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29 сентября 2024, воскресенье 19:58

№ 19553389

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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24 Сен
The growth of the number of lawyers in Ukraine: new data on the state of the profession during the war (E-News)
As of the end of August 2024, there are 53,361 active lawyers in Ukraine. Since the start of the full-scale invasion of the country, the number of new lawyers has increased by 4,370. This data is provided by the Opendatabot service, underscoring the importance of the legal profession in conditions of war. In 2020, 5,124 new lawyers were registered, while in 2024 this figure was 1,708. Despite ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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27 Сен
In Mykolajiw werden neue Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen installiert, um die Energiesicherheit der Region zu erhöhen (E-News)
Trotz der ständigen massiven Angriffe russischer Truppen auf die ukrainische Energieinfrastruktur setzt die Ukraine weiterhin aktiv Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Energiesicherheit und -stabilität um. Insbesondere werden in Mykolajiw zwei neue Blockheizkraftwerke installiert, die die Energieversorgung der Stadt deutlich stärken werden. Dies gab der ukrainische ...
27 Сен
Ukrzaliznytsia will introduce new passenger rolling stock in the fall: what to expect (E-News)
This autumn, Ukrainian passengers will be able to travel in new modern carriages, which Ukrzaliznytsia is actively preparing to enter the routes. As part of the renewal of the rolling stock in Ukraine, the construction of 66 new passenger cars is underway, which should significantly improve the quality of railway travel. As the press service of the company notes, the first of the new cars will ...
26 Сен
Saab étend sa production en Ukraine pour renforcer ses capacités de défense (E-News)
La société suédoise Saab a annoncé son intention d'implanter sa production en Ukraine afin de contribuer au développement des capacités de défense indépendantes du pays. Cette information a été annoncée par le PDG de Saab, Mikael Johansson, commentant les projets de coopération internationale de l'entreprise. Selon Johansson, il existe ...
26 Сен
Die Ukraine und Japan stehen vor wichtigen Veränderungen im Bereich der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit (E-News)
Die Ukraine und Japan stehen vor wichtigen Veränderungen im Bereich der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit und planen die Unterzeichnung eines Investitionsschutzabkommens. Dies wird ein wichtiger Schritt zur Stärkung der Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern und zur Eröffnung eines Büros der Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in der Ukraine sein. Der ...
26 Сен
Frauen stellten im Sommer 2024 einen Rekord bei der Eröffnung von FOPs auf: eine Analyse der jüngsten Trends (E-News)
Der Sommer 2024 wurde zu einem Rekord für ukrainische Frauen im Bereich Unternehmertum. Laut einer Studie von Youcontrol haben Frauen in den letzten vier Jahren die meisten Einzelunternehmen (PSOs) eröffnet. Gleichzeitig blieb die Gesamtzahl neuer FOPs niedriger als in den Vorjahren, insbesondere in den Jahren 2023 und 2021. Den Untersuchungen zufolge wurden in den Sommermonaten 2024 ...
26 Сен
Iron Women program: Ministry of Economy launches free retraining for women (E-News)
The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine announced the launch of a new educational initiative "Iron Women" aimed at free retraining of women from all over the country. The program provides an opportunity to acquire new professional skills in the field of construction machinery management. As part of this initiative, participants will be able to train as excavator operators or front loader drivers. The ...
25 Сен
New industrial park in Kalush: more than 2,000 jobs for Ivano-Frankivsk region (E-News)
In the city of Kalush, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, a new industrial park will be created in the near future, which will contribute to the development of the region and provide more than two thousand new jobs. This initiative is part of the national economic strategy aimed at supporting domestic production and attracting investment. As reported by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the ...
24 Сен
Verbrauchssteuern auf Tabak: Abgeordnete planen eine Steuererhöhung, um das Haushaltsdefizit zu bekämpfen (E-News)
Die Ukraine bereitet sich auf eine weitere Erhöhung der Verbrauchsteuern vor, diesmal auf Tabakwaren. Der Grund für diese Entscheidung ist ein enormes Haushaltsdefizit, das zusätzliche Einnahmen erfordert. Bis heute gehören die Verbrauchsteuern auf Tabakwaren in der Ukraine zu den niedrigsten in Europa und sind daher Gegenstand einer möglichen Erhöhung. Vor Kurzem ...
24 Сен
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine actively cooperates with the leaders of cloud technologies — Amazon Web Services (E-News)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine actively cooperates with one of the leaders of cloud technologies — Amazon Web Services (AWS). During a recent meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Digital Affairs with the top management of AWS, key aspects of cooperation were discussed, in particular, the development of a national cloud strategy and the introduction of innovations into ...
