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29 сентября 2024, воскресенье 09:11

№ 19556335

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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24 Сен
Le gouvernement ukrainien a adopté une ordonnance approuvant un plan de mesures visant à restaurer le système éducatif dans les territoires désoccupés (E-News)
Le 20 septembre, le Cabinet des ministres de l'Ukraine a adopté un décret approuvant un plan de mesures visant à restaurer le système éducatif dans les territoires désoccupés (DOT) pour 2024-2027. Cette étape importante a été annoncée par le ministère de la Réintégration des territoires temporairement occupés. Les ...
24 Сен
The growth of the number of lawyers in Ukraine: new data on the state of the profession during the war (E-News)
As of the end of August 2024, there are 53,361 active lawyers in Ukraine. Since the start of the full-scale invasion of the country, the number of new lawyers has increased by 4,370. This data is provided by the Opendatabot service, underscoring the importance of the legal profession in conditions of war. In 2020, 5,124 new lawyers were registered, while in 2024 this figure was 1,708. Despite ...
24 Сен
La région de Zaporizhzhia a conclu un accord de coopération avec l'État américain de Pennsylvanie : une nouvelle étape du partenariat (E-News)
Dans le cadre d'une visite officielle aux États-Unis, le chef de l'administration militaire régionale de Zaporizhia, Ivan Fedorov, et le gouverneur de l'État de Pennsylvanie, Josh Shapiro, ont signé un important accord de coopération entre la région ukrainienne et l'État américain. Cet événement s'est déroulé en présence du ...
23 Сен
Zelensky a signé une loi prévoyant une augmentation des dépenses budgétaires pour les besoins militaires (E-News)
Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelenskyy a signé une loi qui prévoit une augmentation des dépenses budgétaires destinées aux besoins militaires de 500 milliards de hryvnias. Cette décision est devenue une étape importante dans le maintien de la capacité de défense du pays dans des conditions de guerre. Selon les informations publiées sur ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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27 Сен
Ukrzaliznytsia will introduce new passenger rolling stock in the fall: what to expect (E-News)
This autumn, Ukrainian passengers will be able to travel in new modern carriages, which Ukrzaliznytsia is actively preparing to enter the routes. As part of the renewal of the rolling stock in Ukraine, the construction of 66 new passenger cars is underway, which should significantly improve the quality of railway travel. As the press service of the company notes, the first of the new cars will ...
26 Сен
Saab étend sa production en Ukraine pour renforcer ses capacités de défense (E-News)
La société suédoise Saab a annoncé son intention d'implanter sa production en Ukraine afin de contribuer au développement des capacités de défense indépendantes du pays. Cette information a été annoncée par le PDG de Saab, Mikael Johansson, commentant les projets de coopération internationale de l'entreprise. Selon Johansson, il existe ...
26 Сен
Railway transportation between Ukraine and the EU may soon increase significantly (E-News)
Railway transportation between Ukraine and the European Union may soon increase significantly. One of the main priorities for "Ukrzaliznytsia" (UZ) is the establishment of transportation through Hungary, as confirmed by the company's press service. To implement this initiative, UZ's subsidiary, UZ Cargo Poland, concluded an agreement with Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. regarding cooperation, which ...
26 Сен
Boom na kredyty hipoteczne na Ukrainie: w lipcu banki udzieliły kredytów o wartości ponad 1,2 miliarda hrywien (E-News)
W lipcu 2024 roku ukraińskie banki znacząco zwiększyły wolumen akcji kredytów hipotecznych, przeznaczając 694 kredyty na kwotę ponad 1,2 mld UAH. Do procesu przyłączyło się 11 banków, a zdecydowana większość nowych kredytów była przeznaczona na zakup mieszkań na rynku wtórnym ...
26 Сен
Iron Women program: Ministry of Economy launches free retraining for women (E-News)
The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine announced the launch of a new educational initiative "Iron Women" aimed at free retraining of women from all over the country. The program provides an opportunity to acquire new professional skills in the field of construction machinery management. As part of this initiative, participants will be able to train as excavator operators or front loader drivers. The ...
25 Сен
Le salaire minimum en Ukraine restera au niveau de 8 000 hryvnias en 2025 (E-News)
Le ministre ukrainien des Finances, Serhii Marchenko, a annoncé qu'en 2025, le salaire minimum resterait au niveau de 8 000 hryvnias, établi en 2024. Cette information a été annoncée lors d'un briefing au cours duquel les normes sociales et les conditions économiques du pays ont été discutées. En 2024, le salaire minimum a été augmenté ...
25 Сен
Kiev renouvelle le parc du métro : 50 millions d'euros pour le remplacement des voitures russes (E-News)
Le 24 septembre 2024, à Luxembourg, la ville de Kiev a signé un accord de prêt avec la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI) d'un montant de 50 millions d'euros. L’objectif de cet accord est de remplacer les voitures obsolètes du métro russe par du matériel roulant moderne. C'est ce qu'a rapporté le service de presse de l'Administration d'État de la ...
