidays is the lack of movement. People spend a lot of time in shopping malls and traffic jams, as well as ...
06 Июл
Pédicure : soins, confort et sécurité (E-News)
La pédicure est non seulement une procédure pour la décoration des ongles, mais aussi une partie importante des soins des pieds. Cependant, en plus de la beauté, il est important d’assurer la sécurité. Voici quelques recommandations pour rendre la pédicure aussi utile et sécuritaire que possible pour la santé de vos jambes. Pédicure dans un salon ...
05 Июл
Soft and smooth heels: simple skin care secrets (E-News)
Foot care plays an important role in overall care. To maintain the health and beauty of the heels need to adhere to a few simple rules. This will require only a few simple tools: a foot and foot with camphor, a special grinding grater, and some free time. First of all, it is important to understand how not to harm the skin of the heel. You should never remove coarse skin with a razor, as this ...
05 Июл
Methods of losing weight: pills or dieting (E-News)
Losing weight is a seemingly simple process: your weight depends on the amount of energy you consume and burn. If calories come in as much as you expend, your weight remains stable. If there is a caloric surplus, weight increases, and if there is a deficit, weight decreases. For healthy weight loss, it is recommended to reduce weight by 0.5-1 kg per week, avoiding extreme ...
04 Июл
Acupuncture et perte de poids efficace (E-News)
Avant de considérer l’acupuncture comme un remède de perte de poids, il est important de comprendre que ce n’est pas une solution magique. L’acupuncture peut faciliter et accélérer le processus de perte de poids, mais seulement lorsqu’elle est associée à une bonne nutrition et à un exercice régulier. Cette réservation est importante parce que beaucoup ...
04 Июл
Fat Burning Products (E-News)
Unlike some products that promote the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, others can help the body burn fat. Some contain vitamins and minerals that promote metabolic activation, causing the body to burn more fat. Other products have low caloric value but require a lot of energy to digest. In addition, some products create a long feeling of satiety, which helps to reduce food consumption and ...
04 Июл
Łatwe sposoby na zmniejszenie nadwagi (E-News)
Walka z nadwagą to długi i wieloaspektowy proces, który wymaga systematycznego podejścia. Istnieją jednak łatwe sposoby na odchudzanie bez uciekania się do radykalnych metod. Codzienna aktywność fizyczna. Regularne ćwiczenia przyspieszają metabolizm, utrzymują zdrowe serce i spalają kalorie. Nawet niewielka opłata w ciągu ...
04 Июл
5 façons d’étendre la jeunesse de la peau (E-News)
Aujourd’hui, nous allons discuter de ce que les cosmétiques anti-âge peuvent aider à garder la peau jeune. Il était important de choisir les bons moyens et de les appliquer correctement afin d’obtenir les résultats souhaités. Crèmes Proretinol : Proretinol stimule la formation de rétinol - vitamine A, l’un des antioxydants les plus puissants. Le ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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01 Июл
Turkey left FATF's «grey list»: what does it mean for the country? (E-News)
Turkey has been removed from the "grey list" of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) after successfully implementing an action plan to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. This decision was taken during the 6th FATF General Assembly, which took place from June 23 to 28. Vice President of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz announced this. "Thanks to the action plan we completed to prevent money ...
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