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30 июля 2024, вторник 09:46

№ 19566663

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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26 Июл
Rząd przyjął nowy stanowy standard specjalistycznego szkolnictwa średniego (E-News)
Gabinet Ministrów Ukrainy zatwierdził nowy państwowy standard kształcenia na poziomie średnim specjalistycznym, który będzie wdrażany w liceach akademickich (klasy 10-12), placówkach kształcenia zawodowego (zawodowego i technicznego), a także w szkołach zawodowych na poziomie wyższym i wyższym. edukacja specjalistyczna. Decyzja ...
25 Июл
The new curriculum Defense of Ukraine for students of grades 10-11: what it includes (E-News)
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine announced the introduction of a new model curriculum called "Defense of Ukraine" for students of grades 10-11 of secondary schools. This initiative became part of a large-scale renewal of the education system aimed at strengthening national identity and preparing young people to defend the state. The program received the "Recommended" label after ...
23 Июл
Sécurité des corridors céréaliers : ce dont Zaluzhny et le secrétaire général de l'Organisation maritime internationale ont discuté (E-News)
Zaloujny a discuté de la sécurité des couloirs céréaliers et des sanctions infligées à la Fédération de Russie avec le secrétaire général de l'Organisation maritime internationale. L'ambassadeur d'Ukraine en Grande-Bretagne, Valery Zaluzhny, a eu une réunion avec le secrétaire général de l'Organisation maritime ...
23 Июл
Stipendien für die Hochschulbildung: Neue Möglichkeiten für mehr als 20.000 Studienanfänger im Jahr 2024 (E-News)
Im Jahr 2024 können mehr als 20.000 Studienanfänger, die im Rahmen eines Vertragsstudiums an Universitäten eingeschrieben sind, finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Zuschüssen zur Finanzierung ihrer Ausbildung erhalten. Ziel dieser neuen Initiative ist es, Studierenden zu helfen, die keinen günstigen Studienplatz bekommen konnten, aber bei den nationalen ...
23 Июл
New standards of pre-medical care for the military: a step to improve medical care (E-News)
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine introduced important changes to the system of medical care for servicemen, approving four new standards for the provision of pre-medical care. These standards, developed taking into account both the Ukrainian experience and the practices of NATO countries, are aimed at improving medical care in the conditions of hostilities. The press service of the Ministry of ...
23 Июл
Le Ministère de la Défense a codifié de nouveaux échantillons d'équipements automobiles légers pour les Forces Armées : résultats du premier semestre 2024 (E-News)
Au cours des six premiers mois de 2024, le ministère de la Défense de l'Ukraine a codifié et approuvé l'exploitation dans les forces armées ukrainiennes de plus de 20 nouveaux modèles de véhicules automobiles légers spéciaux conçus pour se déplacer sur des terrains accidentés et effectuer des tâches sur l'eau. Le service de presse ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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29 Июл
The production of Bayraktar drones in Ukraine will begin full-fledged activity only after the end of the war (E-News)
The production of Bayraktar drones in Ukraine will begin its full-fledged activity only after the end of the great war with Russia. This is reported by Euronews. According to information, the Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey, Vasyl Bodnar, confirmed that the process of creating the Baykar Makina factory, which will specialize in the production of Bayraktar drones, continues. "We actively cooperate ...
29 Июл
La plateforme United24 a réalisé avec succès deux phases du projet Ukraine in LEGO Bricks (E-News)
La plateforme United24 a réalisé avec succès deux phases du projet Ukraine in LEGO Bricks, qui ont permis de récolter ensemble plus de 500 000 $ pour soutenir l'Ukraine. Ces fonds seront utilisés dans différents domaines de reconstruction et d'assistance aux victimes de la guerre. C'est ce qu'a rapporté le service de presse de United24. Dans le cadre de la ...
29 Июл
Le ministère des Finances de l'Ukraine a expliqué le refus d'augmenter la TVA (E-News)
Le ministère des Finances de l'Ukraine a clarifié les raisons du refus d'augmenter la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) afin de fournir un financement supplémentaire au secteur de la sécurité et de la défense de 500 milliards d'UAH. Au lieu de cela, il est prévu d’introduire un prélèvement militaire sur les biens qui ne sont pas essentiels. C'est ...