23 Сен
A station for sorting and processing construction waste will be opened in Mykolaiv with the support of UNDP (E-News)
On the initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a specialized station for sorting and processing construction waste will be opened in Mykolaiv. Such a project is aimed at combating the consequences of the destruction caused to the city during the war. This was reported by Shoko Noda, assistant to the UN Secretary General and director of the UNDP Crisis Office, in her interview ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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28 Сен
Combien de temps un homme peut-il rester sans intimité : caractéristiques et conséquences (E-News)
La vie sexuelle fait partie intégrante de l’existence et affecte l’état physique et émotionnel de chaque personne. Cependant, il y a des moments où un homme est obligé de se passer d'intimité. Combien de temps cela peut-il continuer sans nuire à la santé et au psychisme ? Selon les sexologues, les hommes, contrairement aux femmes, ressentent beaucoup plus ...
28 Сен
Myths about intimacy: debunking stereotypes (E-News)
Despite the modern development of science and medicine, sexual relationships are still surrounded by many myths and misconceptions that date back to ancient times. These stereotypes not only make it difficult to enjoy intimate life, but also create false expectations in partners. Let's look at the most common myths and analyze why they do not correspond to reality. Myth 1: the initiative should ...
26 Сен
Feinde eines gesunden Sexuallebens: schwarze Liste (E-News)
In der Welt der Beziehungen und des Sexuallebens gibt es viele Faktoren, die sich negativ auf die intime Harmonie auswirken können. Um Glück und Zufriedenheit in Ihrem Privatleben aufrechtzuerhalten, ist es wichtig zu wissen, welche „Feinde“ Ihre Beziehung untergraben können und was Sie dagegen tun können. Wir präsentieren Ihnen die schwarze Liste der Feinde eines ...
25 Сен
Come scegliere un partner adatto in base al temperamento sessuale (E-News)
Quando si tratta di trovare il partner perfetto, la questione della compatibilità nella vita sessuale spesso rimane in secondo piano, sebbene svolga un ruolo chiave nelle relazioni a lungo termine. Conoscere il tuo temperamento sessuale e quale temperamento è più compatibile con il tuo può aiutarti a evitare molti problemi e delusioni. Diamo un'occhiata a quali tipi di ...
25 Сен
Secrets of the French Art of Love (E-News)
French women have long earned a reputation as the best lovers in the world, and their approach to intimate life is truly unique. Their views and practices may differ from the generally accepted ones, but there is something special about it. Let's consider what rules they follow to create the perfect atmosphere of passion and romance. The first rule is natural beauty. French women prefer to leave ...
24 Сен
Tickling fetish: subtleties and secrets of pleasure (E-News)
Tickling is an unusual and intriguing manifestation of a sexual fetish, which consists of receiving pleasure or even orgasm from tickling. This trend is gradually gaining popularity and attracting more and more people who want to experience new sensations. There are several roles in this hobby: tickles are those who are tickled, ticklers are those who tickle, and switches are those who do not ...
23 Сен
Kiew führte die weltweite Anti-Bewertung der Städte mit der schlechtesten Luftqualität an: Empfehlungen für Einwohner (E-News)
Am 20. September 2024 stand Kiew aufgrund einer starken Verschlechterung der Luftqualität erneut im Rampenlicht. Den Luftüberwachungsdaten zufolge wurde in der Hauptstadt ein Anstieg der Schwebstoffkonzentration festgestellt, was auf eine hohe Verschmutzung hinweist. Nach Angaben der Plattform AQAir lag Kiew am Morgen an der Spitze der Anti-Rating-Liste der Städte mit der weltweit ...
23 Сен
Come rendere la tua vita intima più soddisfacente e memorabile (E-News)
La cultura moderna ci permette di discutere liberamente di argomenti legati alla sessualità, e questo aiuta sicuramente a migliorare la nostra comprensione della sfera intima. Un aspetto importante in ogni relazione è l’armonia nella vita sessuale, che gioca un ruolo chiave nella costruzione di una relazione forte e sana. Pertanto, sapere cosa può piacere o, al contrario, irritare ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Metodi efficaci per combattere la cellulite (E-News)
La cellulite è un fenomeno naturale caratteristico del corpo femminile, associato all'accumulo di tessuto adiposo. Si forma in seguito all'ingrossamento dei lobi di grasso che si raccolgono nei tessuti sottocutanei, creando l'aspetto di una pelle grumosa. Questa condizione può peggiorare e diventare dolorosa se non si adottano misure di prevenzione. Per combattere efficacemente la ...
