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6 июля 2024, суббота 17:36

№ 19559006

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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05 Июл
Decrease in the capitalization of Ukrainian agricultural holdings in the second quarter of 2024: causes and consequences (E-News)
In the second quarter of 2024, the capitalization of the leading Ukrainian agricultural holdings showed a significant decrease of 13.3% compared to the same period last year. Such data was published by the publication "UkrAgroConsult", corroborating them with stock exchange data and own calculations. According to the information, the total capitalization of eleven Ukrainian agricultural holdings ...
05 Июл
Schließung von FOPs in der Ukraine: Analyse des ersten Halbjahres 2024 (E-News)
Im ersten Halbjahr 2024 ist in der Ukraine ein deutlicher Anstieg der Zahl geschlossener Einzelunternehmer (FOPs) und Unternehmen zu beobachten. Laut YouControl.Market erreichte die Zahl der geschlossenen FOPs fast 92.000, das sind 54 % mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum des Jahres 2023. Auch die Zahl der geschlossenen Unternehmen stieg um 15 % – mehr als 1.500 Unternehmen stellten ihre Tätigkeit ...
05 Июл
The market for renting apartments in Kyiv continues to show an increase in prices (E-News)
The market for renting apartments in Kyiv continues to show an increase in prices. Despite the high figures in the ads, the real cost of rent is somewhat lower. According to the LUN, prices for renting housing in the capital have been steadily increasing for several months in a row. The highest rental prices are traditionally recorded in prestigious districts of the capital, such as Pecherskyi ...
04 Июл
En 2024, les affaires de Donetsk pourront recevoir un soutien financier d'un montant d'au moins 73 millions de hryvnias (E-News)
En 2024, les entreprises de la région de Donetsk pourront recevoir un soutien financier d'au moins 73 millions de hryvnias dans le cadre de la politique « Made in Ukraine ». C'est ce qu'a annoncé la ministre ukrainienne de l'Économie, Yulia Svyridenko, lors d'une visite de travail dans la région de Donetsk. Ces fonds seront utilisés pour accorder des subventions, ...
04 Июл
Kinder und Tiere: die größten Hindernisse auf dem Wohnungsmietmarkt in der Ukraine (E-News)
Unter den heutigen Bedingungen wird es für Ukrainer immer schwieriger, eine Wohnung zu mieten, insbesondere für Familien mit kleinen Kindern und Tieren. Trotz der Bereitschaft von Wohnungseigentümern, Wohnungen zu vermieten, gibt es für solche Mieter häufig strenge Auflagen oder Mieterhöhungen. Laut einer Umfrage des OLX-Immobilienmarktplatzes hängen die ...
04 Июл
Production of drones for Ukraine started in the Czech Republic: news and prospects (E-News)
In the Czech Republic, the UAC company, which is part of the Ukrainian DeViRo, announced the start of mass production of drones intended exclusively for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the press service of the "Army of Drones" initiative and the Czech publication E15, the company is going to produce reconnaissance and attack drones that will strengthen the defense capabilities of ...
03 Июл
Japan supports the reconstruction of a kindergarten in Odesa, damaged by a rocket attack (E-News)
On July 1, 2024, the Mayor of Yokohama, Takeharu Yamanako, and the Director of the UNDP Representative Office in Tokyo, Hideko Hadzialich, signed a Cooperation Agreement on the reconstruction of social infrastructure facilities in Ukraine, particularly in Odesa and nearby areas. This was reported by the Odesa City Council. The agreement envisages the joint efforts of the city of Yokohama and ...
03 Июл
Die Regierung stellte 2,4 Milliarden Griwna für die Reparatur von Straßen in den Frontregionen bereit (E-News)
Auf einer Sitzung am 2. Juli beschloss das Ministerkabinett der Ukraine, 2,4 Milliarden Griwna aus dem Reservefonds für die Wiederherstellung von Straßen in den Frontregionen bereitzustellen. Dies gab der ständige Vertreter der Regierung in der Werchowna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, bekannt. Ihm zufolge hat die Regierung zur Finanzierung dieser Initiative die Staatshaushaltsausgaben ...
03 Июл
According to the results of the annual survey, 69% of Ukrainians are satisfied with their current workplace (E-News)
According to the results of the annual study "Barometer of the quality of life", conducted by the European Business Association in cooperation with Kernel and Gradus Research, 69% of Ukrainians are satisfied with their current workplace, opportunities for self-realization and protection of workers' rights. However, income estimates of the respondents are more restrained. According to the study, ...
01 Июл
How Ukrainians save electricity: survey results and practical advice (E-News)
According to a survey conducted on the official Rakuten Viber Ukraine channel, 85% of Ukrainians have reduced their energy costs in order to support the energy system. The main areas of saving include turning off unnecessary devices, limiting the use of air conditioners and lights, as well as less use of kitchen appliances. In particular, half of the respondents (42%) indicated that they save ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Geheimnisse gesunder und junger Haut (E-News)
Wissenschaftler unterscheiden zwei Arten der Hautalterung - interne und externe. Die innere Alterung hängt mit der Vererbung zusammen, während die äußere Alterung mit Umweltfaktoren zusammenhängt. Interne AlterungDie innere oder natürliche Alterung beginnt nach 25 Jahren. Kollagen wird in der Haut langsamer produziert und Elastin verliert seine Eigenschaften, ...