25 Сен
New industrial park in Kalush: more than 2,000 jobs for Ivano-Frankivsk region (E-News)
In the city of Kalush, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, a new industrial park will be created in the near future, which will contribute to the development of the region and provide more than two thousand new jobs. This initiative is part of the national economic strategy aimed at supporting domestic production and attracting investment. As reported by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the ...
24 Сен
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine actively cooperates with the leaders of cloud technologies — Amazon Web Services (E-News)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine actively cooperates with one of the leaders of cloud technologies — Amazon Web Services (AWS). During a recent meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Digital Affairs with the top management of AWS, key aspects of cooperation were discussed, in particular, the development of a national cloud strategy and the introduction of innovations into ...
23 Сен
A station for sorting and processing construction waste will be opened in Mykolaiv with the support of UNDP (E-News)
On the initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a specialized station for sorting and processing construction waste will be opened in Mykolaiv. Such a project is aimed at combating the consequences of the destruction caused to the city during the war. This was reported by Shoko Noda, assistant to the UN Secretary General and director of the UNDP Crisis Office, in her interview ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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28 Сен
Combien de temps un homme peut-il rester sans intimité : caractéristiques et conséquences (E-News)
La vie sexuelle fait partie intégrante de l’existence et affecte l’état physique et émotionnel de chaque personne. Cependant, il y a des moments où un homme est obligé de se passer d'intimité. Combien de temps cela peut-il continuer sans nuire à la santé et au psychisme ? Selon les sexologues, les hommes, contrairement aux femmes, ressentent beaucoup plus ...
28 Сен
Myths about intimacy: debunking stereotypes (E-News)
Despite the modern development of science and medicine, sexual relationships are still surrounded by many myths and misconceptions that date back to ancient times. These stereotypes not only make it difficult to enjoy intimate life, but also create false expectations in partners. Let's look at the most common myths and analyze why they do not correspond to reality. Myth 1: the initiative should ...
25 Сен
Come scegliere un partner adatto in base al temperamento sessuale (E-News)
Quando si tratta di trovare il partner perfetto, la questione della compatibilità nella vita sessuale spesso rimane in secondo piano, sebbene svolga un ruolo chiave nelle relazioni a lungo termine. Conoscere il tuo temperamento sessuale e quale temperamento è più compatibile con il tuo può aiutarti a evitare molti problemi e delusioni. Diamo un'occhiata a quali tipi di ...
25 Сен
Secrets of the French Art of Love (E-News)
French women have long earned a reputation as the best lovers in the world, and their approach to intimate life is truly unique. Their views and practices may differ from the generally accepted ones, but there is something special about it. Let's consider what rules they follow to create the perfect atmosphere of passion and romance. The first rule is natural beauty. French women prefer to leave ...
25 Сен
Qué es un orgasmo normal: destruyendo mitos (E-News)
En el pasado, el orgasmo se consideraba a menudo indecente y los hombres no hacían grandes esfuerzos para llevar a sus parejas a este punto. Sin embargo, las investigaciones modernas muestran que los orgasmos regulares tienen un impacto positivo en la salud de la mujer, ayudando a reducir los niveles de estrés y mejorar el bienestar general. Sin embargo, existen muchos mitos en torno al ...
24 Сен
Tickling fetish: subtleties and secrets of pleasure (E-News)
Tickling is an unusual and intriguing manifestation of a sexual fetish, which consists of receiving pleasure or even orgasm from tickling. This trend is gradually gaining popularity and attracting more and more people who want to experience new sensations. There are several roles in this hobby: tickles are those who are tickled, ticklers are those who tickle, and switches are those who do not ...
23 Сен
Come rendere la tua vita intima più soddisfacente e memorabile (E-News)
La cultura moderna ci permette di discutere liberamente di argomenti legati alla sessualità, e questo aiuta sicuramente a migliorare la nostra comprensione della sfera intima. Un aspetto importante in ogni relazione è l’armonia nella vita sessuale, che gioca un ruolo chiave nella costruzione di una relazione forte e sana. Pertanto, sapere cosa può piacere o, al contrario, irritare ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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23 Сен
Pole-dance: art on the verge of fitness and dance (E-News)
Pole-dance, known to many as pole dancing, often evokes stereotypical associations with club culture and entertainment venues. However, for those who decided to look at this trend from a different angle, pole-dance reveals itself as a complex, but incredibly exciting activity that combines elements of fitness, acrobatics and dance art. the beginning of the journey: overcoming fear and ...
22 Сен
How to achieve a flat tummy: modern methods and procedures (E-News)
The dream of a flat belly often seems unattainable, especially when even strict diets and intensive training do not bring the desired results. However, modern cosmetology offers new methods that can help in the fight against stubborn fat deposits in the abdominal area. In this article, we will look at effective ways to achieve a flat and taut tummy that will help you achieve results without the ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Quick Beauty: Secrets of Instant Transformation (E-News)
Every woman knows how much time and effort it takes to maintain beauty. But in the modern world, where every minute counts, you want to find ways to look flawless without long preparations. How to achieve the perfect look if you have very little time? Here are some quick and effective solutions that will help you always look your best. 1. Perfect skin in minutes BB creams, originally from ...
