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4 октября 2024, пятница 20:54

№ 19565245

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Germany introduces changes to social benefits: what citizens should expect (E-News)
Germany's Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has announced new measures planned to be implemented as part of the Growth Initiative. These initiatives are aimed at improving the labor market in the country, increasing its competitiveness and strengthening social cohesion. Relevant information is posted on the official website of the ministry. The main goal of the initiative is to create ...
Der Staat investiert 216 Millionen Griwna in die Entwicklung von Industrieparks: neue Chancen für die ukrainische Industrie (E-News)
Vier Industrieparks in der Ukraine erhielten im Rahmen des Staatsprogramms „Made in Ukraine“ finanzielle Unterstützung in Höhe von 216,1 Millionen Griwna. Ziel dieser Investitionen ist der Aufbau und die Modernisierung der Infrastruktur, wodurch günstige Bedingungen für die Anziehung von Investoren und den Ausbau der Produktionskapazitäten in den Regionen geschaffen ...
02 Окт
Im August 2024 ging das Exportvolumen von IT-Dienstleistungen aus der Ukraine um 7 % zurück (E-News)
Im August 2024 ging das Exportvolumen von IT-Dienstleistungen aus der Ukraine um 7 % zurück, was in Geld ausgedrückt 38 ​​Millionen Dollar entspricht. Die Gesamtexporte erreichten 507 Millionen US-Dollar, den niedrigsten Wert seit dem Ausbruch des Krieges. Diese Informationen wurden vom IT-Cluster Lemberg veröffentlicht. Darüber hinaus wird darauf hingewiesen, ...
02 Окт
Zum ersten Mal seit 133 Jahren hat Philips eine Frau in eine Schlüsselposition im Management berufen (E-News)
Das 1891 gegründete Unternehmen Royal Philips hat zum ersten Mal in seiner 133-jährigen Geschichte eine Frau zur CFO ernannt. Charlotte Hannemann, die über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Medizintechnik und Pharmazie verfügt, ist dem Vorstand von Philips beigetreten und tritt die Nachfolge von Abhijit Bhattacharya an, der diese Position seit 2015 innehat. Das berichtet ...
01 Окт
International insurance Green card: innovation from 2025 (E-News)
From 2025, there will be changes in the conditions of international insurance for Ukrainian drivers, which will affect the process of obtaining Green Card insurance policies. This became known according to the notification of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBU). Starting from 2025, insurance companies in Ukraine will have the opportunity to independently set the amount of ...
30 Сен
The government made an important decision regarding the creation of a drug verification system (E-News)
The Government of Ukraine has made an important decision regarding the creation of a drug verification system using 2D coding that meets European standards. This initiative is aimed at improving the quality of medical drugs and combating their falsification. This was reported by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Implementation of the new system will be voluntary from ...
30 Сен
Ukrainische internationale Fahrer sollten den Code 95 erhalten: So erhalten Sie eine Ausbildung (E-News)
Ab Juni 2024 wurde in der Ukraine das Lizenzierungsverfahren für Fahrer im internationalen Güter- und Personentransport aktualisiert. Nach den neuen Regeln muss jeder Fahrer, der auf internationalen Strecken tätig ist, eine spezielle Schulung absolvieren, um einen „Code 95“ zu erhalten, der seine berufliche Eignung bestätigt. Diese Anforderung entspricht den Standards der ...
30 Сен
Ukraine introduces e-residency for foreign entrepreneurs: a new digital way to business (E-News)
Ukraine launched an innovative project called uResidency aimed at opening a business for foreign entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world. This digital service, announced by the Ministry of Digital Transformation, was created to simplify procedures and facilitate business management in Ukraine. Mykhailo Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Affairs, noted that uResidency allows foreigners to ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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03 Окт
Modern methods of artificial insemination (E-News)
Today, the possibilities of medicine allow us to successfully solve the problem of infertility thanks to modern methods of artificial insemination. Even in cases where a woman faces serious difficulties, such as non-functioning ovaries, there are effective methods that help her become a mother. It is important to understand that each of these solutions has its own characteristics and is suitable ...
03 Окт
How to change the space of an apartment: is it worth considering redevelopment (E-News)
Each of us dreams of an apartment that has enough space for comfortable living. The ideal home includes spacious rooms, enough storage space and, of course, convenient bathrooms. However, when the standard layout is not satisfactory, especially in rooms such as the bathroom and toilet, you may want to make changes. One solution may be to redevelop the apartment, which will significantly improve ...
02 Окт
Kyiv's Trukhaniv and Venetsiansky islands have received full protection status (E-News)
In September of this year, the Supreme Court of Ukraine confirmed the cancellation of the establishment of water protection zones and coastal protective strips up to 100 meters on the islands of Trukhaniv and Venetsianskyi in the city of Kyiv. This decision, which has already been implemented, was duly supported by the Commercial Court of Kyiv and the Northern Commercial Court of Appeal, ...
28 Сен
Myths about intimacy: debunking stereotypes (E-News)
Despite the modern development of science and medicine, sexual relationships are still surrounded by many myths and misconceptions that date back to ancient times. These stereotypes not only make it difficult to enjoy intimate life, but also create false expectations in partners. Let's look at the most common myths and analyze why they do not correspond to reality. Myth 1: the initiative should ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Komplexe und Ängste hinter der Maske der Hypersexualität (E-News)
In der modernen Gesellschaft trifft man zunehmend auf Menschen, die regelmäßig den Sexualpartner wechseln, was als „Sexsucht“ bezeichnet wird. Dieses Phänomen wird oft als pathologisch angesehen und viele fragen sich, was wirklich hinter diesem Verhalten steckt. Die Antwort auf diese Frage liegt weniger in physiologischen als vielmehr in psychologischen Aspekten, denn Sexsucht ist ...