How to save a figure in holidays (E-News)
Holidays bring not only joy, but also stress, long queues, traffic jams, family conflicts and overeating. Saving a piece at this time can be difficult, but it is possible if you follow a few simple recommendations. Maintain physical activityOne of the main reasons for weight gain during holidays is the lack of movement. People spend a lot of time in shopping malls and traffic jams, as well as ...
Mükemmel saç bakımı (E-News)
Saç bakımı pahalı ve karmaşık olmak zorunda değildir. Önemli olan - temel kurallara uymak ve bunları ne kadar aktif olarak uygulayacağınız, yeteneklerinize ve tercihlerinize bağlıdır. Doğru saç kesimi başarının anahtarıdırDoğru saç kesimi, herhangi bir dokunun ...
Keratin hair straightening: myths and reality (E-News)
Keratin hair straightening treatments are becoming increasingly popular, promising time saving and impressive results. Many women tired of struggling with naughty, curly, and fluffy hair have discovered keratin straightening, which has become the latest trend in hair care. Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy from Coppola, Global Keratin Complex Complex, Treatment of La Brasiliana, Brazilian ...
05 Июл
Kuru cilt ile nasıl başa çıkılır (E-News)
Kuru cilt, ciddi bir sağlık tehlikesi olmasa da, hoş olmayan ve etik olmayan olabilir. Sıkma ve soyma hissi, ince kırışıklıklar ve çatlaklar, cildin yetersiz neminin sonuçlarıdır. Bu makalede, cildin kuruluğuyla nasıl başa çıkacağınızı ve görünümünü nasıl ...
05 Июл
Programma per il ripristino della pelle e dei capelli dopo la spiaggia (E-News)
Dopo un lungo soggiorno in spiaggia, la pelle e i capelli spesso hanno bisogno di cure speciali per restituirli a un aspetto sano e idratante. L'esposizione alla luce solare, all'acqua di mare e al vento può rendere la pelle secca e ruvida e i capelli opachi e fragili. In questo articolo condivideremo con te ricette basate su prodotti naturali che aiuteranno a ripristinare la tua bellezza e ...
05 Июл
Soft and smooth heels: simple skin care secrets (E-News)
Foot care plays an important role in overall care. To maintain the health and beauty of the heels need to adhere to a few simple rules. This will require only a few simple tools: a foot and foot with camphor, a special grinding grater, and some free time. First of all, it is important to understand how not to harm the skin of the heel. You should never remove coarse skin with a razor, as this ...
05 Июл
Elveda, demetleme: sağlıklı tırnaklar için etkili araçlar ve ipuçları (E-News)
Birçok kadın tırnak diseksiyonu problemiyle karşı karşıyadır - ara sıra, neredeyse sürekli biri. Bu fenomenin nedenleri çeşitli olabilir ve kalsiyum, silikon, demir kıtlığı ve deterjanlara ve neme maruz kalmayı içerir. Sorunu çözmek için, sadece semptomları tedavi etmek değil, ...
05 Июл
Selezione di un parrucchiere: l'arte di scegliere quello giusto (E-News)
Trovare il parrucchiere perfetto può essere una vera sfida. Non perché ci siano pochi professionisti in questo campo, ma perché non tutti fanno al caso vostro. Come scegliere il proprio maestro? Prima di tutto, prestate attenzione all'aspetto. Un buon parrucchiere segue sempre il proprio stile e ha una propria calligrafia. Se il suo stile vi sembra troppo all'avanguardia o troppo ...
05 Июл
Hochzeits-Make-up: die Kunst der Schönheit (E-News)
Der August ist die traditionelle Zeit für Hochzeiten. Um an diesem besonderen Tag gut auszusehen, beginnen die Bräute schon lange vor dem Ereignis mit der Auswahl des Hochzeitsoutfits und machen sich Gedanken über Make-up und Frisur. Während die Kreation von Hochzeitsfrisuren in der Regel erfahrenen Friseuren anvertraut wird, wird das Make-up meist in Eigenregie ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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01 Июл
Finnland leistet der Ukraine weiterhin Militärhilfe: neue Initiativen (E-News)
Finnland bekräftigt seine Unterstützung für die Ukraine im Kampf gegen die russische Aggression mit der Bereitstellung eines weiteren Pakets militärischer Hilfe. Der Präsident des Landes, Alexander Stubb, beschloss, die 24. Lieferung von Verteidigungsgütern in die Ukraine zu schicken. Der Gesamtwert dieser Lieferungen wird auf rund 159 Millionen Euro ...
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