28 Сен
Cómo proponerle matrimonio para que lo recuerde por el resto de su vida (E-News)
La tradición de proponer matrimonio con un anillo tiene una larga historia, que se remonta a finales del siglo XV. Luego, el duque austríaco Maximiliano le envió a su novia, la hija del rey francés María de Borgoña, un anillo con un enorme diamante para proponerle matrimonio. Desde entonces, proponer matrimonio con un anillo de compromiso se ha convertido en un ...
28 Сен
Comment se protéger de la méchanceté dans une relation ? (E-News)
Chaque homme a rencontré au moins une fois dans sa vie une femme dont la méchanceté pourrait ruiner toute relation. Il est important de comprendre que chaque femme possède une petite part de méchanceté, mais si vous n'en reconnaissez pas les manifestations à temps et ne fixez pas de limites, la relation peut devenir une véritable épreuve. Comment ...
27 Сен
Cómo elegir el labial perfecto para cualquier ocasión (E-News)
Elegir el lápiz labial es una tarea importante para toda mujer que quiere lucir elegante y atractiva en cualquier situación. El lápiz labial adecuado no sólo puede realzar la belleza de tus labios, sino también brindarles protección y cuidado. Pero, ¿cómo no equivocarse a la hora de elegir y encontrar el producto perfecto? Después de todo, el color por ...
27 Сен
Come usare correttamente i farmaci ed evitare rischi (E-News)
Il mondo di oggi è pieno di farmaci e talvolta è difficile capire cosa può davvero aiutare e cosa può nuocere. Nelle farmacie ci rivolgiamo spesso ai farmacisti per chiedere aiuto e consigli. Tuttavia, nonostante i consigli qualificati, è importante ricordare che anche i farmaci a prima vista più innocui possono essere dannosi per la salute se usati in modo ...
27 Сен
How to Make Hair Smooth and Silky with a Hair Wrap (E-News)
Hair wrapping is a popular procedure that allows you to make your hair smooth and silky. Many people think that it is only suitable for coarse hair, but in fact, it can be used for any type. This process takes only a few minutes, and the effect lasts a long time, leaving your hair well-groomed and soft. In this article, we will tell you how to properly wrap your hair at home. The first step is ...
27 Сен
Come determinare il tipo di pelle per una cura adeguata (E-News)
La giusta scelta di cosmetici e prodotti per la cura della pelle dipende in gran parte da quanto correttamente determini il tuo tipo di pelle. Anche la crema più costosa non porterà benefici se non corrisponde alle caratteristiche della tua pelle. Pertanto, è importante iniziare con la sua definizione, quindi selezionare i prodotti che aiuteranno a mantenerne la salute e la ...
27 Сен
Causes of Pain During Intercourse and How to Eliminate Them (E-News)
Pain during intercourse is a problem that many women face, and its causes can be varied. It is important to understand that if you experience discomfort or pain during sex, this should not be a common occurrence, and it is worth paying attention to the possible causes and ways to eliminate them. The first cause of pain is defloration. Fear of the first intimacy can cause tension in all the ...
26 Сен
Oznaki męskiej niewierności: jak rozpoznać zdradę (E-News)
Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości co do wierności swojego partnera, jest kilka kluczowych oznak, na które należy zwrócić uwagę, a które mogą wskazywać na zdradę. Objawy te mogą objawiać się na różne sposoby i zazwyczaj są oznaką, że Twój długoterminowy partner może mieć ...
26 Сен
Cómo lograr la armonía en las relaciones íntimas (E-News)
La armonía en la vida sexual de la pareja es la clave para una relación larga y sólida. Sin embargo, lograrlo no siempre es fácil, ya que las preferencias y sensaciones sexuales pueden variar de persona a persona. El período de conocimiento y cortejo ayuda a la pareja a entenderse mejor, desde la apariencia hasta el tacto. Es importante no perderse este momento de ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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27 Сен
La Grande-Bretagne a introduit de nouvelles sanctions contre le secteur gazier russe (E-News)
Le 26 septembre, le gouvernement britannique a annoncé l'introduction de nouvelles sanctions contre un certain nombre de navires et d'entreprises associés au transport de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) russe. Cinq navires et deux entreprises participant au projet « Arctic LNG 2 » étaient soumis à ces restrictions. De telles mesures visent à affaiblir la position de ...
25 Сен
The government of the Netherlands announced a new package of financial assistance to Ukraine (E-News)
The government of the Netherlands announced a new package of financial assistance to Ukraine, amounting to 209.5 million euros. These funds will be directed to the restoration of the country's critical infrastructure, as well as humanitarian aid. This information was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Caspar Veldkamp. In particular, part of the funding in the amount ...
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