What attracts men to naturalness in women (E-News)
Many women strive to achieve ideal standards of beauty, but men often value completely different qualities. It turns out that for most men, naturalness and slight plumpness seem more attractive than ideal forms. Let's consider what exactly attracts men to women. The first thing that men like is a small tummy. Women strive for a fit figure, but men find the softness and comfort of the female body ...
Come fare uno scrub naturale per la pelle in casa (E-News)
Il caffè non è solo la nostra bevanda mattutina preferita, ma anche un prodotto versatile per la cura della pelle. La sua consistenza e la sua composizione sono perfette per creare uno scrub che aiuti a mantenere la pelle in ottime condizioni. Grazie ai chicchi di caffè, è possibile ottenere una pulizia e un'idratazione della pelle delicate ma efficaci. In questo articolo ...
Common mistakes in bed: how to avoid misunderstandings in a relationship (E-News)
Sometimes in a relationship there are difficulties related to the intimate side of life. The difference between expectations and reality can lead to dissatisfaction and even conflicts. However, instead of looking for compromises and solutions, many couples start blaming each other for impotence, frigidity or inexperience. In this article, we will discuss common female mistakes that can repel a ...
03 Окт
Come allungare la vita: consigli efficaci per la longevità (E-News)
È possibile allungare la vita e mantenersi in salute per gli anni a venire seguendo alcuni principi chiave di una vita sana. Questi consigli vi aiuteranno a migliorare la qualità della vostra vita e ad allungare i vostri anni. Il primo aspetto, uno dei più importanti, è la protezione del DNA. Con l'invecchiamento, le estremità dei cromosomi, note come telomeri, si ...
03 Окт
Merkmale einer Beziehung mit einem Mann, der älter ist als Sie (E-News)
Beziehungen, in denen der Mann älter ist als die Frau, werden in der modernen Gesellschaft immer häufiger. Diese Kombination zieht oft junge Frauen an, die bei einem Partner Stärke, Verlässlichkeit und Lebenserfahrung suchen. Bevor Sie sich jedoch auf eine Beziehung mit einem Mann einlassen, der viel älter ist als Sie, ist es wichtig, alle Aspekte einer solchen Verbindung ...
03 Окт
Perché le persone sono attratte dal tradimento? (E-News)
Quando le relazioni familiari diventano routine, molte persone possono pensare di avere una relazione. Cosa dovresti fare se questi pensieri cominciano a venirti in mente? L'estate è un periodo in cui l'attività sessuale delle donne aumenta e sembra che il tradimento possa essere un modo semplice per riportare il brivido. Ma vale la pena farlo? Per molte donne, il tradimento è una ...
03 Окт
So erkennen Sie die richtigen Momente für die Intimität mit Ihrem Partner (E-News)
Das Problem der Intimität in einer Beziehung führt häufig zu Missverständnissen zwischen Partnern. Männer beschweren sich möglicherweise darüber, dass ihre Partner nicht immer bereit für Intimität sind, was frustrierend sein kann. Es gibt jedoch Situationen, in denen eine Frau wahrscheinlich Sex verweigert. Die Kenntnis dieser Punkte kann dazu ...
02 Окт
Męska intymność: ciekawe fakty (E-News)
Intymność między partnerami to nie tylko interakcja fizyczna, ale także wiele interesujących aspektów, z których wielu może nie być świadomych. Być może niektóre z poniższych faktów będą dla Ciebie prawdziwym odkryciem!Podczas stosunku mężczyzna spala średnio 100-150 kalorii. To może nie ...
02 Окт
Psychological preparation for childbirth: how to tune in to an important event (E-News)
The long-awaited moment when you meet your baby will soon arrive. However, before enjoying these touching moments, you will have to go through an important test - childbirth. How you prepare for this event can significantly affect your well-being and the health of the child. In the last weeks before childbirth, it is worth paying special attention to several key aspects. Choosing a maternity ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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Ukraine auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse (E-News)
Vom 16. bis 20. Oktober 2024 nimmt die Ukraine an der Frankfurter Buchmesse teil, die zu den bedeutendsten Veranstaltungen der Buchbranche weltweit zählt. Das Ministerium für Kultur und strategische Kommunikation (MCSC) kündigt die aktive Teilnahme ukrainischer Autoren, Übersetzer, Journalisten und Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens an internationalen ...
03 Окт
Forecasts regarding the return of Ukrainian refugees: up to 3.3 million may remain abroad (E-News)
As of January 2024, 52.5% of Ukrainians who were forced to leave the country due to the war expressed their intention to return. However, according to the Center for Economic Strategy, the actual number of people who may not return varies between 1.3 and 3.3 million. These figures reflect the difficult situation in which Ukrainians found themselves due to the long military conflict. This ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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Luxembourg joined the international coalition of drones: What does this mean for Ukraine? (E-News)
Luxembourg has become the 17th country to join the international drone coalition, and this means new opportunities for Ukrainian manufacturers in unmanned aviation. This was announced by the Ministry of Defense, confirming Luxembourg's interest in joint development initiatives. Kateryna Chernogorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digitalization, emphasized that the main goal of the ...
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