29 Июл
In Kyiv, power outage schedules will be moved forward by one hour (E-News)
From July 27, power outage schedules in Kyiv will be moved forward by one hour. This decision was made to evenly distribute the load on the power system. This was reported by the DTEK company. "From July 27, according to the instructions of the state company Ukrenergo, the blackout schedules are being changed 1 hour ahead. This applies to all six groups. That is, if you used to have the lights ...
26 Июл
Der Zeichentrickfilm Thoughts inside out 2 stellte einen neuen Rekord auf (E-News)
Der Animationsfilm „Inside Out 2“ stellte einen neuen Rekord auf und übertraf den bisherigen Rekordhalter „Frozen 2“ und wurde zum erfolgreichsten Animationsfilm aller Zeiten. Dies wurde von Variety berichtet. Den Informationen zufolge sammelte „Inside Out 2“ in den sechs Wochen der Veröffentlichung im Inland 601 Millionen US-Dollar und im Ausland 861 Millionen US-Dollar. Der Film ...
26 Июл
Meta is expecting a record EU antitrust fine by October (E-News)
The company Meta Platforms is preparing to receive its first antitrust fine from the European Union for the connection between the Marketplace ad service and the social network Facebook. According to information published by the Reuters agency, the fine may reach up to 10% of the company's global revenue. The European Commission is expected to make a final decision on the fine within the next ...
26 Июл
Le gouvernement a décidé d'allouer 258,4 millions de hryvnias supplémentaires pour fournir de l'eau potable à Mykolaïv et Kryvy Rih (E-News)
Le 25 juillet 2024, le Cabinet des ministres ukrainien a décidé d'allouer 258,4 millions de hryvnias supplémentaires du fonds de réserve du budget de l'État pour fournir de l'eau potable à Mykolaïv et Kryvy Rih jusqu'à la fin de l'année. Cette information provient du service de presse du ministère de l'Économie de l'Ukraine. Des fonds ...
26 Июл
The National Bank has updated its macro forecast and expects inflation to accelerate (E-News)
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has updated its macro forecast and expects inflation in the country to accelerate to 8.5% by the end of 2024. Despite the growth, inflation will remain moderate thanks to a number of measures aimed at protecting hryvnia incomes and savings of the population, as well as ensuring the stability of the foreign exchange market. In the updated macro forecast of the ...
26 Июл
The National Bank decided to keep the discount rate at 13% (E-News)
The Board of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) decided to keep the discount rate at 13%. This was announced by Andriy Pishnyi, the head of the NBU, during a press briefing on monetary policy. This decision is aimed at ensuring the stability of the foreign exchange market and achieving the inflation target of 5% over the forecast horizon. We will remind that the previous reduction of the ...
25 Июл
UE przygotowuje się do zmian w mechanizmie zamrażania rosyjskich aktywów (E-News)
Unia Europejska przygotowuje się do zmian w mechanizmie zamrożenia rosyjskich aktywów, aby zapewnić realizację planu Wielkiej Siódemki (G7) polegającego na udzieleniu Ukrainie kredytu w wysokości 50 miliardów dolarów. Stało się to znane z raportów Reutersa. Zgodnie z planem G7 do końca roku powinien zostać przyznany ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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28 Июл
Evolution of lipstick: from humble beginnings to world favorites (E-News)
The history of lipstick is rich not only in technical achievements, but also cultural transformations that led to its worldwide popularity. Today, millions of women use lipstick, but in her history there were times when she caused disapproval and doubt. In 1883, French perfumers presented lipstick at a world exhibition in Amsterdam called "stylo d'amore" ("Love Wand"). It was the first encounter ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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26 Июл
Esercizi per una colonna vertebrale sana (E-News)
Il movimento è la base della vita. Tuttavia, lo sviluppo della tecnologia e l'uso diffuso dei computer costringono le persone a muoversi meno. Gli operai sono stati sostituiti da impiegati che trascorrono lunghe ore a tavola, spesso con conseguenti problemi di salute. Seduta a lungo termine in posizione statica, soprattutto per programmatori, progettisti, costruttori e altri impiegati, Essa ...