Effektive Möglichkeiten zum Abnehmen: verschiedene Fastentage (E-News)
Wenn Sie bemerken, dass Ihre Kleidung enger geworden ist, sollten Sie Ihre Garderobe nicht überstürzen. Versuchen Sie stattdessen, Fastentage selbst zu organisieren. Sie helfen Ihnen, zusätzliche Pfunde loszuwerden und in Form zu bleiben. 1. Apfelfastentag Eine der beliebtesten Optionen für Fastentage ist Apfel. Es ist einfach und effektiv. Tagsüber müssen Sie nur ...
How to get slim: effective ways to get rid of belly fat (E-News)
Every woman wants to look attractive, especially in the summer season, when there are so many slim girls in swimsuits on the beaches. I wanted to get back into shape and get rid of belly fat after a vacation in Greece, when I noticed that my husband was increasingly paying attention to slim girls by the pool. Remembering my younger years, I realized that I needed to act. So I found a technique ...
Dimagrimento dolce: diete per chi non sa rinunciare ai dolci (E-News)
Con l'inizio della stagione calda, molte donne iniziano a pensare a come mettere rapidamente in ordine la propria figura. Tuttavia, uno dei principali ostacoli alla dimagrimento è l’amore per i dolci. La buona notizia è che esistono diete che ti permettono di perdere peso senza rinunciare ai tuoi dolcetti preferiti. Diamo un'occhiata ad alcune opzioni popolari. 1. Dieta del cioccolato: ...
Geheimnisse einer schlanken Figur: einfache Schritte zum Erfolg (E-News)
Träumen Sie von einer schlanken Figur? Diese Regeln helfen Ihnen nicht nur, Ihren Appetit zu kontrollieren, sondern sich auch gesunde Gewohnheiten anzueignen, die Sie das ganze Jahr über in Form halten. 1. Essen Sie pünktlich und mit Bedacht Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte zur Erhaltung einer Figur ist die richtige Ernährung über den Tag verteilt. Wenn Sie den ganzen Tag ...
Quick Beauty: Secrets of Instant Transformation (E-News)
Every woman knows how much time and effort it takes to maintain beauty. But in the modern world, where every minute counts, you want to find ways to look flawless without long preparations. How to achieve the perfect look if you have very little time? Here are some quick and effective solutions that will help you always look your best. 1. Perfect skin in minutes BB creams, originally from ...
28 Сен
L'intimità è in pericolo: i principali nemici delle relazioni armoniose (E-News)
Le relazioni sessuali sono una parte importante della vita di ogni persona, ma seri ostacoli possono ostacolarli. Innanzitutto i problemi di salute possono diventare i principali nemici dell’armonia sessuale. Il fumo, l'obesità e la mancanza di esercizio fisico non solo peggiorano la salute generale del corpo, ma influenzano direttamente anche la funzione sessuale. Il fumo, sia attivo che ...
28 Сен
Come liberarsi della timidezza nella vita intima (E-News)
Molte donne affrontano il problema dell'insoddisfazione nella vita intima, ma non tutte osano parlarne apertamente. Spesso nascondiamo la nostra delusione, fingendo che tutto vada bene, anche se in realtà dentro di noi accumuliamo un sentimento di insoddisfazione. Da dove nasce questo problema e come possiamo affrontarlo? la natura della timidezza femminileIl sentimento di timidezza, che a ...
27 Сен
Come usare correttamente i farmaci ed evitare rischi (E-News)
Il mondo di oggi è pieno di farmaci e talvolta è difficile capire cosa può davvero aiutare e cosa può nuocere. Nelle farmacie ci rivolgiamo spesso ai farmacisti per chiedere aiuto e consigli. Tuttavia, nonostante i consigli qualificati, è importante ricordare che anche i farmaci a prima vista più innocui possono essere dannosi per la salute se usati in modo ...
27 Сен
How to Make Hair Smooth and Silky with a Hair Wrap (E-News)
Hair wrapping is a popular procedure that allows you to make your hair smooth and silky. Many people think that it is only suitable for coarse hair, but in fact, it can be used for any type. This process takes only a few minutes, and the effect lasts a long time, leaving your hair well-groomed and soft. In this article, we will tell you how to properly wrap your hair at home. The first step is ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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25 Сен
The government of the Netherlands announced a new package of financial assistance to Ukraine (E-News)
The government of the Netherlands announced a new package of financial assistance to Ukraine, amounting to 209.5 million euros. These funds will be directed to the restoration of the country's critical infrastructure, as well as humanitarian aid. This information was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Caspar Veldkamp. In particular, part of the funding in the amount ...
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