25 Июл
Rinfrescare l'umore: esercizi mattutini contro il malessere autunnale (E-News)
L'autunno è alle porte e siete ancora alle prese con il letargo mattutino e il malumore? Non preoccupatevi, gli esercizi mattutini sono il vostro alleato affidabile in questa lotta! Ogni mattina inizia con una lotta: la sveglia, una coperta calda, eppure i vostri occhi si rifiutano di aprirsi alla luce. Non scoraggiatevi! Gli esercizi mattutini non solo sveglieranno il vostro corpo, ma vi ...
25 Июл
Au-delà de la pêche : le monde merveilleux du spinning (E-News)
Le spinning n'est pas seulement une imitation d'une course cycliste, mais aussi une véritable immersion dans un entraînement intense. Le nom de cette activité vient du mot anglais « spin », qui signifie « tourner ». Dans les cours de spinning, la sueur coule le long des rivières, les visages sont brûlants d'effort, et il n'y a pas d'élément de compétition. ...
25 Июл
Tips for learning how to dance a beautiful chestle (E-News)
Håtrl is not just a dance, but a whole world of energy, movement and music that can be made available to anyone who wants to master this art form. In this article we will cover the basic steps, strategies and tips that will help you quickly learn and enjoy hasting. 1. What is a HostL?Håtrl is a modern pair dance that was originally developed in the 1970s in the US. It is characterized ...
23 Июл
Flexibilidad y salud: el arte del estiramiento (E-News)
Cuando era niño, fui al ballet por primera vez y vi a algunos de los artistas más graciosos y soñé con ser tan flexible como ellos. Pero mi clase de educación física no me enseñó mucho amor por los deportes. Años más tarde, gracias a la popularidad de la aptitud, me interesé por la actividad física nuevamente. Así que, un día, ...
23 Июл
Guida fitness: i primi passi verso il successo (E-News)
Finalmente hai il tuo sogno diventato realtà - sei diventato un membro del prestigioso club di fitness per un anno. Forse l'hai comprato tu stesso, o l'hai ricevuto come regalo. Ma ora hai accesso a molte opportunità per il miglioramento personale: piscina, acquagym, sauna, palestra, lezioni di gruppo e altro ancora. Ma come non perdersi in questa diversità e sfruttare al meglio le ...
23 Июл
Moda taneczna: sztuka ruchu dla wszystkich (E-News)
Taniec przejął świat i stał się częścią codziennego życia. Zdolność do tańca stylów takich jak salsa, flamenco i walc stała się zjawiskiem naturalnym. Kluby nocne organizują imprezy tematyczne, a Europa Café gra muzykę country i rumbę, aby przyciągnąć odwiedzających do tańca. ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Natural masks for wrinkles: rejuvenating agents (E-News)
As the skin ages, it is especially important to pay attention to its hydration and nutrition. Instead of expensive cosmetic products, you can use effective and natural masks that will help to improve the condition of the skin and make it more elastic and youthful. Honey mask with milkHoney is a great natural moisturizer and antioxidant. For the mask, mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a ...
29 Июл
Aumento di peso: strategie e suggerimenti per raggiungere il risultato desiderato (E-News)
Televisione, radio e la stampa spesso si concentrano su come perdere peso, ma ci sono persone per le quali il problema è ottenere i chili. Fisiologia del processo Per capire cosa ti impedisce di ingrassare, è importante consultare un medico, in particolare un endocrinologo e gastroenterologo. La perdita di peso può essere causata da vari motivi: insufficiente assunzione di cibo, ...
29 Июл
Balneotherapy: the power of mineral waters (E-News)
Balneotherapy, based on the use of mineral waters, has ancient roots, known as far back as the doctors of Ancient Greece, who used sea and sulphur baths for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Modern balneotherapy, developed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, is a comprehensive approach to the treatment and restoration of the body using natural and artificially prepared ...
29 Июл
Profumo: come mantenere viva la fragranza (E-News)
Il profumo non solo annuncia la vostra presenza, ma continua a ricordarvi anche dopo la vostra partenza. Ma cosa fa durare un profumo? Naturalmente la concentrazione di sostanze aromatiche gioca un ruolo fondamentale, ma oltre a questo alcuni profumi possono durare più a lungo e sono caratterizzati da una maggiore persistenza grazie alla loro composizione. Più note “animali” e legnose ...
29 Июл
Comment une bonne alimentation devient la clé de la longévité et de la joie de vivre (E-News)
Il y a environ deux cents ans, les idées sur ce que signifiait bien manger étaient très différentes de celles d'aujourd'hui. Nous avons commencé à manger des aliments que nos ancêtres pas si lointains auraient à peine reconnus comme de la nourriture. Et certaines personnes ont pratiquement cessé de s'alimenter. Nos besoins biologiques ont-ils ...
29 Июл
Wie man einen klaren Kopf behält und im Herzen jung bleibt (E-News)
Jüngsten Studien zufolge haben etwa 70 % der Menschen Angst, im Alter ihre geistigen Fähigkeiten zu verlieren. Dies ist ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen, das oft mit dem Mythos des unvermeidlichen Gedächtnis- und kognitiven Verfalls in Verbindung gebracht wird. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse widerlegen jedoch dieses Klischee und zeigen, dass das tatsächliche Risiko für ...
29 Июл
The healing power of nature: balneotherapy and its application (E-News)
Balneotherapy, derived from the Latin word “balneum” (bath), is a branch of medicine based on the use of mineral water and mud for therapeutic purposes. This method of treatment has its roots in ancient civilizations, which is confirmed by information from the papyri of ancient Egypt and Babylon. In the era of the Roman Empire balneotherapy was not only popular, but also in demand due to its ...
28 Июл
Różowy rumieniec: sekret orzeźwiającego gatunku (E-News)
Często odmawiamy użycia różu, ale to zła decyzja! Rumieńce mogą zmiękczyć rysy twarzy i nadać skórze świeży wygląd. Ale jak zastosować róż? Prosta zasada: wsuń policzki - róż należy nałożyć na wystającą część kości policzkowej. Jeśli ...
28 Июл
Maquillaje permanente: ventajas y desventajas (E-News)
Para muchas mujeres, el maquillaje matutino es una tarea rutinaria que requiere tiempo y esfuerzo. El maquillaje permanente puede hacer esta tarea mucho más fácil. Le permite crear un efecto a largo plazo, sin la necesidad de aplicar cosméticos diariamente. Vamos a considerar con más detalle qué posibilidades ofrece el maquillaje permanente y qué pros y contras ...
28 Июл
Olio di mandorle: il segreto della bellezza e della salute (E-News)
E recentemente, ho iniziato a usare oli naturali invece di comprare lozioni e creme. Alcuni dei miei preferiti: olio di sesamo per i capelli, olio d'oliva per il massaggio del corpo, olio di cocco per la disintossicazione. Non sono solo ricchi di vitamine, ma portano anche un elemento di aromaterapia nei miei rituali di guarigione. Una delle mie ultime scoperte è l'olio di mandorle. L'olio ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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29 Июл
According to the latest survey data, the majority of Ukrainian migrants intend to return to Ukraine (E-News)
According to the latest survey data, the majority of Ukrainian migrants intend to return to Ukraine, but cannot yet decide on the exact dates of their return. These are the results of a study by the Gradus company. According to information, 64% of Ukrainian migrants who found themselves abroad recognize the difficulties of adapting to a new life and intend to return home. At the same time, the ...
29 Июл
In Charkiw wurden 48 Straßen und 3 U-Bahn-Stationen umbenannt (E-News)
In Charkiw wurden im Rahmen der Umsetzung des ukrainischen Gesetzes „Über die Verurteilung und das Verbot der Propaganda der russischen imperialen Politik in der Ukraine und die Dekolonisierung der Toponymie“ drei U-Bahn-Stationen sowie 48 Straßen, Boulevards und Gassen umbenannt. Dies teilte die regionale Militärverwaltung Charkiw (OVA) unter Berufung auf die entsprechende ...
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